Monday, July 15, 2019


Geddy Lee Vs. Donald Duck, Geddy Lee Vs. Ned Beatty, Geddy Lee Vs. Some Other Female, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, Dog Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon, Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy, Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic, Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal, You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...
Shoop-Shooby -
Shooby-Duh-Dooby-Doop-Dooby-Dooby-Doo-Wah -
Yes, it's time once again for 'Battle Of The Bands' ('BOTB').
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
In my most recent BOTB Results post [link> HERE, G DogG, Sixgun McItchyfinger, and I were exchanging some ideas about some concerts we had attended and about our different opinions on heterosexuality, homosexuality, and Geddy Lee - the singer for the Prog-Rock band RUSH.
On Fri, July 12, 2019, BOTBer Mary Burris wrote the following to me in an Email:
After watching the back and forths in your comments, I think your next battle should be... RUSH!
Tom Sawyer 
Spirit of Radio
Although I dislike the band Rush as much as I dislike the political commentator Rush Limbaugh, I thought Mary's idea was so timely and humorous, that I decided to run with it (like running with scissors!)
I will confess, though, that I did briefly toy with the idea of posting a BOTB contest between Geddy Lee, Donald Duck, and Ned Beatty "squealing like a pig".
Geddy Lee (impersonating Donald Duck)

Donald Duck
Ned Beatty squealing like a pig.
But I finally decided to stick with Mary's less controversial idea of doing Rush versus Rush, or 'The Spirit Of Radio' versus 'Tom Sawyer'. And so without further ado, I give you the following (ear plugs not included)...
THE SPIRIT OF RADIO (1980) -- Rush

TOM SAWYER (1981) -- Rush

QUESTION: Which song will be the winner?
SIKIKE PHTEVEN (2-2)Neither. Both songs are losers.
QUESTION: C'mon, man! You know what I mean!
SIKIKE PHTEVEN: 'Tom Sawyer' will get more votes... 
if that's what you mean.
Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whether I know "you" or notto vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other.
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there also. Vote your vice...   Vice your voice... 
Voice Your Vote...
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE
'AI LOVE MUSIC' by clicking HERE
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th and 21st of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections. 
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. You too? I can't stand Rush either and I'm Canadian! 😝 Geddy Lee's high-pitched, thin, nasally vocals set my teeth on edge. Donald Duck and Porky Pig would have been suitable opponents! 😁 Okay, I do have to respect how they've established themselves as rock icons over the years. Lots of people love them. Anyway, back to the contest, I'm going with "Tom Sawyer" as it's the least offensive to my ears.

    1. DEBBIE ~

      >>... I'm going with "Tom Sawyer" as it's the least offensive to my ears.

      Ha! I hear ya, and I understand perfectly! This is the first time in my BOTB history where I have used two songs that I dislike by a band I thoroughly dislike, and for me, this too is a contest of "the lesser of two weevils".

      Normally, I wouldn't do this, but Mary struck my funny bone with a mallet and in the spur of the moment, I thought: Oh, heck! Why not... just once?

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  2. Well, you've really got a thing about Rush and Geddy Lee. I would disagree because I think they are a tremendous group. Prior to about 2003 I was not overly enthusiastic about the group though I did like their songs that were played on the radio. Then I saw the concert in Rio and was impressed by that performance. What an array of percussion! So much power in a small ensemble.

    After seeing that concert video I went and bought most of their CD's. Not only did I love them all, but my wife (who doesn't like much rock music) enjoyed listening as I played their music on a trip back from Las Vegas to L.A. I was actually surprised that she liked them as well as they did.

    Personally, I think the musicians of Rush are excellent, the songwriting is intriguing and engaging to me, and their music is darn good.

    Both these songs are very good as far as I'm concerned, but my personal favorite is "Tom Sawyer".

    Great battle using a great group!


    1. LEE ~

      >>... Well, you've really got a thing about Rush and Geddy Lee.

      You betchum, Red Ryder!

      >>... I would disagree because I think they are a tremendous group.

      Well, of course you do. Naturally! Seeing as how our votes in BOTB are usually (not always, but very predominantly) 180-degrees off, I had no doubt that you would love Rush and dig both of these songs. You may thank me now, as I did this just 4 U. [*kiddin'*]

      >>... I played their music on a trip back from Las Vegas to L.A.

      (Geddy) LEE, you wouldn't have survived that trip had I been in the vehicle. They'd *STILL* be finding up your sun-bleached bones scattered in the desert!

      I will say this, though: Having put together this Battle, I learned something new about Rush that I did not previously realize. There *IS* something kind of... uhm... "entertaining"... about them, in a goofy kind of way. But I'll save this observation for my later BOTB Results post.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  3. I've decided that you are right about the whole thing.

    No red-blooded male should be listening to Rush, and I've caught the zeal so much that I believe nobody should be VOTING for Rush either. So I am casting my vote in as close to perfect a way as is possible in this mortal realm. It is still "Rush," but the most perfect Rush. Sadly it is missing the perfect-pitched, angelic voice that one would hope for... but still:

    Poindexter McItchyfinger

      (Yeah, that's it: Sixgun McItchybutterfinger) ~

      >>... I've decided that you are right about the whole thing.

      I thought you'd come to yer senses eventually. Like The Little Train, "I thought you could, I thought you could, I thought you could...

      Wow! Now that's some *REAL* music you found there! Nice job! Rush never ever sounded that good before!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  4. I can’t stand Rush and, like Debbie, I’m a Canadian and I love in-the drummer’s hometown! I can’t stand his voice which I equate to nails on a chalkboard. I would have voted for Daffy Duck or Donald Duck. Of the 2 evils, I will choose The Spirit of Radio because the others save the day. Ughh I hate his voice

    1. BIRGIT ~
      Thanks for checking in with an anti-Rush comment and a BOTB bote! We Rush-haters are not alone!

      And I'm glad I'm getting out of this Battle without a shutout. Gracias!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. I'm happy you didn't go with the Geddy vs. Donald Duck vs. Ned Beatty version. ("Deliverance" was assigned reading when I was a junior in high school. Fortunately, that's when the movie came out.)

    Anyway, back to the task at hand. I'm not the biggest Rush fan around, but I think I'll go with "Tom Sawyer" here. I just like it better.

    1. JOHN ~
      'Deliverance' was assigned reading in *JUNIOR* high school?! Damn, that's... that's... surprising! I didn't even know it was a book before it was a movie.

      I saw the movie, once, I believe, and it really didn't do anything for me. If it's a Burt Reynolds movie I'm gonna watch, make mine 'The Longest Yard'.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  6. I love it when a plan comes together! Ha!

    First, let me say that the comments here are always entertaining to read.

    Second, let me also say that I'm not a fan of Rush, either. That's not because I dated a guy who was a fan. It's because I really can't stand them. When the guy I was dating found out I had never heard them before, he 'rushed' right out and bought Chronicles (their double album) and Roll the Bones album. My ears were assaulted non-stop for far too long. While his love of Rush was not the reason for the demise of the relationship, it certainly didn't help.

    To me, Rush is too cerebral in their songwriting. I guess I liked my music to be a bit 'dumbed-down'. And while Geddy Lee has a unique voice, I much prefer the sound of Tiny Tim's unique falsetto. (Sidenote - that would be an interesting battle. Geddy Lee vs Tiny Tim. Perhaps April Fool's battle?)

    Alright, I've rambled on long enough. I guess I should cast a vote in this 'Best of the Worst' battle...

    I... oh, damn.

    It's difficult to vote here. I have a dilemma. Both songs blended together in my head and I am having difficulty separating them. I would listen a second time, but why would I do that to myself?

    Okay. taking a deep breath here and 'going in'. I've got extra cotton balls on hand for the bleeding that is coming from my ears.

    Ready to vote now.

    Voting for Tom Sawyer.

    There. it's done. By the way, I've re-assessed my own battle. I opened a window and let out some of the stench of patchouli. You might want to bring some incense with you, though.


    1. MMQE ~

      Thanks again for the inspiration behind this BOTB installment! It's been fun, because it has elicited some amusing comments.

      >>... To me, Rush is too cerebral in their songwriting.

      Ha! I will have more to say in my Results post, but this Battle I put together has opened my eyes to the fact that the Rush songwriters are pseudo-intellectuals. (Even their grammar sucks! :^D ) Goofy, goofy stuffs! But more on that later.

      >>... I much prefer the sound of Tiny Tim's unique falsetto. (Sidenote - that would be an interesting battle. Geddy Lee vs Tiny Tim. Perhaps April Fool's battle?)

      Ha!-Ha! Damn! There you go again. That's *NOT* a bad idea! I'll have to keep that in mind... darn you! ;^)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  7. McBruthaMan,

    A vote for Sprit Of Radio. Not the lesser of two evils because I like it. Dang can those guys play.

    I heard Rush's lyrics were informed by their fondness for Ayn Rand. I have no idea what that means - boring but true.

    Like the old joke when someone from southern Cal (SoCal vs northern Cal's NoCal) sends a postcard with a 10 in a bikini and writes on the back, "This is the ugliest woman in Southern California." (Aka "get down here") This is likely the 4th best video from Ms Abdul the master of music video.

    Once the late 80's new wave goth kicked in, KROQ's Richard Blade's flashback lunch playlist (in hindsight a few years isn't a whole lot of flashback) was refreshing. I think The Ramones' I Wanna Be Sedated was KROQ's most played song/anthem. Boring but true.

    In credit to Rush, classic rock stations rarely play them. If I hear The Who on a boombox at a construction site one more time...!

    Best o' luck on your new job. For some reason, if you've seen it, McNulty ultimately successfully kickin' a and taking names from "The Wire" reminds me of you.

    G Dogg


      >>... I heard Rush's lyrics were informed by their fondness for Ayn Rand. I have no idea what that means - boring but true.

      Ah-Ha! Suddenly, it all seems clear!!
      [Yes, I'm looking at *YOU*, Sixgun McItchyfinger!]

      >>... This is likely the 4th best video from Ms Abdul the master of music video.

      Ha! I can't honestly say I cared for the song, but I sure dug the wink & nod to James Dean and 'Rebel Without A Cause'. Too bad 'Get Smart's' "Chief" wasn't still alive to make a cameo in that video (or even re-play his police officer role from 'Rebel').

      KROQ was never my #1 radio station of choice (I was a KMET guy), but I *did* listen to it (when KMET & KLOS were playing Queen, Yes, or Rush) and that's where I first heard The Police, and probably The Cars also.

      The new job... well, I think it's gonna be a "former job" real soon. But thanks for the good wishes all the same.

      I'd never even heard of McNulty or 'The Wire' before. But I checked out a YouTube video on him/it, and I think that was a compliment what you done said, so... muchos gracias! I'll raise a Deschute's 'Mirror Pond' Pale Ale to that tomorrow after work (if I survive another shift).


    2. McBruthaMan,

      Looks like Spirit Of Radio is getting stomped like a fat guy at Altamont.

      The McNulty reference was mos def a compliment. Mos def is shorthand for most definitely, and used by the gangstas in the show yo. That's the other thing they do is end sentences with yo.

      As long as Ms Abdul's songs had good videos, they went to #1. (Rush Rush was #1 for 5 weeks). She was a Lakers cheerleader and became their lead and choreographer within a year and perhaps the second best - and that's including pro wrestling choreographers.

      - "It's still real to me dammit!"

      To quote Roy Scheider in All That Jazz, "It's Showtime!" The first best:

      Chzeers yo,
      G Dogg

    3. McG DogG ~

      I was here yesterday and had just about completed a reply to your comment when I wound up in a phone conversation and accidentally lost the comment I'd been working on. Oh, well - second time's the charm (as they say nowhere).

      >>... Looks like Spirit Of Radio is getting stomped like a fat guy at Altamont.

      Man, you ain't kiddin'! I'm just glad it's not a shutout. And having gotten three consecutive predictions correct, it looks like Sikike Phteven has fixed his Magic 8-Ball.

      >>... The McNulty reference was mos def a compliment.

      I mos def thank you for that, muh bruhthuh - yo.

      >>... - "It's still real to me dammit!"

      Like the TV show 'Barretta', that just never gets old - yo!


      I had never even heard of that movie, let alone seen that scene. But I gotta say, that had me jumping around in my living room with my arms raised above my head (a la Ozzie Osbourne) and humming the 'Rocky' theme music as loud as I could hum it. (Until my neighbor hollered at me to pipe down or he'd call Tony & Fred the cockatoo.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

    4. McBroMan,

      Thanks for replying - second time IS the charm. Regarding Sikike Phteven on a roll, the bookies are in a panic at the underground movement.

      Back in the not so recent days, I sometimes babysat my nieces on weekends... So I've seen Bring It On around ten times or more. As a kid, Rocky was my favorite movie by far, life changing as far as an elementary kid's life can change. Now replaced by the more dangerous inimitable Austin Powers. Also perhaps Rocky is fiction as a white guy stays in the ring with a black guy for 15 rounds yo - say what?! Non-fiction because, on the figurative page 20 of the newspaper, the movie was based on Chuck Can-He-Get-Some-Credit- Wepner vs Ali - a heck of a performance yo.

      The youtube links may become tiresome to you or take up too much time (no mandatory viewing)… at 6:20 the comic mentions "the parrot from Baretta" it's like c'mon Jeff Ross, respect the audience enough to know they all know his name is Fred!


    5. McG-DogG ~

      Great comment, Bruhthuh.

      >>... the bookies are in a panic at the underground movement.

      Man, no doubt! I'm sitting here right now in my mobile home (which ain't goin' nowhere!) in Willoughberry, Nevada, listening to Tom Waits sing the soundtrack to the Vegas movie soundtrack 'ONE FROM THE HEART', and I know that the hearts of Vegas bookies shudder 'n' shake!

      [*I'm not sure if that comment above makes sense but... I'm close to 3 Boilermakers-deep and Life is way too good to worry about the details. YO.]

      >>... Rocky is fiction as a white guy stays in the ring with a black guy for 15 rounds yo - say what?!

      Ha!-Ha! Yip! It was based on Wepner. And the first 'Rocky' movie is *STILL* on my Top 10 favorite movies list. (For the record, every other 'Rocky' movie is total shit and anyone who loves them should be eradicated for the better good of the country... sez Adolph Hitler.)

      But, even so, it's really not fiction. The whole Black Supremacy idea is an urban myth. Having grown up in L.A. and having seen too many big Black guys utterly stomped in street fights against White guys, I'd stopped buying that urban myth before I was legally able to drink. My Brother is 5'6" and about 58 years old. Good luck finding a Black guy on the street who could beat him in the ring... OR in the street.

      Yeah, McBro, you be right! If you can't refer to Barretta's bird as "Fred", then you suck big time! No respect for the audience's TV Intelligence. *FAIL!*

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  8. Hi Stephen, I’m also not a fan of either song, but “Tom Sawyer” made me feel less complelled to throw my iPad out of my 5th floor window. So “Tom Sawyer” gets my vote. Ned Beatty would also get my vote. What a classic scene!


    1. GEM JULIE ~
      Thanks so much for coming by with a (lukewarm, at best?) vote for 'Tom Sawyer'. Believe me, I understand your feelings about it entirely. This surely has not been one of my more popular BOTB posts. But most of the comments have been *inspired*.

      When I think of Ned Beatty, the first scene that pops into my mind was his brilliant (and terrifyingly true) speech to Howard Beale in 'NETWORK'. The 'Squeal Like A Pig' scene makes me uncomfortable, to say the least. (I'm sure most guys feel the same way about it.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  9. Stephen,

    I'm fairly certain I missed your July 1st BoTB and for that I apologize. I know I made several rounds but how I missed out on yours I'm not quite sure. I guess I was having a brain frazzled moment. I can't say that either of these songs grab me, so I'm going to go with the tune that seemed less loud and annoying to me at nearly a quarter to 8am which is 'Tom Sawyer'. Interesting battle. Have a good summer!

    1. CATHY ~
      No worries about missing my last Battle. Life happens.

      >>... I'm going to go with the tune that seemed less loud and annoying to me

      That sums up how I also will be voting / boting.

      >>... Have a good summer!

      HA!-HA! Wha--?! Did you momentarily mistake this comment section for a high school yearbook?

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  10. I actually got pretty excited about the title of this BOTB. I really, really wanted to cast a bote for Donald Duck. For shame. :(

    You know, that Biddy Lee, she can really sing for an old woman. It's impressive. Not so keen on the music, but I love her voice, and she kinda looks like that other old grandma rocker I love, Steven Tyler.

    Give my bote to today's Tom Sawyer, who always gets high on you... even if I'm not quite high enough to enjoy him.

    1. JULIO 6-B ~

      "Biddy Lee" -- HA!!

      Dang, man! That photo of "Stephanie" Tyler - how embarrassing is *THAT*?!?! If I were still a fan of Aerosmith, I would stop right now! (Truth be told, though, 1977 and Aerosmith's album 'Draw The Line' is where I drew the line and never bought another one of Stephanie Tyler's LPs.)

      >>... "even if I'm not quite high enough to enjoy him."

      No matter how high you got, Biddy Lee would still be HIGHER!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  11. my vote-

    1. LELLY ~
      Thanks, Bro, for coming by with a fine $00.02 that amused me so much I watched it 3 times!

      This Battle sucks, but the comment section has been a hoot!

      As I was watching that video for the first time, I immediately thought: "Not Tom Sawyer! That was Huck Finn!" And I was glad to see that correction made just a wee bit later.

      I'm not entirely sure you really mean to vote for 'Tom Finn' (or is it 'Huck Sawyer'?), but that's how I'll count it unless you say different.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  12. HiYa, Stephen T!

    Holding nothing back, I see. While they can’t all sound like Johnny Cash or Freddie Mercury, I just thank God and good apple-butter Geddy wasn’t quite as grating as that poor guy looking for a Heart of Gold. Of course, I never allowed that to over-shadow what a sensational band RUSH was. What I still don’t understand is how Neil Peart ever allowed his lyrics to be sung by a cat with its tail in a mousetrap. Nevertheless, that little three-man band left a lasting impression on the world of Rock. Maybe my skies are just wide. Anyway, Tom Sawyer gets my vote!

    Happy workaday!

    1. dIEDRE ~
      I thank you, my friend, for stopping by and providing me with a new expression to steal ("I just thank God and good apple-butter").

      Yeah, that 'Heart Of Gold' guy also has a voice that annoys me. But I'd actually still choose to hear him before Rush's squealer. But those are two guys who both make me yearn to hear the dulcet tones of Bob Dylan's vocal cords!

      >>... a cat with its tail in a mousetrap

      Ha!-Ha! Geddy Lee sure inspires a lot of snarky nicknames and comparisons:

      "Donald Duck singing after inhaling helium"

      Ned "Squeal Like A Pig" Beatty

      Biddy Lee

      a cat with its tail in a mousetrap

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  13. Al Bondigas here. I guess you already knew I wasn't going to like any of this shiite. I'll have to make a rulin' fer Tom Sawyer because it was the least offensive to my ears. Bring back The Partridge Family!! That's it!! That's muh rulin'.

  14. Now there's a thought, made for TV bands Battle. Partridge Family vs The Monkees. And yes you deduced correctly my vote.

    1. JUDGE AL & LELLY ~

      Ha!-Ha! You know what? I like that idea! The Partridge Family versus The Monkees - I believe I will construct a Battle like that. And - hey-hey - I would jump at any excuse to ogle Susan Dey!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

    2. That would be a good battle...

  15. Late to the party, but like a coward pulling off a bandaid, give my vote to TOM SAWYER.

    But let me chew on this a bit...I used to spin ye olde 45s and LPs for my pals a la basement DJ. We had a friend who changed the records in jukeboxes and we got the old ones.

    Why is it that Rush was obviously popular with a large segment of folks (or else they wouldn't have a career at all) and yet most of the diverse bunch of cronies I hung around with disliked them with enthusiastic wailings of "shut that off!"

    We like what we like, I guess.

    1. DOC MacSIS ~
      It seems that (as with U2, too) Rush is just a band many folks LOVE to HATE. And count me in amongst all them folks.

      I also can't think of anyone I knew well in high school who loved Rush. I did occasionally see some Rush T-shirts on campus, but not on anyone I knew well and/or was friendly with.

      I'll admit that I did buy a Rush LP once. The year was 1977 and I purchased 'A Farewell To Kings'. I must have been hearing a song from that collection getting airplay on our Classic Rock radio stations (before that Rock had become "Classic"), and I guess I liked the song well enough to splurge on a $5 album. But today, I couldn't even tell you what that song was. All I remember clearly is that I only played that album maybe 5 times, and then it never met my turntable again after that.

      Years later, as I heard more Rush on the radio, I came to really dislike them. First and foremost because of Biddy Lee's banshee singing, which is just so effeminate and embarrassing. I can enjoy listening to some singers with "bad" voices - like Dylan, Neil Young, Tom Petty, and even (let's be honest) Satchmo - but the Squealing Pig in Rush I never could tolerate. And the songs weren't good enough to even make me wanna *try*, *try* again.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  16. Both are popular songs by RUSH today I vote for The Spirit of Radio, maybe Tom Sawyer next time.

    1. MIKE ~

      >>... "I vote for The Spirit of Radio, maybe Tom Sawyer next time."

      Mike, I can promise you that, when it comes to phuqin' Rush, [Link> There'll Be No Next Time!.
      (Bruththuh Sixgun, I posted that jus' fo' you!)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'


    If you are interested in seeing the final vote tally for this 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' installment and my closing thoughts on it, you can put the following URL into your browser:

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'


All submitted comments that do not transgress "Ye Olde Comment Policy" will be posted and responded to as soon as possible. Thanks for taking the time to comment.