Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Deplorables Vs. Demons, Male Vs. Female, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, Dog Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon, Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy, Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic, Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal, You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...
Yes, it's time once again for 'Battle Of The Bands' ('BOTB').
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
Depending upon the outcome of this upcoming presidential election, this may be the last time you ever find me in a good mood. I've had this fun BOTB idea in mind for awhile, and I figure I better do it NOW while I'm still relatively happy. Also while I'm still alive. Because if Illary Killary is elected, I'll wind up on her Kill List sooner than later.

This BOTB installment is a tribute to my buddy SHEBOYGANBOY SIX. SBB-6 is not a blogger but you've undoubtedly seen his comments on my blogs. He's been a loyal BOTB voter from the beginning and he may have even occasionally voted on some of your Battles as well.

I "met" SHEBOYGANBOY SIX the same place where I "met" Arlee Bird: an online music discussion thread in March of 2008. Damn! 8 years ago?! Time flies when you're having Rum.

Over the years I came to find that SBB-6 is a very clever, educated, intelligent, generous dude with a passion for music. He used to be a newspaperman -- as in the OWNER of the newspaper -- and he has paid me some of the best compliments my writing has ever received! (Thanks again, SBB-6!)

What's ironically funny (at least to me -- I don't think SBB-6 enjoys it quite as much) is the fact that although we met in a music discussion forum and he's a BOTB fan, other than Jazz and Tom Petty, SBB-6's musical tastes and mine are nearly polar opposites. Sometimes that really bothers my friend, and when it does, I remind him, "We'll always have Paris Petty."
Hang around me long enough and most likely you'll eventually acquire a nickname. So how did "Sheboyganboy Six" come about? It's a combination of two things, really, and me being me, I'll tell you the second one first:

Somehow, not too long after we first encountered each other, SBB-6 and I discovered that we both shared an interest in the old 1960s, British TV spy series 'THE PRISONER'

For a short time in 1994, I worked in a movie rental shop in Los Angeles, and I found most of the 17 'PRISONER' episodes on one of our store shelves. I'd never heard of it, but I took the pilot episode home one night and got sucked in faster'n you can say, "Dust bunny versus a Hoover vacuum cleaner." 

Patrick McGoohan played Prisoner #6, a British former secret agent who is abducted and held prisoner in a mysterious coastal village resort, where his captors try to find out why he abruptly resigned from his job. A major theme of the series is Individualism versus Collectivism. This pro-Individualism / anti-Collectivism viewpoint, SBB-6 and I share, and we are equally passionate about it. (No, Virginia, it DOESN'T take a village!) This theme is illustrated by the show's catchphrase, "I am NOT a number! I am a FREE MAN!" 

[Politically, SBB-6 and I are staunch Constitutionalists, meaning we're neither Dumb-O-Crat nor Repugnantcan. Just call us Thomas Jefferson and George Mason.]

I watched all the episodes of 'The Prisoner', eager to find out how they were going to wrap the series up. (Who was #1? Why did #6 quit? What astounding information had #6 been holding back all this time?) To me, the final episode was a massive letdown. There's not enough LSD and Peyote in the world to make me embrace it. SBB-6, however, was not put off by the ending like I was and he remains the show's bigger fan. But that's how he got the "Six", and why I occasionally remind him in comment sections that he is "Not a number, but a free man".


Here's a pretty funny spoof of the opening for 'The Prisoner'

Now for the Sheboyganboy part. Well, for one thing, I like to tack the word "boy" on to things. I got that from the show 'Frasier' ("Winnebago-Boy", "Shorts-In-The-Shower-Boy") and from the "Wallet-Boy" episode of 'Get A Life', starring Chris Elliott, the son of comedian Bob Elliott, which brings us to...

[SBB-6, how'd you like THAT segue?]

... It was SBB-6 who turned me on to the comedy duo of BOB & RAY (Bob Elliott & Ray Goulding). When my buddy acquired their comedy skits on compact disc, he sent me all of his old tape cassette versions. I'd never heard of BOB & RAY before, but I instantly fell in love with them (as did my brother, Nappy). They were flat-out comedic geniuses with imaginations off-the-charts!

When I was a little kid, my Pa and I used to record on audio tape these silly comedy skits that my Pa would direct. Like BOB & RAY, we'd even pretend to have these ridiculous corporate sponsors. Although I can't recall my Pa ever mentioning BOB & RAY, I gotta believe he got the idea for our skits from those comedic geniuses. I sent one of our tapes to SBB-6 once and he sent it back accompanied by a CD version which he'd burned for me, complete with a cool cover illustration of Pa and I posing on either side of a CBS microphone. My Pa would have graded that an "R" (one step above A+).

In that particular skit (about Little League Baseball) my name was Rupert Van Oslow. And that's why SBB-6 sometimes refers to me as "Rupert".

Some of SBB-6's favorite skits (and mine, too) are the Webley Webster book reviews, which somehow always morph into pirate stories:


Here's BOB & RAY with Johnny Carson...


My introduction to BOB & RAY, courtesy of SBB-6, has really been a source of enjoyment in my life. I can't thank 6 enough. 

It just so happens that the theme song for the BOB & RAY radio show was a 1947 Vaudeville-like novelty tune titled 'MENTION MY NAME IN SHEBOYGAN'. And that's how the "Sheboyganboy" bit came about. Now, see if you can guess what today's Battle Of The Bands song is.

I believe the original recording of this song was by Beatrice Kay. Let the Battle begin...

Mention My Name In Sheboygan -- Beatrice Kay

And now comes a version by The Everly Brothers.
FUN FACT: Did you know that during the early 1970s, Warren Zevon toured regularly with the Everly Brothers as keyboard player and band leader / musical coordinator? Also, Phil Everly sang harmonies on the Zevon songs 'Hasten Down The Wind' and 'Frank And Jesse James'.

Mention My Name In Sheboygan -- The Everly Brothers

Question: "Will Sheboyganboy Six like this BOTB tribute to him?"
Magic 8 Ball sez:  "Outlook Not So Good"

Sheboyganboy Six, thanks for your friendship! 

"Be seeing you." 

Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whoever you are) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other. 

After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. (If their ‘BOTB’ blog bits aren’t posted yet, pour yourself two shots of ‘Grand Marnier’ over ice – do it twice – and then return to their blogs to vice your voice ...vote your vice ...voice your vote.)

Voice Your Vote...

@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'J.A. SCOTT' by clicking HERE.
@ 'DISCCONNECTED' by clicking HERE.

As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. Oh how I love Johnny Carson! That Bob and Ray are funny guys...
    Thanks for introducing us to Sheboyganboy Six. Great story! It's nice to know the backstory to some friendships. Thanks for sharing.

    As for your battle, I'm giving my vote to Beatrice Kay. I thought her version was more engaging and more fun than the Everly Brothers.

    Hope you had a good Halloween. Me? I've never been into the holiday. It just doesn't do anything for me... Now, Groundhog Day: that's a different story! :)

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele, that's so funny about Groundhog Day because every year I invite a group of friends over and we watch Groundhog Day. It's been a tradition for about five years now.

    2. Thanks for your vote, MICHELE.

      Groundhog Day, eh? Me, I've always been more of an Arbor Day kinda person. Arbor Day is really my favorite holiday. I always go out and drink a tree while planting a bottle of Bourbon. *hic!*

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

    3. Lol! Funny Stephen.
      And Jeffrey: Groundhog Day is a trip of a movie. That sounds like a fun tradition... I love me some Punxsutawney Phil! :)

  2. A bunch of stuff here. The Prisoner was a show that I was excited to see come on the air. It was like a Twin Peaks version of Man from U.N.C.L.E. and I was a big fan of the latter (the former hadn't come on the air yet). I don't remember seeing the last episode, but that was a long time ago and I don't remember a lot of things back then.

    I think I've mentioned to you about seeing Bob & Ray regularly appear on The Today Show and sometimes on evening variety shows. I always watched, but often didn't understand the subtlety of their humor. Much better suited to me now.

    I listened to these song versions a few years ago when it seems like they came up in a previous conversation on your blog. It's a fun tune and both these versions are darn good.

    I going to go with the Everly Bros. as far as ongoing listenability. Better vocals I think, although the Beatrice Kay version sounds like the way it would have been done in vaudeville.

    My vote goes to Everly Brothers.

    Wow, so long ago that discussion thread that eventually lead me to blogging. We had some interesting exchanges on that one.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. LEE ~
      Yeah, that was a fun discussion forum. There were some pretty nice and interesting people checking in there when it was at its peak (just before Amazon banned me).

      What got me though were the handful of fools who were taking it so seriously. Anyone with one lick of sense and two brain cells to rub together would have known by the title alone that the thread was started with a sense of casual fun and was NOT really intended as some scholarly music study. (I guess we know who those folks be votin' for, eh? No sense, no brain cells, and a big stick up the butt.)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. Everly Brothers perform the song well. It's a great little ditty for them. But I have to go with Beatrice on this one. She makes the song fun and entertaining.
    Sounds like (according to the song) she's infamous. You know, she's so famous, she's "IN" famous.

  4. PS - Forgot to mention I loved that Prisoner spoof. I've always been interested in watching the show, just have never gotten around to watching it, or finding it available when I want to watch it.

    1. JEFFY ~
      Even though I hated the final episode, I think you SHOULD watch 'THE PRISONER'. It was really quite interesting and it introduced a lot of thought-provoking moments.

      'THE PRISONER' was intelligently scripted and pretty cutting edge stuffs for the time. "Spy" stuffs is not normally my kind of genre, so the way it drew me in so quickly says a lot for the show.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Kind of like Lost for me. Loved the series, hated the final episode.

    3. I never saw any of that show but I know it was popular.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. Great story and a wonderful tribute to your friend! I'm sure he'll be thrilled, Stephen. As for the battle, there's something about Beatrice's voice that has a "nails on a blackboard" effect on me. Please give my vote to the Everly Bros. Loved the Warren Zevon tidbits! I'm a huge fan, but didn't know about that. Whatever happens next Tuesday, the world will go on. There's more to life than politics, yes? ☺

    1. Thanks, DEBBIE!!
      Although Beatrice's voice doesn't have that SAME EFFECT on me, I do know exactly what you're talking about. It's a very "Vaudevillian" kind of performance voice with lots of pitches and angles to it. So, I fully understand how some people might find it more offensive than entertaining. I'm in the latter group, but I do "get it" if someone sees it 180-degrees opposite.

      It's like horseradish, bleu cheese, or liver and grilled onions. These are "extreme" flavors that are as hated as they are loved.

      Didn't know you were such a big Zevon fan. I have one or two old blog bits that will probably be of interest to you. I'll find them at some point and share the links.

      Yes, there's more to life than politics, but so many crucial things hang in the balance of this particular election and only a small minority of Americans are even aware of how all-important this thing is. This election is EPIC. And I mean, like, "Biblical proportions" EPIC with severe global ramifications.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. I'd love to read those Warren Zevon posts. Thanks! Trust me, from a Canadian point of view, we are all aware of the global ramifications of this election. In fact, I'm in California on family business right now, until Nov.10. Wish I had dual citizenship!

    3. DEBBIE ~
      The kind of things that really concern me, issues with global ramifications, are those items that one will NEVER read or hear about in the Mainstream Media in ANY country.

      There is so much "behind the scenes" maneuvering taking place, and it's the Mainstream Media's job to keep the sheeple ignorant about the truth, and misled by deception.

      For example, (Link>) THIS ARTICLE ABOUT A POSSIBLE WORLD WAR III COMING SOON TO A WORLD NEAR US is loaded with important details which are NOT the sorts of things that any American or Canadian is going to be warned about by a Mainstream Media organ. One must diligently watch the Alternative News Sites in order to learn any truth worth knowing.

      I don't scare easily at all, but I am VERY WORRRIED about this election and what it may bring much sooner than later. We are far closer to WWIII than most people could even imagine!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  6. Wow! There's a whole lot to read here even before the "Battle." I'll have to come back later and give it my proper attention! :)

      Yes, you'd better. Or I'll let the hounds loose to track you down.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Well, I obviously didn't make it back yet. I have excuses. Lots of excuses. Good ones, even! I've been doing a little writing, a LOT of de-cluttering so that my mind and soul will FEEL like writing more, and...my writerly little self came up with something pretty cute, if I do say so myself. I posted this on someone's FB page: "I haven't forgotten about your email, just sort of "misplaced" the thought to remember!" Do ya like that?! I do. Just fill in the correct word: email, phone call, lunch date, etc. Ha Ha!

    3. "I haven't forgotten about sending you a thousand dollars, just sort of "misplaced" the thought to remember!"

      Try to remember and replace the place where you forgot.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    4. Hey, that's a good one! I might use a version of that for the title of the sequel :D

    5. Use it in good health, Becky.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  7. Wow, what an origin story! Meanwhile, I can't even remember what all of my 6 Bs are. Uh, I know one is my name!

    Is another one of those Bs for Beatrice? Because I loved her version. That fun, old timey sound. Very whimsical and wacky, and the ongoing banter makes it more fun and lively. The Everly Brothers had their own great version (my cohort votes for them), but I'm all about Beatrice.

    (Beer Boy Bryan Blissfully Botes Beatrice)

      Well, I'm just glad you BEER BOYS won't be cancelling out each other's votes in the presidential election.

      You can call me Betty (or 1-B).

      ~ D-FensDogG

  8. Great backstory on your friendship. Loved reading about it. At first you had me a bit worried that he may be going away, though!

    I've not heard of The Prisoner, but it looks like something I would watch. So now I get to see if I can find it somewhere.

    I love, love, love comedy duos. Homer & Jethro are up there near the top of my list. Funny stuff!

    Now, before I cast my vote, I'm checking closely that this isn't a Smartmatic voting machine...

    I am confidently casting my vote for Beatrice Kay.


    1. MARY ~
      My parents (and my Grandpa too, I think) had a Homer & Jethro album, but I don't remember it. I'll have to check them out at YouTube.

      >>... Now, before I cast my vote, I'm checking closely that this isn't a Smartmatic voting machine...

      Hokey-Smoke! You ain't a typical Americonned voter, are ya? Well, you'll be happy to know that at THIS polling place we use strictly paper ballots and you MUST show photo I.D. (unless you bribe the poll worker - me - with a bottle of something 80-proof or stronger).

      This stuffs concerns me, too...

      Beatrice Kay, huh? That figures. You rabble-rousers protly even know each other.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  9. Unlike a lot of battles today, I liked both of these versions of the song. I liked Beatrice Kay's a lot, but wondered how Don and Phil were going to do what Beatrice and her male counterpart did in theirs. Thankfully, they didn't try, and the end result was a lot better to me. So, a vote for the Everlys.

    1. Glad you liked this one, JOHN. And it's already turning out to be a nice Battle. It may be tied at this point.

      I think you and I may have more similar tastes in music than any other two BOTBers. (Have I mentioned that before?) We often vote differently on the recordings, but I think the music we choose for Battles is frequently somewhat alike.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  10. Mr. Intense:

    Wow! Thanks for the very kind words about our friendship! I feel the same way: I am very grateful for it. It has been one of the most positive things in my experience the last eight years. And if I happen to “go” first, I want you to write my obituary! You write in your own unique style, and you convey what you mean better than anybody I know.

    Is THAT how our friendship started? My memory has faded so much I had forgotten!

    I was actually pretty dissatisfied with the “ending” of The Prisoner too. It IS an ending, but it was too deep for me, perhaps. I won’t say more in case any of your readers want to check it out. But it was a great series, in my book.

    I’d never have guessed that you would select “Mention My Name in Sheboygan” for the tribute battle. I was afraid it would be Karen Carpenter vs. Johnny Mathis singing “Baba O’Reilly,” or Bobby Darin vs. Willy Nelson singing Verdi’s aria “Di quella pira.” Instead, you’ve go two (the ONLY two???) fine versions of a fun song that I enjoy!

    Those two Bob & Ray bits you’ve included totally crack me up. It is subtle and gentle humor, particularly the lucky 4-leaf clover farmer who experiences all the bad luck! I really, really love those guys. And all of those Webley Webster book reviews acted out by the "Webley Webster Players" have me on the floor. Reviewing a cookbook... with pirates getting smacked around? Total insanity… I love it!

    Yes indeed, we are aligned on almost all of our views except music. Don’t know how that happened. You have such a clear perspective in all other areas, I don’t know how God missed granting you that one additional ability to discern quality. Oh well… nobody is perfect.

    So I guess that I need to vote on the battle, huh? I like both versions, and it is very close. I think that the E. Brothers have a lovely and unique take on what is a very strange song to cover in the first place. REALLY surprised they did so and I’d love to hear the backstory as to why they chose to do it. Bet they had to battle the studio execs to get THAT recorded! B. Kay has a traditional take on what was a corny, comic number. Her version wins by the whiskers on her chin! (BTW, if you mention my name in Tacoma, somebody MIGHT actually know me.)

    Well, Rupert, I should sign off for now because after all: ““A still tongue makes a happy life.” Be seeing you.

      You, sir, are too kind. But I appreciate the nice remarks.

      Yes, I remembered that you did not care for the final ep of 'THE PRISONER' either, but I think it didn't cast a disappointing light on what came earlier for you as it did for me. I kept thinking it was leading up to some great revelation, not a late-'60s bad Acid Trip. I'd still be willing to re-watch some of those earlier episodes though.

      Had you seen that spoof of 'The Prisoner' opening before? I thought it was funny. She missed adding a few touches that could have made it even better, but still she did a great job with it. (When she slams her fist on the picnic table, the cup and saucer don't move because of the density of the table. I keep wanting to see her try it twice and then, in frustration, just slap the cup and saucer off the table.)

      It's funny that when you mentioned 'Mention My Name In Sheboygan' in a recent E, I already had decided on this song as a tribute to you. But I had to lie like Hil-LIAR-y so you'd not know what I had planned. I found a few other versions of the song at YT, but these two seemed to be the best competitive match-up for BOTB, and looking at the voting results so far, it seems like I guessed right.

      >>... Yes indeed, we are aligned on almost all of our views except music. Don’t know how that happened. You have such a clear perspective in all other areas, I don’t know how God missed granting you that one additional ability to discern quality. Oh well… nobody is perfect.

      Ha! I'm glad God DIDN'T grant me that ability. For if He HAD, I WOULD be perfect. And that would make the rest of y'all insufferable to me. :o)

      I agree with you that this is a peculiar song for The Everly Brothers to have covered, and they probably did have to fight... for their right... to cover. But they did a nice job with it. I really like that rollicking piano in it.

      Anyway, you've been a good friend. And, thanks to "THE BAD PENNY", we'll always be in touch. (John Wayne! John Wayne!)

      ~ D'plorable RupertdogG

  11. Abstain. I don't like either one, and there's so much stuff in the post I thought I'd never find the contenders.

    1. THAT'S the spirit, Janie!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

    2. You see I TOLD you that a tribute BOTB involving me would be boring! I'm sorry!

    3. I think it was a triggering.

      Quick! Everyone, to your "Safe Space"!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Loyal American Underground'

  12. Interesting backstory; I like hearing g about the origins of relationships and nicknames. Given my druthers (and believe it or not, sometimes I DO get my druthers), I'd only read biographies.

    And hey, you! I've seen every episode of The Prisoner. Thank you, grandma with only two channels.

    Aren't I supposed to vote? Where was I? Oh, yeah, EVERLY BROTHERS!


    1. DOC CHERDO ~
      Given my druthers, I'd never have to leave my house again. I'd have a private bartender, someone to read the book 'Famous Dogs Of The Civil War' to me, and a pretty thing (about 25) in a low-cut top to peel my grapes.

      C'mon, DRUTHERS! Where ya be?!

      So, tell me, Doc, did you like 'THE PRISONER'? What are your thoughts about that final episode? (Bonus Questions: Were you on drugs when you saw that last episode? If so, what did you see?)

      The Everly Brothers thank you. They told me so.

      ~ Stephen

    2. At the time when I was an avid PRISONER watcher, I liked them all. I don't think I had the notion to buck what the media presented, ha ha.

      Truthfully, Patrick McGoohan was a huge fav of mine in the 60s, long before I had my BBC crush...or access to BBC.

      Never watched the tube on drugs, unless you count Tylenol, and I didn't have any strong disdain for any episode of the series, as I recall. It HAS been a while since I saw it, brudder...

      THEY HAD COOL ACCENTS. Chicks dig that. And The Avengers...and The Man From U.N.C.L.E....and Beatles...

    3. ...And don't forget Milo Yabadabado!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  13. Hi Stephen! What a wonderful tribute to your friend! Beatrice gets my vote. I like those tough broads that sound like they just got out of the joint. Reminds me a lot of my mom!


    1. GEM JULIE ~
      Thanks for the nice words and your vote. Ha! Yeah, though I've never actually met your Mom, I can see that.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  14. I didn't think I was going to vote this way but Beatrice Kay gets my vote

    1. MIKE, if nuttin' else, BOTB is full o' surprises.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  15. Stephen, I'm sure SBB6 appreciates your tribute even if he doesn't say so. I mean, how can he not? Give my vote to The Everly Brothers. I love vintage stuff but the music is sometimes hard to take, especially when the style is like Beatrice Kay. It's kinda fun to hear every once in awhile but it's not fun enough to hand my vote to. Thanks for popping by today!

    1. CATHY ~
      Apparently you missed SBB-6's comment above. He HAS been by here with his vote and very positive feedback.

      Thanks for your Everly Bros vote, my friend.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  16. Mr. McCarthy, I believe you have out done yourself here with this particular blog bit. It is by far my very most favorite of anything you have ever posted and that says a lot. Many of your posts are informative, humorous, and most entertaining in a very unique way, but your tributes to those who are your genuine friends exhibit a depth of emotion and heart that make for the ultimate superb read.

    I love how you love (in a strictly John Wayne sort of way) your friendship with Mr. Sheboygan Six. I am most grateful for that friendship, for it is through you that I have met him and enjoyed his special spirit. He is truly a kind and generous man and when I say generous, I mean a generosity in an important way.

    Mr. Six is most willing to give of himself, something that is indeed rare in the world today. Many friendships are so superficial and more for show than for any form of true support and generosity of Spirit.

    Mr. Six was there for me with that very generosity of Spirit at a difficult time. He was willing to understand and exhibit a true empathy. Today that is rare even in long time friendships, and to find it one so comparatively new and second-hand (in coming through your friendship) was a joy to me.

    Thank you for expressing your gratitude to him and may I second everything you have said about him.

    I too have enjoyed the comedy of Bob & Ray ‘thank you very much’ brought to me from you, by way of Mr. Six.

    Now, it’s time to vote. I enjoyed both versions of this song. Miss Kay’s version is fun and a classic in the novelty genre.

    The harmonies of Don and Phil won me over. Although, the height of their popularity was a bit before my time, I have always liked them. The ‘respectability’ they brought to this ‘novelty song was fun also and I’m a sucker for a rockin’ honkey-tonk piano.

    The Everly Brothers get my vote.

      Your comment was XXXtremely AAAwesome! Thanks so much for that. It would more than make up for a thousand snippy remarks from Team Triggered.

      It's funny, you like my personal tributes best, while SigToo is a fan of the travelogues -- something I've not done in ages due to being Non-Vacation Boy.

      >>... I love how you love (in a strictly John Wayne sort of way) your friendship with Mr. Sheboygan Six.

      And I appreciate you clarifying that for the sake of this "Confident Heterosexual's" reputation.

      I really like the fact that friends of mine have become friends of my friends. I wanna think it indicates I have good judgment when latching on to people for this ride through life.

      Your comment REALLY DID make my day, FAE!

      And lastly, YES, isn't that some great Honky Tonk piano in the Everly Bros version? Truthfully, I thought that piano work would give the Everly Bros a pretty easy win in this Battle. But I'm pleased as Spiked Punch that this contest is really neck-and-neck. Now I'm just a little worried that this could be TIE #12, and TWO-IN-A-ROW. (I really want there to be a winner this time, damn-it!)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      (aka Filbert)

    2. Wow, FAE... Thanks for leaving such a nice comment! I agree that Stephen writes some great tributes. And I agree with SigToo that his travelogues are also fantastic.

      I really enjoyed becoming friends with you, too! Continuing with the Westerns analogy, if "John Wayne" fits with me and Stephen, then I'd say that with you it is more like a Alan Ladd and Jean Arthur in Shane: genuine affection and respect... from a distance.

      I miss your BoTBs. If you find time and inclination again sometime to resume, I'll be regular commentor #1.

    3. Ah see, there you are again Mr. Six being all nice and supportive. You are indeed a great friend. I love the 'Shane' reference, BTW.

  17. This is a great tribute to your friend and I think he'll like it. I love The Prisoner and watched every episode. Many think it may be his character from Secret Agent Man(quoting the famous song more than the title). I love the spoof especially when she drives that tractor:) love Bob and Ray and this post almost feels burlesque with the comedians and the song choice. I have to give it to the broad, Beatrice Kay because of her delivery which seemed more in keeping. Sorry for the delay....been nuts around here and Halloween was a treat because I saw The Shing and Freaks on the big screen.

    1. BIRGIT ~
      Thanks for stopping by with your vote. And you're right, this post has a "Burlesque" kind of feel to it, huh?

      Ha!-Ha! You just inspired a great idea: Maybe I should do a BOTB contest of Henry Mancini's 'HUB CAPS AND TAIL LIGHTS' versus Tom Waits' 'PASTIES AND A G-STRING'. That would protly be a ton o' fun!

      Tough Broad Beatrice appreciates your vote, Tough Broad Birgit!

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Being called a tough broad is one of the best compliments I have ever had!

    3. Ha!-Ha! Really? I'm glad I said it then. I was really uncertain whether or not you'd take it in the positive light intended, so I wavered for a bit before typing it.

      I know I have a reputation for being a loudmouth, but believe it or not, occasionally I really do think before speaking (or typing).

      ~ D-FensDogG

  18. Al Bondigas here. Very fun battle here travel boy. I enjoyed the Beatrice Kay version, as I always enjoy novelty type songs. After a minute or two though, I thought, ok I got it. After awhile I kind of had enough. I gotta rule for the Everly bros. Great piano stuffs. Hey, I miss the travelogue writings too. Road trip? Anyway. Everly bros it is. That's it!! That's my rulin'.

    1. JUDGE AL ~
      Thanks for checking in with yer rulin'. OK, Beatrice is GUILTY! Thank you. Is that all?

      I'd love another road trip... provided I don't have to drive. Maybe I'll just take the Trump Train, or the Trump Plane.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  19. My vote is for Beatrice Kay.

    Yeah. Yeah. I suck. I've known it since you posted this battle, but I thought I'd get to type this comment from my laptop. Turns out, nope.

    So, it's short and sweet. Or short and sour. Depends on your taste buds.

    1. Short And Sweet GIRL WONDER ~
      Well, I appreciate the effort anyway. I'm just glad you got your vote in, regardless where it came from and regardless of how sweet or sour.

      Lemme know when you're back home again. Stay safe on the roads. (Don't drink and drive! Leave that to the professionals... like me.)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  20. And Stephen,

    I found Beatrice's version a bit annoying and can tolerate the Everly Brothers much better. Not my favority BOTB song but the harmony on Everly Brothers was better and smooth. To top it off I saw Phil Everly playing with a traditional Irish music band in small pub in Ireland many, many years ago. So that's my vote. Now do somtethin'!

  21. Correction....Don Everly, not Phil. DOH!

    1. ...AND POOH, THAT'S NOT ALL...
      Phil thanks you, Don loves you, Beatrice is pretty pissed at you.

      But I appreciate you're vote and BOTB loyalty.

      My next Battle will be more to your liking. ...Maybe. It'll be U2 versus The Who, so...

      That's all I'm a-gonna do, Punk.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. That's right he said it!!

    3. I heard him! Now, what you gonna dooooo?

    4. I'm a little confused, but it looks to me like somebody backed somebody up.

    5. Ha!-Ha! You guys crack me up!
      It's almost as if 'The League Of Soul Crusaders' never ended... 32 years ago.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  22. STMcC’s Vote On '2016, Nov. 1st: Battle Of The Bands'
    (Or, 'Beatrice Kay Vs. The Everly Bros.')
    And The Final Tally:

    Well, I for one enjoyed this BOTB / SBB-6 tribute post. And I also liked BOTH versions of 'MENTION MY NAME IN SHEBOYGAN'.

    The Beatrice Kay version was filled with Vaudeville-like comedic banter, and I likes that olde-tymey stuffs sometimes. The Everly Brothers sang it more straight and subdued (or with "respectability" as FAE put it). To me, the biggest draw of the Everly's version was the rollicking Honky-Tonk piano playing. Dug that!

    This Battle was neck-and-neck and all the way to the end I was really concerned about it winding up in a tie. With 10 votes in, it was 5 to 5. With 14 votes in, it was 7 to 7. 16 in, 8 to 8. 18 votes in, it was 9 to 9. And that's where the voting ended... except for MY vote which I gave to.....

    Beatrice Kay = 10 Votes
    Everly Brothers = 9 Votes

    The voter turnout wasn't as good as usual this time, and I had two folks who came by but didn't even cast a vote. Disappointing X 2.

    But I sincerely thank and appreciate all of you who DID vote! And I hope you'll come back again for my November 15th Battle which will be more "normal", although some people may find themselves surprised by how their vote falls. We'll see.

    Thanks again, All Y'all!

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. That was a decent enough outcome. I always have commenters who stop by but don't vote. But that's why I always try to add something to my post that goes beyond BOTB--I know some people must not want to mess with the music or some kind of weird reason.

      Arlee Bird
      Tossing It Out

    2. Lee, the turnout was low but the outcome was as good as BOTB gets: a one-vote margin of victory.

      To me, that's a PERFECT BOTB.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  23. Glad to see I helped pick the winner. I guess every vote counts. What is with the people who stop by but refuse to vote?

    1. JEFFY, yes, sir, in THIS Battle, anyway, EVERY vote counted.

      ~ D-FensDogg


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