Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Republican Vs. Democrat, Male Vs. Female, War Vs. Peace, Light Vs. Dark, Good Vs. Evil, Man Vs. Machine, Love Vs. Hate, God Vs. Cat, Sun Vs. Moon, Brain Vs. Brawn, Oscar Vs. Grammy, Angel Vs. Demon, Laurel Vs. Hardy, Beer Vs. Wine, TV Vs. Radio, Pitcher Vs. Batter, Paper Vs. Plastic, Reality Vs. Fantasy, Yeshua Vs. Beelzebub, Conservative Vs. Liberal, You Vs. Me, House Vs. Senate, Offense Vs. Defense, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Spy Vs. Spy, Fischer Vs. Spassky, W.C. Fields Vs. Sobriety, Harold Gimpy, Jr. Vs. Sheldon J. Pismire, Rock Vs. Paper Vs. Scissors, Islam Vs. Everything, Singer Vs. Singer, Band Vs. Band...
Shoop-Shooby -
Shooby-Duh-Dooby-Doop-Dooby-Dooby-Doo-Wah -
Yes, it's time once again for Battle Of The Bands (BOTB).
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...
Howdy, Y'All! We be back.
"Complicated ligation was the words of the 1861", but 101 years later, in 1962, Burt Bacharach and Bob Hilliard wrote the song "ANY DAY NOW". As I stated [HERE] in a review of the 1990 album 'On The Blue Side' by Hank Crawford & Jimmy McGriff...
I'm an inveterate whistler. I catch myself unconsciously whistling all the time, and almost always it's either 'Sunshine Of Your Love', 'Keep On Loving You', 'Bumpin' On Sunset', 'God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen', or 'ANY DAY NOW' from this collection. My gosh, I've been whistling 'Any Day Now' for 14 years!
I believe the first rendition of this song that I heard was that instrumental by Crawford & McGriff, but Chuck Jackson had a #23 Billboard hit with it in '62. And there are several really good recordings of the song out there by folks such as Elvis Presley, Paul Carrack, Ronnie Milsap and others. I toyed with the idea of using Presley's notable version [HERE] in this Battle, but Elvis was indeed "the king", and using his recording would probably be beggin' for a blowout. (In BOTB, it's a good rule of thumb to largely avoid using certain performers like Elvis, Sinatra, Satchmo, and Nat King Cole... unless one feels like flirting with a blowout or shutout.)
So, I'm giving you a Jackson (vocal) versus Crawford & McGriff (instrumental) Battle, which might be a real slugfest. Here ya go, my friends!...
ANY DAY NOW - Chuck Jackson

This next video is restricted but supposedly will play in Canada. If it doesn't, try clicking HERE and listening. 'Any Day Now' is the first track on that alternate video, and it plays from 00:00 to 07:07.
ANY DAY NOW - Hank Crawford & Jimmy McGriff

Carnac The Magnificent (1-1): "By the hair of his chinny-chin-chin."
Question: Will Chuck beat Hank & Jimmy?
Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whether I know "you" or not) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other.
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there alsoVote your vice...   Vice your voice... 
Voice Your Vote...
@ THE DOGLADY'S DEN by clicking HERE
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th of each month to post my own votes and announce the winners in the comment sections.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. Not sure what I did, but I made everything I wrote go away. Hate when that happens!

    When I first saw the name of the tune, I wasn't sure that I had heard it before, but after listening to both, I am certain that I have (whew! can you say run-on sentence!) I can see where one could easily get this tune stuck in their head. It sure is catchy!

    I'm happy as peach pie that you're still joining us once a month for the battles. Hopefully it wont be long before you get your mojo back and you'll be joining us twice a month again. But take your time. No pressure :)

    I've got big goings on over in my part of the blogging world today. Hopefully I'll be able to stay on top of it all - although I haven't been sleeping at night lately, so it should prove interestng.


    1. MMQE ~

      Sorry to hear about the lack of sleep. I know that feeling well. Best suggestion: Get you a doctor who will write you a 30 mg. prescription for Temazepam. Best thing for sleeping since God invented 100-proof Bourbon! Really, the Temazepam is outta this world, and it will take you outta this world with it! Great stuffs! No early morning mental fog when you awake, either.

      >>... I'm happy as peach pie that you're still joining us once a month for the battles.

      What?! Not even "pleased as spiked punch"?!

      >>... (whew! can you say run-on sentence!)

      Don't feel bad. I was reading aloud something Saint Paul wrote in Ephesians this morning and his sentence ran-on so long that I ran out of breath three times just trying to get through the one sentence and I finally had to finish reading it silently to myself. Your sentence was pithy and succinct by comparison!

      >>... Not sure what I did, but I made everything I wrote go away.

      I have a lot of faith in you. And that's why I feel certain that your original comment, which the Google bug ate for breakfast, actually included a vote for this Battle.

      I have so much faith in you that I also feel certain you will return at some point and post a BOTB bote.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

    2. Alrighty... so I found a tiny sliver of sleep. No caffeine yet, but I did manage to sleep for a bit (either that or I passed out from exhaustion)

      My vote goes to .... drum roll please....

      Chuck Jackson


  2. Stephen,

    How are you doin' today? I had almost forgotten that you decided to do one battle of month, so glad that you're going to give this a try but if you need to step away completely for awhile then do it and get back to us. :) It certainly helps to break away sometimes. Now for your battle. I like both versions quite a bit but it's contender #2 who swayed me the best, so give my vote to Hank Crawford & Jim McGriff.

    Please, come vote in the I (Who Have Nothing) BoTB showdown!

    Have a blessed week, my friend!

    1. CATHY, it's that you?!

      >>... How are you doin' today?

      Well, let me put it this way: I'm seriously thinking about applying for a job as a Funeral Home Assistant. This job would entail doing many things, including picking up deceased bodies and transporting them to the funeral home or to the medical examiner / coroner's office.

      No one wants to hire me for my sparkling, outgoing, fun-loving (and often snarkastic) personality. So maybe it's time I covered it in heavy black cloth and start practicing my John Carradine impersonation?

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

    2. >>,,,I'm seriously thinking about applying for a job as a Funeral Home Assistant.

      Hey man, that's not a bad gig! (And if you happen to come across a beautiful rich widow in the process... even better!

    3. True, MMQE. Why didn't I think o' dat?...

      I can find me a fine wealthy married woman, make her a widow, and then cart away the evidence her previous marriagehood muhse'f.

      I like how you (and I) think!!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

    4. Stephen,

      Maybe you just need to get outdoors and enjoy some beautiful sun sunshine. That's a good remedy for picking up my mood. Oh, yeah some good mewsic will do the same. Sending some sunshine your way to lift your spirits, my friend!

    5. Actually, I *DID* go for a major hike in the mountains on Sept. 9th, when I was feeling down. Wound up with a pinched nerve that is STILL bothering me a bit.

      For sunshine, I should just stick with Leinenkugel's 'Summer Shandy'. And for exercise, I should just stick with those 12 oz curls. ;^)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  3. I don't remember this song at all, which is odd. Anyway, I prefer the smooth-jazz, instrumental version. Please give my vote to Hank Crawford & Jimmy McGriff. Since you and Cherdo are both doing battles on the 1st only, I might switch over as of Nov 1st, to be in sync. That would be easier, all around, don't you think?

    1. >>... "Do it, Debbie!"

      DEBBIE DOES... Dall-- er...
      BOTB! ...on the first.

      (Ya see? *THIS* is what whiskey will do to the mind of a very innocent, upstanding, professional, American saint!)

      Bottom line?:
      DON'T drink and BOTB!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

    2. Okay then, it's settled. I will still do one on Oct. 15th, then switch to once a month on the 1st, as of Nov. I've never been to Dallas, Stephen.😄

    3. Ha! Very glad to hear you've never been in Dallas! I must-a had a different Debbie in mind.

      By the way, it wasn't whiskey what done me in. Whiskey is my friend. It was actually... "demon rum". (I think someone should start a rum brand called "Demon Rum". How could that not become a big seller? If not "Demon Rum", then how about the "Yo-Ho! Rum Company"? Arrrrr!)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  4. I prefer Chuck and his rendition over the instrumental because I dislike that 80's style sax and the organ that I used to see in a mall.

    1. Thanks for your continued BOTB support, BIRGIT!

      Hmmm.... I don't think I'd call that sax sound '80s, exactly. I mean, it's just Jazz saxophone, as far as I'm concerned. But maybe the overall style of the song made you think of Smooth-Jazz, which became popular in the late '70s and '80s.

      Then again, WTP do I know? I'm ever-increasingly learning what a dope I really am.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  5. I'm usually all about instrumentals, but this song doesn't work as one. I'll go with Chuck Jackson here.

    1. JOHN ~

      BOTB will never cease being mysterious and stupefying!!

      Of all my regular voters, your vote in this Battle was the one I felt most certain of. OF COURSE you were going to vote for Crawford & McGriff!

      And here you are telling me this song doesn't work as an instrumental... when in fact it is on my short list of all-time favorite instrumentals!

      Would love to hear why you feel it doesn't work.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  6. Well, dang, this is a tough one. I know the song well, but I don't recall Chuck Jackson's version (or probably just hadn't heard it in so long). And I think this is my introduction to this version by Hank Crawford (though I've heard some of his music before).

    Let's see--I'll vote Chuck Jackson for best vocal and the duo for best jazz instrumental.

    They are difficult to compare since I like each version for different reasons. And Hank and Jimmy have a favor in the regard to the double length of the track compared to Chuck though Chuck has a last name that I like. Being a listener who likes the jazzy style of the second version, I enjoyed the extended jam.

    From the standpoint of which recording would I prefer to listen to most often I will pick the Crawford/McGriff version for my vote.

    Nice match

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. I'm pleased as spiked punch that you liked this match-up, LEE.

      Ha! Yeah, that surname is worth considering. That hadn't occurred to me.

      You and I both have nip-'n'-tuck BOTB contests going on right now. We dun choosed good. But BOTB always leaves me guessing. Like, right now, I'm guessing how this Battle might have gone had I used the Elvis version. Guess I'll never know.

      BOTB is *STILL* very interesting, even after 6 years!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  7. Hey there!

    I heard this song a lot, back in the day – by Ronnie Milsap. Always loved it.

    Because you’ve chosen two (also) terrific renditions, it’s difficult to pick a favorite. Perfection would be if Chuck got together with Hank and Jimmy to lighten the mood a bit. That being said, my vote goes to jazz on the blueside – Crawford and McGriff. Thanks for allowing me to vote.

    About that job consideration: It’s a good thing you whistle, in case they don’t have radios in hearses ; - ) Honestly, it’s really quiet in funeral homes. You seem more suited to a mobile DJ or party event moderator type of occupation. Oh, nevermind. We’d miss you too much here.

    1. dIEDRE ~

      >>... Thanks for allowing me to vote.

      Shoot! No reason to say thanks! I love having your BOTB input, and I especially appreciate you non-BOTBers who care enough about the blogfest to show up and participate as voters.

      And, by the way, if you ever think you'd like to join us, we would LOVE to have you become a BOTBer, too!

      >>... You seem more suited to a mobile DJ or party event moderator type of occupation.

      Ha! Yeah, I can understand why you might think that. But in truth, I'm actually more on the quiet, solitary end of the scale. If you knew me in school (elementary through high school), you'd probably *STILL* be saying I was the shyest person you ever knew.

      In fact, my 12th grade Theatre Arts class gave me two end-of-the-year awards:
      1) Shyest.
      2) Best Body.

      Those two are rarely encountered in tandem.

      So, how did I eventually come out of my shell? Well, one reason was definitely because of reading. I read so much that I eventually found that I could more than "hold my own" in most conversations.

      And another reason is because of my association with "The League Of Soul Crusaders". Wherever we went, the spotlight was on us - we didn't just "go" to parties, we "WERE" the parties! And I think being in a position like that, some people will rise to the challenge and take on the role that is expected of them.

      But, honestly, I still lean toward the more quiet, reserved side of the equation in my non-blogging life. I know that doesn't seem likely, because, as a friend recently texted to me, "you have a big personality". But truthfully, I now have the personality (and body) of a 60-year-old "mouse". :^)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

    2. Ha, Stephen T. you crack me up! In some ways you remind me of two of my brothers - going to or being - the party ; -) All good!

      I'd love to join the BOTB but can't always commit to the timing. As it is, I usually come sliding in under the fence. I'll keep the idea in mind, though. Thanks!

      Oh! And, don't forget my vote!
      I discovered two years ago you start counting backwards at 60. Now, we're even ; -)

    3. dIEDRE ~
      Let me know when your brothers are going to be in town here, and we can get together and be a party. ;^)

      Of course, with BOTB, you could do it just one day a month - on the 1st or 15th, whatever works best. But, anyway, you has an open invitation should you ever wanna join up with us. I'd bet you could put together some good match-ups.

      I am very, Very, VERY pleased to learn about this counting backwards from 60 concept. Suddenly, I feel more mentally sharp and energetic ALREADY!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  8. Cool old song. I had no idea that Burt-baby wrote it! It is soulful for a lily white guy like BB.

    I remember the Jackson version, and the Ronnie Milsap version. It has a catchy wonderful melody that resolves itself nicely.

    Because I am so used to the vocals and soulful sound of the voice, the instrumental version just did not sound right to me. In fact, it sounded like a totally different song. I must vote for Jackson.

    1. SIXGUNBOY ~

      I remember when I was young - a stupid teenager who loved Hard Rock and thought Thin Lizzy was the bee's knees, etc. - I filed the name Burt Bacharach in that same place where I stuffed Perry Como, Frank Sinatra, et al. I thought he wrote songs for old people.

      Then I got older 'n' wiser and started noticing how many really fabulous songs with magical melodies seemed to also have the name "Bacharach" in the writing credits.

      Today, I consider him one of the true masters of songwriting - definitely one of the greatest of all time! Burt-baby had some incredible gift for melody, given to him by The Master of Creation.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  9. My dear Hubzam loves this song as done by RM- apparently Ronnie Milsap played at his college campus several times. In classic Hubzam form, he refers to him as Ronnie Mudflap.

    Musically, it's one of our few common grounds, ha ha ha. I like that one best, too...but Mudflap ain't here today. Enuff history.

    Hold that thought...pull up a chair to this next one...

    Ain't nuttin' wrong with any type o' employment, do what ya gotta do, if ya wanna do it.

    Back to the task at hand: Hank & Jimmy get my one and only vote! They better use it wisely and win!

    Note: The running joke of saying "bote" is ruined by autocorrect, too. I typed bote and it inserted "vote." Technology is a two-faced kinda friend.

    Ciao, brudder!

    1. DOC CHERDO ~

      Yes, this song has several good renditions, and it could be used again in BOTB several times in very likely more close contests.

      Who said anything about "one and only vote"? My BOTB pages are like USA presidential elections, where you can bote as often as you like under various names - living, dead, illegal - the more the merrier! Heck, why not let your maid and your gardener bote, too?

      If you get caught cheating, I'll treat it just like the Republicans do with the Democrats in presidential elections (i.e., look the other way and pretend it never happened).

      >>... Technology is a two-faced kinda friend.

      Ha! Great line!

      Looks like Debbie's gonna become a First-O-The-Month BOTBer, also. You, Doc, are The Great Unifier!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  10. Hey Stephen, long time no see. How are you? I really love "Any Day Now" (it played here in Japan) as it features my favorite instrument: a sax! I love it! I am a sucker of smooth jazz.

    -- Amy


    1. HiYa, AMY! Where you been, m'dear? Happy to see you here. You and our Canadian friends make BOTB an International event!

      Like you, I also love the sax (especially the tenor), and for years it was my favorite instrument. Then it dropped to second place when I discovered how much I "felt" the electric organ. And with this version by Crawford & McGriff, I get oodles and oodles of both of my two favorite instruments! No wonder I love it so dang much!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  11. My vote is for Chuck, liked the vocals better

  12. Hey Stephen, Both renditions are very good, but I think Hilliard’s lyrics add a lot of soul to Bacharach’s melody. So my vote goes to Chuck Jackson.

    Best body in high school?! Not only is that impressive, but it would make a great title of your memoir! On another note, you would be a wonderful and caring addition to a funeral home. They would be lucky to have you.


    1. Howdy, GEM JULIE!

      Thanks so much for stopping by with two cents for the BOTB kitty! This is a really close Battle, as I strongly suspected it would be.

      Ha!-Ha! Yeah, that memoir... somehow I just don't see it happening. But in the spirit of full disclosure, I must say that I definitely did NOT have the best (male) body at my high school. The award pertained strictly to the Theatre Arts department. And when you consider that I was the ONLY guy in the department who had ever lifted weights and participated in organized (and disorganized) sports, and all the other guys were girlie men who were always dancing across the stage and would break out into a pirouette at the drop of a hat, the award was actually pretty meaningless. Heck, the second best male body in the department probably belonged to one of the females. [:^D

      Thanks for the compliment regarding the funeral home. I think I could do that job, but I also think it would be very depressing being around deceased people and heartbroken friends and family members every day. I'd rather pour drinks for those people later, from behind a bar.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  13. Al Bondigas here. Hmmm, man, a real tough one here. I had to listen to both a couple of times, and I'm still not sure I'm makin the right rulin'. What a great voice Chuck Jackson has, and what great musicianship in the Crawford and McGriff version. I guess I gotta commence to makin a rulin' so I just barely side with Hank Crawford and Jimmy McGriff. One of the toughest rulin's I've had to make in a long time. That's it!! That's muh rulin'.

    1. JUDGE ROY BE-- er... I mean, JUDGE AL ~

      Mang, I had you pegged as a CJ boter fer sure! You're right that the Crawford / McGriff rendition is just loaded with extraordinary musicianship, but... I know how you generally prefer vocals to instrumentals, and I know how you dig yer hooks (which are protly more pronounced in CJ's vocal version), so you really caught me off-guard here.

      It seems the longer BOTB goes on, the more my ability to predict how people will bote diminishes. (But still give me credit for using "more" and "diminishes" in the same sentence to convey the same idea! I may not be Stanley Ralph Ross, but I still has skills! GiR.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

    2. Yeah, I was thinking how I usually prefer songs with vocals also, but every now and then I deviate from that. In fact, that jazz CD you done gave me before you up n left fer Reno has some great music without vocals, and without vocals a song can have meaning personal to each and every listener, regardless of the title or the musician's/ song writer's intent. See, I was paying attention.

    3. Yip! Yer right, JUDGE.
      In fact, if I were to make a list of my 100 all-time favorite music tracks (if such a thing were even possible), I reckon half of them might be instrumentals.

      One thing, though...
      What Jazz CD did I done give you before I up 'n' left for Reno (may it be one of the first 10 cities the Russians destroy in the coming Tribulation)? That seems like at least 3 lifetimes ago to me now.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  14. Litigation may have been the words of the 1861, but who can even recall, with too many lawyers that anyone can remember?

    I'm with that Carnac guy on this one. Hank and Jimmy aren't bad, but Chuck is smooth. Smooth like a fine two dollar wine.

    So give my bote to Two Buck Chuck, and save Hank and Jimmy's funeral organ for your next (I hope not) job at Willoughberry & Sons Mortuary Services.

    1. Ha!-Ha! Great comment, BEER BOY!

      I'm surprised no one else even mentioned the ligation words of the 1861, but maybe they've all come to expect that kind of non-sequitur psychedelic jalapeno pepper from me by now.

      "Two Buck Chuck" -- GOL!

      Dang, mang, I didn't even make that Willoughby & Sons connection! But that's sumpin' else! Perhaps it was a sign that I was meant to pick up on. Maybe I was *supposed* to apply for that job. ...And maybe I will yet. That's really kinda weird. Methinks (maybe) that was a great "bust", McBrother!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  15. McBroman,

    Well, Chuck Jackson takes a seeming standard and makes it... standard.. aka average.

    Hank Crawford and Jimmy McGriff - the first few seconds of fancy guitar work I was wary then their song turned into a virtuoso of chill - and the beginning fit into the context of the whole song which I listened to a few times+. The chill aka relaxing storm - and when I get my fill I'm chilly chill. As Steely Dan would say on the FM Balmy Storm, "No static at all."

    A vote for Hank Crawford and Jimmy McGriff.


    1. Hokey-Smoke! McBrother G DogG, you done made it into the boting tally by the hair of your chinny-chin-chin!

      In fact, I sat down this morning with a cuppa joe to write my BOTB Results post, but within a couple minutes my phone rang and it was someone calling to have me come in today for a job interview. So, that changed all my plans, and the BOTB Results post got put on the back burner while I scrambled to find paperwork and do laundry.

      I'd been wundr'n where you were, and I really didn't have Clue 1 how you might vote on this Battle. But your comment leaves not the slightest doubt about where your alliegence... allegience... alleigence... where your preference lies.

      FUN FACT: The Steely Dan song 'FM' was written for (or at least featured in) the movie 'FM'. And guess what! Yours Truly worked in a nightclub scene during the making of that movie.

      Thanks for squeezin' in, DogG!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  16. This sounds like a superb idea for a challenge and you have me thinking about wanting to join up with this. I'd have to think a bit about the music to post, but I do like this whole thought process.

    1. P.J. ~
      Just let me know if you decide to join. It's pretty fun and we have a good group of participants.

      Some do two Battles per month - on the 1st *AND* 15th - while others (myself included) do just one Battle per month on the 1st *OR* the 15th.

      One can use any kind of music they like and switch from one genre to another - Rock, Blues, Jazz, Standards, Gospel, Folk - you name it.

      And there's a website titled 'Second Hand Songs' that can be useful in finding potential song match-ups:


      If you decide to join at some point, let me know and I'll add a link to your blog on my BOTB pages and in my sidebar.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'


All submitted comments that do not transgress "Ye Olde Comment Policy" will be posted and responded to as soon as possible. Thanks for taking the time to comment.