Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Yes, it's time once again for Battle Of The Bands (BOTB).
When my good friend Doc Cherdo suggested we use a 'Fool / Foolish' theme for our April 1st (April Fools' Day) BOTB installment, I was initially a bit skeptical of the idea. I started thinking of songs with the word "fool" in them: 'Fooled Around And Fell In Love' by Elvin Bishop came to my mind first. Then 'Fool For The City' by Foghat. I'm not much a fan of either of those. The third song that came to me - which I DO like - was 'What A Fool Believes' by The Doobie Brothers. And that made me think to myself: What does a fool believe? Being a [Maverick] Christian who has read The Holy Bible from cover-to-cover about 25 times, that question was immediately followed in my mind by the following Bible verses:
HOLY BIBLE. Condition: Used to the point that it has become the HO BIB. 
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written:
I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
And bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
~ 1 Corinthians 1:18-25
Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you seems to be wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise.
~ 1 Corinthians 3:18
In the middle of the day, on April 6, 1994, while I was reading a book in the Los Angeles apartment where I lived, I had a Spiritual experience which transformed me into a Maverick Christian.
Today, I have some Tervis Tumblers that I love and use for drinking everything from coffee & buttermilk to Grand Marnier. These tumblers commemorate the day Jesus Christ came to get me:
Muddy waves from the second floor window of the Los Angeles apartment where I was Baptized by Jesus and transformed into a [Maverick] Christian.
To me, the L.A. represents the Dodgers and the city of my birth and Baptism. But reversing the order, the A.L. stands for Almighty Love, which God said He is.
The same year that I turned to Christ, Christian singer-songwriter Michael Card released his album 'JOY IN THE JOURNEY: 10 Years Of Greatest Hits'. The album included a few new songs, including 'Why?', which had a line that showed me just how talented a lyricist Card was:
"Why did there have to be a heavy cross He was made to bear?
And why did they nail His feet and hands 
When His Love would have held him there?"
~ 'Why?' by Michael Card
Another song on that album is 'GOD'S OWN FOOL'. Bingo! Now I knew what direction I wanted to go in with this BOTB installment!!
For those who think that Christians are just fools, there's this to check out:
Michael Card is best known for his contributions in contemporary Christian music, which combine folk-style melodies and instrumentation with an in-depth study of the Bible. ... He is the son of a doctor and the grandson of a Baptist minister. He received bachelor's and master's degrees in Biblical studies from Western Kentucky University, and was awarded University's Distinguished Alumni Award in 1997. His studies in physics and astronomy led to a job at a planetarium, allowing Card to fund his education. In 2005, Card worked on a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Classical Literature.
So, now I just needed to find another "Christian Fool" song and I'd have myself a Battle. It didn't take long for me to stumble upon 'I'M A FOOL FOR CHRIST (WHO'S FOOL ARE YOU?)' by Gary S. Paxton.
I don't think I'd ever heard of Gary Paxton before, but - HOKEY-SMOKE! - when I read his bio at Wackypedia, it boggled my mind, and I highly recommend that you read it, too. [Link> I wanna say that Gary Paxton was apparently 'The Tiny Tim of Gospel' and, like Tiny Tim, he was a guy I wish I could have met. He lived an extraordinary life. For a few examples:
Paxton was an American record producer, recording artist, and Grammy and Dove Award winning songwriter. Paxton was a member of Skip & Flip and The Hollywood Argyles and was the producer of two number one Billboard Hot 100 singles, "Alley Oop" for The Hollywood Argyles in 1960 and "Monster Mash" for Bobby "Boris" Pickett in 1962.
In 1965, he produced "Sweet Pea", a hit for Tommy Roe, and "Along Comes Mary", a hit for The Association, winning a Grammy nomination in engineering for his efforts. The following year, he produced another hit for The Association, "Cherish".
Explaining how he came to Jesus, Gary Paxton said:
"I was very strung out, in all ways, and in 1971 my business partner committed suicide. It stopped me in my tracks. I walked into a church - stoned on drugs - and got saved!"
Paxton likened himself to "an armpit in the body of Christ" and said, "Jesus is my Lawyer in Heaven". (If you really understand the Gospel message, then you know that in a sense, Jesus Christ *REALLY IS* our Defense Lawyer in Heaven. That was a brilliant line!)
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...

GOD'S OWN FOOL - Michael Card

Alright now, “you know the gig”... I welcome you (whether I know "you" or not) to vote for your favorite of these songs in the comment section below. And feel free to tell us WHY you chose one song over the other.
After voting here, I suggest - actually I insist - you pop over to the blogs of the other 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' participants to see which songs they have chosen and vote there alsoVote your vice...   Vice your voice... 
Voice Your Vote...
@ THE DOGLADY'S DEN by clicking HERE
@ AI LOVE MUSIC by clicking HERE
@ STORMS & STARDUST by clicking HERE
As I've done in the past, I will continue to return to my 'BOTB' blog bits on the 7th of each month to post my own votes and announce the winner.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. Gary Paxton is a new name to me, but I'm well familiar with many of those music projects with which he's been involved.

    I used to listen to Michael Card a lot back in the 80's and 90's. Even went to see him in concert in Fort Worth TX in about 1987 or so.

    Though Paxton's performance is excellent, my musical preference lies in the style of Michael Card, who gets my vote.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. LEE ~

      Yeah, it's kind of surprising how many huge hit songs Paxton was involved in producing and yet his name wasn't familiar to either of us.

      'ALLEY OOP' by The Hollywood Argyles is one of my all-time favorite novelty songs, and it seems that Paxton may have actually been the lead vocalist.

      Wackypedia sez:

      According to Paxton – who, at the time, was half of Skip & Flip – "Alley Oop" was written by Dallas Frazier as a country tune:

      "As for the name, Kim Fowley and I were living in a $15-a-week room in Hollywood.... Since I was still under contract (to Brent Records) as 'Flip,' I couldn't put my name on 'Alley Oop.' Seeing that the studio was on the corner of Hollywood Blvd. and Argyle Street, I decided on Hollywood Argyles... Richard Podolor's studio American Recording Company in the Hollywood Palladium building is where the song was recorded... Other than myself, there were no actual Hollywood Argyles. Everyone else on the track was either a friend or a studio musician who I paid $25 apiece for the session. When 'Alley Oop' suddenly took off and people wanted to book us for concerts, there was no such group."

      The "Alley Oop" session was produced by Kim Fowley; He recalled that "all the participants were hopelessly drunk on cider by the time they recorded the song...." According to some reports, the lead vocalist on the track "Alley Oop" is Norm Davis, although the voice on the record has been identified as a match with other recordings sung by Paxton from the same era, such as "Spookie Movies."

      "Alley Oop" was the first song played on WLS-AM Radio in Chicago on May 2, 1960, when it changed format from farm programming to rock and roll.

      (For some odd reason, my mind just now flashed on an image of Les Nessman from WKRP in Cincinnati. ;^D )

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  2. Howdy Stephen T!

    Gary Paxton was pretty good. Reminded me of tunes by the Classics IV Stormy and Spooky, though not as lively.
    Half a second into Michael Card's song I was thoroughly transfixed! Loved the tune, the lyrics - everything about it. Thanks for the introduction ;-)

    P.S. A vote for Michael Card, please.

    1. HiYa, dIEDRE! ~

      Thanks so much for stopping by with yer two pennies for the BOTB kitty!

      >>... Gary Paxton was pretty good. Reminded me of tunes by the Classics IV Stormy and Spooky

      How about 'Alley Oop' by The Hollywood Argyles? (See my comment above, to Lee.)

      I'm pleased as spiked punch that you enjoyed Michael Card's song so much. I like it also, and yet it's not even close to one of my favorite MC songs. So, you might want to check out some of his others.

      That guy can actually rock pretty hard, too. I dig his rip-roaring songs 'Known By The Scars' and 'Scandalon'. 'Know You In The Now' is another really good one.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  3. Wow, I'm loving this battle and I think it's turning out pretty well. I love the direction you went with this. Great verses, great backstory. I can't compete with this genius!

    All I can say is, "there is a way that seems right to a man..." You know the rest of that line, brother.

    Lately, when I think about our whole crazy society, I keep looking for the Christian voice and the light that will shine brightly on the issues and clarify it for others. I'm not seeing it as much as I'd like to. That's really tragic to me. Some Christian spend their whole life studying the word and going to church... It's crunch time now. Now is the time when we should have leadership that leads! Not just in politics, but from within the church.

    instead, I'm seeing all out attack on the church. Did you see the article about the pastor who was arrested for having a church service? In the same city that refused to shut down the beaches for spring break? What's up with that? It's crazy.

    Like I keep saying, I have peace. The peace that comes from you-know-who.

    Great battle, great songs! I actually like both of them but I'm going to have to give my one and only vote to Michael Card.

    Be blessed, be safe, and be here on the 7th!

    1. DOC CHERDO ~

      >>... I can't compete with this genius!

      Ha!-Ha! Silly, silly girl.
      In all seriousness, I am very grateful that I am NOT a genius. Being just slightly smarter'n the average American stooge is frustrating enough as it is!!

      >>... All I can say is, "there is a way that seems right to a man..." You know the rest of that line, brother.

      :-D Indeed I do, MacSIS. In fact, the whole thing has bitten me on the rump more than a couple times in my life.

      >>... the pastor who was arrested for having a church service? In the same city that refused to shut down the beaches for spring break?

      Whoa! No, I had NOT heard about that. What city was that? And who do you suppose was behind that travesty of justice? (How do YOU spell evil? Hint: It's not "s-a-t-i-n".)

      Like you, M'Dear, I am totally at peace. Bring it on! The sooner the better, as far as I'm concerned. I think 2029 is the end of this evil age. Some Bible students think it's going to be 2028. I hope I am wrong and they are right.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  4. It's a pretty easy choice for me today. I'm voting for that first dude - Gary Paxton. I really enjoyed the tune.

    Sorry this response is short. Dealing with pressure sores and it's a bit painful to sit after too long. Makes it difficult to get everything done online.

    Jingle Jangle Jungle - #AtoZChallenge: A
    #AtoZChallenge: Abby's Promise by Rebekah Dodson

    1. MMQE ~

      As if you don't have enough issues to deal with already, right?

      No worries, my friend! I'm just happy to find you here with your two-cent charitable contribution to the cause.

      Another day, another prayer to God said for Mary!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  5. Well, this is a tough choice. The “Rockin’ Pneumonia and the Boogie Woogie Flu,” was a hit for Johnny Rivers, and he does the best version of it. On the other hand, I always liked The Police, and “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” was a huge hit for them and with me, too. And in these times, I don’t want you standing close to me, just in case this Wuhan virus BS has some small element of truth in to it. I’m going to have to vote for The Police.

    OH… wait. Wrong battle.

    OK, well, your battle is an easy choice. Michael Card’s song is really good. As with almost everything I have a couple of issues, but they are minor. His voice is too high for me. Geddy Lee is a basso profundo by comparison. And I would not call Jesus “an angry young man” - as do the lyrics - by any means. Yes, yes… the moneychangers. But Jesus exemplified Love.

    I thought the production was great on Card’s song, Card has the winning hand here.


      >>... “Rockin’ Pneumonia and the Boogie Woogie Flu,” was a hit for Johnny Rivers, and he does the best version of it.

      Wait! Better'n Huey 'Piano' Smith? Oh, you Musical Divider, you! Alright, I'll have to check that out. I really do like Johnny Rivers (my Ma loved him!) but I don't think I've heard his version. I did, however, once own Huey "Piano" Smith's rendition on a vinyl long-playing record when I was a teen.

      I'll have to put in my due diligence before I get back to you and tell you that you are... [link> "WRONG!"

      The Police... SMH.
      I don't like the ones who play musical instruments much more than the ones who wear uniforms and feed at the taxpayer-funded trough.

      >>... His voice is too high for me. Geddy Lee is a basso profundo by comparison.

      [link> "WRONG!" (again).

      Geddy "Pig Squealer" Lee is very nearly at the point where only dogs could hear him. (And what a blessing that would be for everyone... except dogs.) Plus, Card chose that pitch for this one song, but he doesn't ordinarily sing as high as he does in 'God's Own Fool'. The Squealing Pig has no choice but to squeal. Plus, Plus, the next time you mention the Squealing Pig on my blog, you will be banned until... well, at least until the coronavirus scare (#FakeCrisis) is over and the bars and saloons are re-opened.

      >>... I would not call Jesus “an angry young man” - as do the lyrics - by any means. Yes, yes… the moneychangers. But Jesus exemplified Love.

      Ahhh! OK, finally a point of agreement!

      Right, right. That line bothers me, as well. Sure, He was angry at the moneychangers. And I'm sure He was angry when He addressed the hypocritical priests, teachers, and scribes, and referred to them as "white-washed sepulchres".

      BUT!... anger was by no means the principal facet of Christ's personality. He had/has a wonderful sense of humor and, unbeknownst to most people, Jesus was/is fond of playing extremely clever (non-harmful) practical jokes on people. He's done it to me a couple of times. And the first time, the joke was so clever that it took me 15 or 16 years to "get it".

      [*Recommended book: [Link> 'BEAUTIFUL OUTLAW: Experiencing The Playful, Disruptive, Extravagant Personality Of Jesus'*]

      >>... Card has the winning hand here.

      Ha! I see what you did there. Clever, McBrother, clever!

      Thanks for your ongoing support of Geddy Le-- er, I mean... BOTB.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

    2. Actually, the only honest thoughts in my comment were about Jesus’ "anger" (Yes! You sent me "Beautiful Outlaw" which illustrates that well!) and my vote. The rest was made-up garbage!

      "I was only trying to start a fight!"

      The Truth? I like Johnny Rivers, but I can't stand "Rockin' Pneumonia..." Yuck! Hated that song. The Police were just OK, and while I do like - though got sick of (pun unintended) - "Don't Stand So Close To Me..." really, the whole point was to cause trouble.

      Of COURSE Geddy Lee has a higher voice than Michael Card There is not anyone in music other than Minnie Ripperton with a higher voice!! But I knew how much consternation the mere mention of Lee would cause you. Heh-heh. Blame it on the dreaded Chinese, Wuhan, Commie Coronavirus boredom! Many there isn't anything else to do but cause trouble! Thank Heavens you guys are still doing these BOTBs. I guess you are an essential service, like pot shops and lingerie espresso stands.

      Which brings to mind a question:
      (BTW, as we've discussed before, it doesn't "BEG the question." Everyone gets that wrong! ARRRGGHH! )

      … as I was a-sayin’, the question:
      how would the old trouble-makin’ League of Soul Crusaders have dealt with the Chinese Bio-lab bat flu? Besides staying home and drinking?

      Thanks for some fun, McBuddy!

    3. Ahhh! So you're just a deliberate troublemaker, eh, SIXGUN?!

      A man after my own heart. Stir the pot, McBruhthuh, stir the pot!

      >>... There is not anyone in music other than Minnie Ripperton with a higher voice!!

      Ha!-Ha! Spot-on. (I'll never forget the time Jean Gonzalez swayed and lip-synced to Riperton's 'Lovin' You' in front of our Public Speaking class. I always hated that song... until Jean "performed" it. Changed the whole way I thought about it.)

      >>... how would the old trouble-makin’ League of Soul Crusaders have dealt with the Chinese Bio-lab bat flu? Besides staying home and drinking?

      We'd also go out and drink. Probably on rooftops. Maybe on Catalina or in Mexico. One of our two primary slogans was: "We do what we WANT!!" And we did, too. So, truthfully, we would have done whatever we wanted to do.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  6. Stephen,

    What a great take on the 'fools' theme! As you know I went with it as well and I had no idea that you and Cherdo conspired to do the same. I count myself blessed to be in such great company. :)

    I first learned of Michael Card when my BIL gave us Card's 'Sleep Sound in Jesus' CD when our oldest was born. I fell in love with his gentle vocals singing Jesus lullabies. This song is beautiful. Any other day I might have voted for this one but being in my state of mind after a frazzled day what I need is a song that has a bit more pickup and so I found new-to-me GARY PAXTON just what the Great Physician ordered. Thanks for sharing the snippets from Wikipedia about Paxton. I had to smile when I read how he saw himself "an armpit in the body of Christ". At least he got his spirit affairs in order. That's what's important. Some live their whole life fully for Jesus and other stumble til they can't stumble anymore before they're ready to lay it all at the Master's feet.

    Take care of yourself, ole friend and thanks for stopping by to cast your vote in my showdown. Have a blessed afternoon!

    1. CAThy ~

      I'm glad you liked my approach to the "fool" theme. I just stumbled into it, like a fool would.

      >>... I had no idea that you and Cherdo conspired to do the same. I count myself blessed to be in such great company.

      Great minds... approach April Fools' Day alike.

      >>... just what the Great Physician ordered

      Ha! Well played, Cathy!

      >>... I had to smile when I read how he saw himself "an armpit in the body of Christ".

      Yeah, that actually made me laugh out loud!

      People are seriously running out of time to get right with God. Sadly, the large majority will be caught unaware when The End comes - as it did in the days of Noah - and then it will be too late to choose rightly. The time for choosing which side one is with is NOW! Because, at a certain point, God is going to say: You already chose. NOT making a choice is also choosing.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  7. And Stephen,

    Good battle, that apt was when you were living at Suey's Bldg, right? Such a nomad it is hard to keep up. I like the Paxton's more rockier and liked the Card version too. I am siding with Paxton for the music but liked Card's lyrics. Hope you are well and coping with the impacts of this virus thing. We are well in my home. However, I don't want to admit I am in a high risk group. Albeit, haven't I always been? Especially during the 70's and 80's. I remember you stopping for contemplative prayer on a road trip or two whilst I waited. I have been exploring such lately too. God bless you my friend,

    1. ...AND, POOH, THAT'S NOT ALL!...

      Yes, sir, you are precisely correct! It was while I was living in Suey's apartment building on Military Avenue that Christ Yeshua came to get me!

      Yes, I am fine. Got toilet paper and peace of mind.

      (I'm not for a moment buying into this coronavirus hyper-scare propaganda. It's Uncle Scam's way of worming his satanic way into our lives and gaining greater control. It's also setting the stage for the anti-Christ. I have a finely tuned Bullshit-O-Meter, and this crap doesn't even pass the smell test!!)

      >>... I remember you stopping for contemplative prayer on a road trip or two whilst I waited. I have been exploring such lately too.

      Please allow me to make a suggestion: Most Christians would tell you to start by reading one of the Gospels (usually the book of 'John'). "I disagree, homeboy!"

      I always tell people to start by reading the five chapters of 'The First Epistle Of John' first.

      I'm yakking about 1 John: 1-5 (NOT the Gospel of John). 1st John - only five chapters long - can be read in about 15-20 minutes. You'll find it toward the back end of your Bible, between 'The 2nd Epistle Of Peter' and 'The 2nd Epistle Of John'.

      I suggest reading 'The 1st Epistle Of John', like, eight times in a row, before moving on to anything else in The Bible. Read it over and over until you know you know it. Why? Because '1st John: 1-5' is the entire, complete message of The Holy Bible in a perfect summary. It's like 'The Cliff's Notes' to The Bible. Once you know you know '1st John', you will know EVERY truly essential point that The Bible is teaching us. Everything else in The Bible is simply "additional details".

      Of course, I recommend reading all of The Holy Bible (every year, from January 1st to December 31st). But if a person fully understands just the five chapters of 'The First Epistle Of John', they understand every single crucial idea in The Book.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  8. McBroMan,

    I would have voted for Boys Are Back In Town except voting has been "delayed" (rigged!) here. I've been going along, huddled in the kitchen cupboard dousing myself with bleach, wearing a titanium suit in case a piano falls on me, and eating paint chips. Also don't listen to loud music because Uncle Sam says it's bad for our ears.. psst I use earphones wired to a CB. Slow Ride! Dow dow dowdow. Take it easy! Dow dow dow dowSlowRidebow!SlowRidebowgottagottagottabowwowwowKsshsshhkhhthey're they'rejamming the transiti---kshhhhh

    "To be fair I don't even see how you could sell shockmaster even if he didn't mess up. He's litterally just a fat dude clearly wearing a stormtrooper helmet covered in glitter."

    Agreed, I also vote for Shockmaster!

    Card's song starts with an Elton John piano then Christopher Cross voice - who's no Michael McDonald, two voices of angels dancing on the head of a pin along with all the folks McDonald sang duets with and backup for (Guinness Book Of Records numbers) and get in there Doobies for good measure.

    Another good matchup and depth of information* - kudos, S-Man. My vote is for gruff but lovable Paxton, straight up. Rock and RooowoLLL!

    * "My mother told me she was half Native American — Kickapoo Indian — and half Scotch. She said my father was half Jewish, half red-headed Irishman. So, that makes me an 'Inju.'" And an American, by golly. "There are no second acts in American lives," says Fitzgerald. Well F ancy lad in your ruffled shirt, you never met Paxton, how do you like them apples. And another thing! There are second lives in American acts, seasons don't fee the repah kshhhhh kshh kshhh--Another "short" from Uncle Sam - Sammy, get well soon.

    Cheers Bro

    1. G-DOGG ~

      Where you been, punk?! I thought maybe coronavirus (or a case of Corona beer) gotcha.

      >>... dousing myself with bleach, wearing a titanium suit in case a piano falls on me

      Ahhh! So you've seen 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' too, huh? Always gotta be ready for some crazy Toon to lower the boom.

      >>... Slow Ride! Dow dow dowdow. Take it easy!

      That just inspired me to take the Beach Boys compact disc out of my CD player and replace it with my compact disc of 'ON THE ROAD AGAIN: Pedal To The Metal'. It begins with [#1]'Radar Love' by Golden Earring (naturally!)

      Agreed! SHOCKMASTER, mang! "It's still real to me!"

      >>... My vote is for gruff but lovable Paxton, straight up.

      Paxton straight, no chaser?

      [#2]'Peace Frog' - The Doors

      >>... Kickapoo Indian — and half Scotch

      Oh, man, that's one of my favorite drinks of all time! Of course, too many of them can land you in a Mexican jail. (At least, that's what a friend of mine said. I'm just speaking for "a friend".)

      >>... seasons don't fee the repah kshhhhh kshh kshhh--

      Needs more cowbell.

      But you know what DOESN'T need more cowbell? I'll tell ya...

      [#3]'Born To Be Wild' - Steppenwolf

      Thanks for coming back from the dead, G-DogG.

      You and SigToo have both been recently resurrected by Dr. Frahhhkenstein.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'


      [#4]'Oh Well' - The Rockets

  9. I'm not religious, but I do appreciate good Christian music sometimes - mostly Hymns and Gospel. I could listen to Gospel all day - and still not consider myself Christian. Spiritual . . .

    But I doubt God/Jesus cares much how you come to praise his name or believe in his presence. Jesus is the hero of the down-trodden and misfortunate.

    I really don't like "Christian" music. Ask me, its a bunch of hyped up yokels poaching on romance songs for a few worshipful words of devotion. Lame, lame. Annoying to listen to.

    While reading most of the post I clicked on the Paxton video, not expecting my speakers to produce any sound. I've been having issues listening to Face Book videos. But the song produced loud and clear and I continued to read your awesome post. Yeah, almost totally tuned out Paxton - sorry.

    Then I clicked on Card and immediately though I did not like it. But I listened, and the more I listened, the more I liked. A rough beginning, but it held my attention. I like this guy.

    But to be fair, I listened again to Paxton. Good beat, good vibes, but again, totally unforgetable.

    I give my vote to Card, and will likely seek out more of his folk songs.

    Be safe, stay home Saint Mac.

    1. WILD THING ~

      >>... While reading most of the post I clicked on the Paxton video, not expecting my speakers to produce any sound. I've been having issues listening to Face Book videos. But the song produced loud and clear and I continued to read your awesome post. Yeah, almost totally tuned out Paxton

      Thank you!!
      It was probably a Miracle from God that your speakers played the songs. God is yakkin' at ya, Sister! Listen! Listen to the Spirit of Love Who gave you the ears to listen WITH!
      ;^D Ha!-Ha!

      It may surprise you to find me saying this but... I agree with you! I'm not "religious" either. (Well, to be honest, I like to interpret the word "religion" to represent what I do as a result of my Spiritual beliefs. So, in other words, not stealing is part of my "religion". Doing all I can to help others is part of my "religion". Keeping my word is part of my "religion", etc.)

      I haven't been inside a so-called "Christian" church for at least 6 years. (And even then, I only went to support some Chinee peeples who were fresh off the boat from Communist China.)

      I believe that most "Christian" churches today have been infiltrated by satan. I don't recommend going to the vast, Vast, VAST majority of them.

      When I refer to myself as a "Christian", I almost always precede that word with "Maverick", to indicate that I am not your standard, mainstream Christian. Some of my (Bible-based) beliefs would get me stoned to death by most of today's "Christians".

      And I agree with your take on most of today's Christian music. I think it's just 1970s Pop music with weak Christian lyrical themes interwoven into it. It stinks and lacks true Christian passion.

      To me, MAHALIA JACKSON is still the ultimate in genuine Christian Music. They didn't call her the "Queen" of it fer nuttin'!

      I think you will dig a good amount of Michael Card's songs. Lemme know, later, what you think, please. (Also, listen to the Christian album 'Crimson And Blue' by Phil Keaggy. That music will probably surprise you... and rock your socks off, too.)

      Thanks so much for coming by with yer two cents fer the BOTB kitty!

      >>... Be safe, stay home Saint Mac.

      Nah! I ain't stayin' home. I'm sleeping at the front door of the 11th Frame Winner's Lounge (at the Carson City bowling alley) until they open up for business again. I wanna get the first Martini they serve after this coronavirus (#FakeCrisis) scam ends.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  10. Even though this is not my type of gig, I cast a vote for Michael Card, his ballad style of singing reminded me of Chris DeBurgh

    1. BIRGIT ~

      Thanks for checking in, even if this ain't yer type o' gig.

      I don't know who Chris DeBurgh is, but he might be going to Heaven just because he sounds like Michael Card. Saint Peter at the Golden Gate is pretty old now, and he might not be able to hear the difference between Michael and Chris.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  11. I liked the Michael Card song much better than Gary Paxton's, so I'll give Michael my bote.

    1. JOHN ~

      Thanks for stopping by with a vote, buddy.

      BTW, Gary Paxton told me to tell you that he doesn't like you, either.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'

  12. Hi Stephen, Thus far, it looks like I’m in the minority here, as I prefer the catchy beat of Paxton’s song. Hope you’re feeling well, and staying safe. Have a Happy Easter!


    1. GEM JULIE ~

      I truly appreciate you weighing in on this Battle! (You're really a sweetheart!!)

      Paxton is actually hanging in here, and this is not a bad Battle at all. In fact, I'm pleasantly surprised by it. It's fairly competitive, and at this point, either artist could win.

      The phunny thing is, though, that when I put this match-up together, I thought Paxton was gonna *DESTROY* Michael Card. I was certain that this would NOT be a shutout, but I really did think it would be a blowout, with Paxton winning easily.

      So, I'm kind of shocked to find Michael Card in the lead. But also happy that it's close enough that Paxton could still stage a comeback and win this thing.

      Thanks again, Julie, for your input. I sincerely appreciate your ongoing support of my BOTB posts!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  13. Hey, there, stranger! Remember me? Panic buying people out ransacking stores had my schedule and hours at work all run amok and I have no battle of my own to contribute at this time. But I am now on a Coronavirus Vulnerability Leave for a bit, so I should at least be able to come visit everyone and vote, and maybe get a battle prepared for the 15th.

    As someone who is more spiritual than religious (though still a follower of Christ), I haven't really listened to any Christian bands other than Stryper and Creed. I've never heard of your two competitors, though I *HAVE* heard of all the songs Paxton produced. I'm giving my vote to GARY S. PAXTON, because I like the sound of his song better.


    1. Howdy, KIM ~

      Thanks for stopping by with a vote, even though you weren't able to BOTB with us this time. I'll be on the lookout for your April 15th Battle.

      It's also nice to see Paxton getting another "bote". This is a pretty decent little contest so far.

      Take care of yourself, Kim, and we'll catch ya later.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  14. Hey Stephen, wonderful battle you got going on! I had to listen to each song many times to pick my favorite because they are both good.

    But, my pick goes to Michael Card. He reminds me of Christopher Cross,maybe it is because of the mellow tune or his vocal tone. But, I love soothing rock tunes like his.

    Stay safe and healthy!

    1. AMY ~

      Thanks for checking in with yer two cents.

      Hey! You're right! That had never occurred to me before, but (in this song, anyway) Michael Card does sound very Christopher Cross-like. (And how appropriate: CHRISTopher CROSS. Coincidence? Ah dohn think so!)

      I'm pleased that you enjoyed this match-up so much. It looks like Card is going to win this, but Paxton definitely made a decent show of it.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...'

  15. Al Bondigas here. That was a good call by aisasami. Michael Card does sound a lot like Christopher Cross. Well, I listened a few times and kind of went back and forth. I guess I'm gonna make a rulin' fer Michael Card here. I know I don't sound like a very confident judge here, so it's quite possible that an appellate court could reverse my rulin'. Anyway, rulin' fer Michael Card. That's it, that's muh rulin'.


      Ha! Don'tcha just hate it when an appellate court negates yer rulin'?!

      This time, I really didn't feel that I had a clear handle on how you would rule. And, apparently, I was spot-on in feeling that way, since you yuhse'f didn't really have a clear handle on how to rule.

      I will say, though, that I leaned slightly toward the idea that you would slightly lean toward the side of Gary Paxton. So... wrong again was I.

      But, regardless, thanks fer takin' the time to make a rulin'.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  16. Sorry I'm late, but I was trying to abide by the federally mandated social distancing of posting 6 days apart. I've spent the past week building my own mask out of paper towels and Lego pieces, so that there's no way I can get infected by the sea of zombies swarming outside, or whatever CNN is talking about.

    I'll have to admit that I've never been the biggest fan of Christian music, since it's usually that kind of watered down soft-rock with a bit of hippie-ish Kumbaya thrown in. But both of these were a pleasant surprise, and I probably could have seen myself boting for either, but I've got to give it to Michael Card with his extra bit of gusto and passion that pushes his song to 11.

    Side note: as I was boting, this image from the Michael Card video has been staring me in the face, and tell me, does this not look like a particularly neurotic St. Frasier?

    "I question you not, oh lord, but why - WHY was it forgotten that only three days ago I was punched in the face by a man now dead?"
    -St. Frasier, Patron Saint of Comedy

    1. CLIVE ~

      Are you one of those fiery Mexican Clives? Er... I meant, Bryan. Are you one of those fiery Mexican Bryans?

      I agree that most of today's Christian music is watery Pop with milky words layered over the top. I'm a fan of the Old School Christian music, though. Mahalia Jackson is my favorite. But I dig a lot of Bob Dylan's music, too, from his early Christian era.

      Indeed - no Q about it - St. Frasier is the Patron Saint of Comedy.

      Thanks for boting, Brother.

      ~ D-FensDogG


    If you are interested in seeing the final vote tally for this 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' installment and my closing thoughts on it, you can put the following URL into your browser:

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'


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