Friday, December 21, 2018


STMcC’s Vote On '2018, December 15th: Battle Of The Bands' (BOTB) - Or, Tiny Tim Versus Stevie Nicks - And The Final Tally:
Sometimes the Battle works. But sometimes the Battle goes...
And this particular Battle of mine went...
Song: 'Silent Night'
Competitors: Christian versus Witch
Which wins?
Er... I meant: WITCH WINS!
Yeah, yeah, I know. Stevie Nicks said that at one time she thought she was a witch but now claims she's not a witch and never was one. (And our dear Uncle says we walked on the Moon and that Middle Easterners with box-cutters brought down the Twin Towers.) Whatever...
My point is that...
Doggone it, I don't know what my point was.
I knew going in this wouldn't be one of my most popular BOTB installments. (Right.) And I did think Tiny Tim (the Christian) would beat Stevie Nicks (the witch) by a few votes. (Wrong.) "Missed it by that much."
There's more I could say but... it's Christmastime and I'm trying to stay on Santa's "Good Boys" list for a few more days... if I can hold out that long.
I voted for Tiny Tim, as y'all knew I would, but it wasn't enough.
Tiny Tim = 6 votes
Stevie Nicks = 9 votes
Normally, I truly don't care who wins or loses my Battles, but I really didn't like seeing Tiny lose to... her.
In The Battle Within The BattleThe Magic 8-Ball predicted the outcome correctly, while The Amazing Sixwell did not. That means both of our psychics (witches & warlocks?) are again tied, with 12 hits & 6 misses apiece. It looks like neither of them wants to take anything resembling a commanding lead. Two too-nice folks saying, "After you..." and "No, no. After YOU. I insist". A+ for 'Plays Well With Others'; C- for 'Killer Instinct'.
It was a disappointing Battle in multiple ways. Oh, well. Like Ed Wood said: "My next one will be better". And, by the way, my next one will be here next year. (January 1, 2019, to be more precise.)
Meanwhile, let's not forget "The Reason For The Season".
The Family Nativity Set (since 1958).
I wish each of you a Merry Jesus Christmas 
and a Hangoverless New Year's Day

~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. Merry Christmas and I look forward to the new battles to come!

    1. Thanks, MIKE! I, too, wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!

      And I'm really looking forward to another year of BOTB. I'm going to start out 2019 with a bang. I've got some stuffs in mind that I am eager to see played out in the BOTB realm.

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  2. Sixwell is saving his energy, giving himself a breather on the bench, he's earned it.

    I agree with you or everyone/anybody else that Stevie Nicks is earthy and at the bottom of the top ten. And you and everyone are right that she's not at the top of the pyramid like Olivia Newton John and Kylie Minogue. Stevie Nicks can't be like that, can't be at the top of the pyramid. That's not putting Stevie Nicks down, that's just how things work out. So. That's an east coast affectation, to start a sentence, saying "so" in a pause. Hey, it's better than "umm" or "like" interjected into sentences all willy nilly.

    The reason I'm here Stephen. Have a seat. Or don't "have a seat" is rather hubristic to say that. To ask, what do you think about 70's horror movies? In the 70's a Christian friend said that Hollywood horror movies with religion were/are trash. I ask because, for example, watching the Exorcist last night. "For example" like I watched 10 horror movies - not. So Exorcist isn't an example, not a case in point, not an example rather the whole example.

    Only 5-10 minutes of the whole movie are that brat spinning her head and puking on people. (I haven't checked IMDB to see who gets credit for that).

    I think the movie is pro-religion.

      Sixwell could never hope to find a more loyal supporter than you are!

      What did you say about Karen Carpenter? I'm afraid I didn't catch that.

      >>... it's better than "umm" or "like" interjected into sentences all willy nilly.

      My all-time favorite is when the Millennials (when = constantly) start a sentence with, "I mean." And I don't mean that they've already said something about the subject and are now attempting to clarify. I mean that "I mean" is THEIR VERY FIRST ATTEMPT to address the subject.

      Public School Teachers -- yeah, they're always bitchin' & moanin' about being underpaid. I think that nearly all of them owe the taxpayers some money back. When 85.103% of their graduated students begin a sentence with "I mean", then the taxpayers are definitely being raped by schoolteachers.

      I mean, I've scoured your last two comments and haven't found a single reference to Robert Blake. And, I know it's Christmastime an' all, but... that's no excuse for getting all sloppy in the comment sections.

      I mean... what did you ask me?

      Oh, yeah, '70s Horror Movies...

      As a genre, 'Horror' ranks only slightly ahead of 'Sci-Fi' for me. Generally, I don't care for them. It's just not in my wheelhouse... the way that a "hanging curveball" is. But!... the small handful of them that I do like (both 'Horror' and 'Sci-Fi'), I like A LOT!

      I've only seen 'The Exorcist' once, and that was a lo-ooo-ng time ago. But from what I recall, I would also consider it more "pro-religion" (or pro-Christian) than pro-satan. I seem to remember that the film made it a point to call out the so-called "game" OUIJA. Didn't the filmmaker imply that the Ouija board was instrumental in the possession of that girl? I think they showed it in a trash can toward the end of the movie. GOOD!!

      Uninformed people have no idea what they are opening themselves up to when they dabble with Ouija boards... or seances... or psychedelic drugs. That is all very, very bad news.

      Yeah, as a Christian, I didn't have a problem with 'The Exorcist'. The exorcist (priest) died as a Christian martyr and... the girl was de-possessed, if I recall correctly.

      I know I've mentioned it to you before, but my favorite Horror movie of the '70s is 'The Sentinel'. And, like 'The Exorcist', it was the devil versus the Christians, and the Christians win (as they will in real life, too).

      I believe I only own 2 'Horror' movies on DVD: 'The Sentinel' and 'Jacob's Ladder'. And the latter - 'Ladder' - is actually one of my Top 25 Favorite Movies Of All Time.

      ~ Bruhthuh Stephen @ Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

      [Link> THIS photo is from a 1971 TV movie, and it was not even classified as 'Horror'. It was considered 'Family Values' television. Can you name the program?

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    3. The picture is disturbing, as an adult I say. As an adult, I would find music of my youth offensive. They don't listen to the lyrics, not a care in the world. Sure, 1 out of 100 people who listen to current (it's incredibly vulgar, not incredible.. disheartening vulgar) will sell drugs. One out of 1000 will kill people. They would have done that anyway, rap and rappers who glamorize selling drugs and killing people just provide a soundtrack.. and glamorize it.

      I watched the Exorcist again last night. It's an exquisite piece of art and the whole thing is about the psychiatrist/priest or priest/psychiatrist.

      The Sentinel. People say, "It's in my queue." It's at the top of my queue because I feel like being freaked out. The top of my queue.

      Karen Carpenter has a 10 voice and Kylie Minogue has a 10 look. Maybe they're both 10's across the board. In your previous post/song contest I said something rude about Stevie Nicks, sour of the moment. I didn't say it's not true, just wish I hadn't said that. You mention school teachers. There's not a guy alive who hasn't thought about some of his elementary, junior high, and high school teachers like I talked about Stevie Nicks.

      I would ask Kylie Minogue for a drink, no grabass, and about DeyCart, John Lock,Two treetesees, Tom Paane, the classics. She's not impressed. I don't know. Tell her we can drive past Sunset and meet movie stars - I know Pauly Shore. This isn't working at all. I start talking about my problems and she leans forward so I know I can trust her. Good people.

      Merry Christmas, Brotherman.

    4. Bruhthuh G DOGG ~

      >>... The picture is disturbing

      Yes, it is. It actually comes from 'The Homecoming', which served as the pilot for the TV series 'The Waltons'. (Good TV movie, by the way. It had a big impact on me the night that it first aired in 1971.)

      'The Sentinel' is kind of low budget, and I suppose some people would consider it cheesy, but I've always liked it a lot. It is truly creepy in so many ways.

      Favorite quote from 'The Sentinel':
      "Black and white cat; black and white cake."

      >>... There's not a guy alive who hasn't thought about some of his elementary, junior high, and high school teachers like I talked about Stevie Nicks.

      I had a slight crush on my 3rd grade teacher. But overall, I made it through my school years fairly unscathed.

      A Merry Christmas Day to ya, and a peaceful 2019. (Except for BOTB, of course. Ain't nuttin' peaceful 'bout *that*. Nor should there be.;-)

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  3. I think Tiny Tim will always open a door to controversy when used in a Battle or even brought up in a conversation with those who know of Tiny Tim.

    Things being what they are, I think Tim made a good showing in this match. The balance of your Battle outcome was better than mine.

    Have a wonderful Christmas season and may your next job be the best you ever had.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thank you, LEE.
      Yeah, I agree with you about Tiny Tim. He has always done surprisingly well in BOTB (won more than he's lost, and even beat Girth Brooks in a Battle), but I remember what I also used to think of Tiny Tim prior to my epiphany. And like so many others still do, I dismissed him way too casually - basing my thoughts of him on his one hit song which, to this day, I do not care for. (But I'm sure glad he caught lightning in that bottle.)

      And, yes, you're right -- considering he went up against the powerful ("powerfully overrated", I would say) Stevie Nicks, Tiny actually gave her a good run for her money. By no means did she blow him out!

      I have this strong sense that God is behind my move and search for new employment. And if I'm correct about that, then I haven't a thing to worry about.

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  4. Well, at least it was close! ☺ Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas, Stephen.

    1. I thank you, DEBBIE!
      Yes, you're right - it was a close Battle. I had a somewhat low voter turnout (which is no surprise considering the season), and perhaps had more voters shown up, Tiny might have had a chance to catch Stevie Nicks.

      The Battle didn't go the way I wanted it to, and there wasn't much enthusiasm about it, for those who DID vote (and I understand that). But still, as you said, it was a "close" contest. And that's nice.

      I hope your Holiday and New Year are spectacular!!

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

  5. Stephen,

    Learning what I did about Tiny Tim I had hoped he would win even though I did not vote for him. His vocals have never been my cup of tea. Your battle was a close one, though. So, at least TT gave Stevie a good fight. :)

    • ★ Merry ★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
    •。★ Christmas 。* 。
    ° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
    ˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
    ˚ ˛ •˛• ˚| 田田 |門| ˚And a Happy New Year
    * Joy to all! ♫•*¨* Peace on Earth ♪♫•*¨*

    1. Thanks, CATHY!

      Yeah, it was kind of a low-enthusiasm Battle, but I understand why and I don't fault anyone. (One has to be kind of off-kilter to really "get" Tiny Tim like I do.) But indeed, although Tiny didn't win, he was in the hunt and kept it close against someone whom a lot of people (even weirder than I am) consider to be some sort of goddess.

      My first Battle of the New Year will be interesting and I'm really curious (as a... YOU!) to see how that one goes.

      I received your beautiful e-card and sent one to you as well. I hope you got it. The system seemed a bit wonky. (Maybe because I wrote a lot of pro-Jesus stuffs in the e-card.)

      Take care, my friend, and I'll catch up with you again that first week of 2019.

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    2. Stephen,

      Yes, I got your beautiful e-card. In fact, I liked it so much so that I shared it on my FB wall for others to enjoy. I loved the video as well as your message. You can't trust that your Christians viewpoints are translated across cyberspace properly or at all in this age of offending someone. I'm certain some sites have robots set to detect keywords and maybe just maybe those messages are then deleted. Luckily I got yours just fine! I'll be looking forward to your first battle of the new year and pray that 2019 ushers in nothing but good things your way, my friend! God bless you!

    3. I thank you so much, CATHY!
      I feel pretty optimistic about 2019. (And believe me, it's pretty rare for me to feel optimistic about... well... anything, really. ;-)

      I'm pleased you got my card and enjoyed it enough to share with others. Cool!

      >>... this age of offending someone

      Ain't *that* the truth!
      But one of the many things I've learned from both The Bible and just life in general is that... if I'm not offending anyone ever, then I'm definitely doing it wrong. (I'm not being "salt", as our Lord described it.)

      See ya next year, my friend!

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  6. Dear Mr. McCarthy,

    I like your photo. You're quite handsome. My proposal is running around in my brain again . . . . Bleeding heart liberals and non-bleeding heart liberals can be friends. I am the bleeding heart liberal, just in case you hadn't noticed.


    1. JANIE ~
      Now, are you sorry for all the times you pulled my ears?
      (100 Bonus Points to you if, without Googling it, you can name the character I just quoted.)

      Well, thank you for the very nice compliment. (I give all the credit to [non-GMO] Soy Lecithin for keeping me looking a bit younger'n my years.)

      There ain't nuttin' wrong with a bleeding heart liberal that my course, 'Stephen T. McCarthy Presents Politics 101', couldn't fix. (The course is really about Spirituality at its core. But, naturally, I don't admit that publicly so as not to scare off the Millennials.)

      A Merry Christmas & Peaceful New Year to you, Janie!

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    2. I'm afraid I don't know the ear-pulling answer.

    3. And I'm afraid I didn't get the quote exactly right. They were "yanked" ears, not "pulled" ears.

      [Link> "yanked ears"

      Janie, because I made a mistake in the quote, I'm going to give you the 100 Bonus Points anyway. Don't spend 'em all in one place!

      ~ D-FensDogG @ Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...


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