Tuesday, August 31, 2021




This blog bit series is dedicated to three persons: 

1: My Ma ('East Of Eden'), who first made me aware of James Dean.

2: My great friend and publicity photographer, Kelly "Andy" Anderson ('Rebel Without A Cause'), who committed suicide in 1986.

3: My great friend and professional acting buddy, Marty "Party" Brumer ('Giant'), who was killed by a car thief in Los Angeles in 1989.


Yes, it's time once again for Battle Of The Bands (BOTB).


Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...


Bottom Line first: This is going to be a James Dean 'Battle Of The Bands' series which will take me up to December 1st and my traditional Christmas contest


I am using my four favorite songs which mention "James Dean" in the lyrics. But I didn't want to force all y'all to listen to all four songs at once, so I'm going to do a Round 1 and a Round 2, and then have a final Championship Round 3 between the two winners of Rounds 1 & 2. ALL votes and voters (whether we know each other or not) will be appreciated, as always - the more the merrier!


Why James Dean? Can you think of a better actor to feature in BOTB

No. You can't! Martin Sheen said that [link>, "[James Dean] was the greatest actor who ever lived. He was simply a genius." It's probably the ONLY thing Martin Sheen ever said that I agree with. Dean was the most inventive actor I've ever seen, and he brought all kinds of marvelous touches to his characters that were NOT written in the screenplays.


My Ma was a major movie fan, and when I was 17 years old and she realized that I was very serious about trying to create an acting career for myself, she told me about James Dean. Dean and my Ma were both born in 1931, so when Dean died in an automobile crash on September 30, 1955, he and my Ma were both 24 years old. Ma told me that she was heartbroken when she heard of his death. James Dean starred in only 3 movies, and all 3 of those movies were on my Ma's 'Top 25 Movies' list when she passed away in 2005.





During this 6-Part series (3 Battles & 3 Battle Results posts over the next three months), I am going to yak quite a bit about what I thought of James Dean's acting ability, what he meant to me as a wannabe actor, and where his inspiration and my passion took me in Hollyweird. If you're not interested in any of that, feel free to bypass all of my bibbidi-bobbidi-boo and go straight to the songs and cast your BOTB Botes in the comment sections below.


Ma told me about James Dean when I was still in 12th grade at Santa Monica High School. Santa Monica High School was also known as "Samohi" (and also known as "Dawson High" - but more about that later). 


I was in the Theatre Arts Department. My only friend in the Theatre Dept. was [link> Marty Brumer, and as far as I could tell, we were perhaps also the only heterosexuals in the Dept. It wasn't until the last couple of months in my senior year in high school that I felt anyone in the Theatre Dept. even noticed me. Suddenly, with graduation only months away, it seemed that some of the most popular people in Theatre recognized that I had some acting talent. Nevertheless, at the Theatre Arts Department's year-end party, the only awards I won were for "Shyest" and "Best Body" (...because I was a high school wrestler). Those weren't exactly the awards that one would expect to go together: When had the "Best Body" ever been the "Shyest", also?


After my Samohi graduation, I enrolled in Theatre at Santa Monica College (SMC). On the first day of class, the instructor told us which plays we would be analyzing that semester and, disgusted, I dropped out of SMC after that first day. I had spent 3 years analyzing plays in high school; I felt it was now time to learn how to *really* "Act". 


I had gotten hired by 'Central Casting' so, by day, I worked on Television, Movie, and Commercial sets, doing "Background" (or "Extra") work in Hollywood; by night, I attended professional acting classes in L.A. I told my acting buddy, Marty, about the professional classes I was taking and he quickly joined me. Years later, he thanked me for pointing him toward professional classes, as he felt they had been instrumental in turning him into a true professional actor in Hollywood.


Circa 1978, I had read some things about James Dean in a couple books before I ever even saw him perform. I became aware that The Fox retro-movie theatre in Venice ("the ghetto by the sea") was going to be playing Disney's 'Lady & The Tramp' (1955) and 'East Of Eden' (1955), so I made it a point to attend the showing. 


Just in the first five minutes of 'East Of Eden', I was already blown away by James Dean's ability! It definitely exceeded, by far, my expectations! That very slight, little nervous tug he gives on his sweater as he's silently passing between the rough fishermen in an unpaved alley in Monterey -- THAT was *ALL* I needed to see in order to know that I was observing a genuine master at his craft!! That slight, nervous little tug on his sweater (blink and you miss it) was HUGE! Not one Hollywood actor in ten thousand would have conceived of that miniscule gesture, but to anyone who understood great acting, it was an unmistakable sign of a genius performer! ...Blink and you miss it, but his greatness was illustrated and foretold right there in that tiny tug, which clearly showed that James Dean had indeed BECOME his character, Cal Trask, nervously passing between rowdy fishermen while surreptitiously following an elderly woman through the streets of Monterey, California.


Here's the tiny tug of nervousness which revealed SO MUCH! :



I knew right then, in 1978 at the Fox Venice Theatre, that even before I'd been born, "the bar" had already been "set too high" for me to attain. I would never stupidly try to pretend that I was going to be "the next James Dean"; I would be satisfied if I could just be the genuine, authentic "me". 


For $35., I purchased a first edition copy of William Bast's 'James Dean', the very first biography about Dean, which sold for .35 cents when it was published in 1956. Below is a picture of that book which still sits on one of my bookshelves, surrounded by other books which illustrate the fact that, over time, I did indeed find my "genuine, authentic self" - unconventional as I may be:



It should come as no surprise that good [link> James Dean fan clubs still exist around the world to this very day:



Life can be surprising. I felt fairly confident that I was going to make it big in Hollywood, because at that time, there weren't many performers like me, and I honestly felt that Hollywood *needed* an actor like myself. Back then, my biggest competitor for roles in Hollywood was probably Kristy McNichol, and I was pretty sure I could beat her. :^D  


This is the first 8x10 publicity photo I used to promote my ill-fated acting career: 



My great friend "Andy" Anderson took the picture for me in late 1977 or early '78 in the alley behind Star Liquor store, across the street from Dogtown's now-famous [link> 'Zephyr Surf Shop' at the corner of Bay & Main streets. For nearly 20 years, I kept a small copy of that photo in my wallet to show to barbers, so they'd see how I wanted my hair cut.


One day in the late 1990s, I sat down in a female barber's chair, showed her the photo and said, "Please cut my hair to look like this, as much as possible." This dark-haired, dark-eyed, smokin'-hot woman in her mid-twenties said, "Wow! Who is THAT?!!" And the disappointment in her voice was readily apparent when I said, "That's me" and she replied, "Really?!" I knew then, in that moment, that if I'd truly ever had "it", "it" was definitely gone at that point. No matter, as I'd already called it quits on the acting gig. By 1985, I had really begun to feel comfortable in my own skin, and thus the desire to "pretend to be other characters" had left me. I was already enough of a "character" when I was just being "me".


For very valid reasons, James Dean has become an iconic American symbol and has been mentioned or alluded to in dozens of songs, including postmodern songs by Pop Tarts such as Madonna, Taylor Swift, and Lady GagGag. However, I won't be using their songs in this series because I know a couple of you shameless punks (who shall remain nameless as well as shameless, but you KNOW who you are) would vote for them just to make me mad. Punks! (Warning: Any illegal votes cast for Madonna, Swift, or GagGag will automatically be assigned to Phyllis Diller. Punks!!


Here are your two song options for voting in this first installment of the 'James Dean BOTB Series'. Please vote for your preference between these two songs, regardless of the James Dean aspect to them:


'ROCK ON' by David Essex (1974)

[link> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDnRY0QkVio



'AMERICAN PIE' by Don McLean (1971)

[link> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhX3b1h7GQw



In future installments of this series, I will tell you about my first trip in 1980 to Fairmount, Indiana, James Dean's hometown. I'll also be relating some of my experiences on the set of the TV series 'M*A*S*H', which I appeared in almost weekly for the final five of its eleven seasons (1978-1983). More importantly, I once prominently appeared in a movie scene with "Jessica Rabbit" - but that's a story for another 'Battle Of The Bands' series.


Please vote in the comment section below and then return to this blog on Sept. 8th (or so) to find out which of these two songs triumphed in Round 1 of 'Battle Of The Bands - The James Dean Series', and which song will be meeting the winner of Round 2 scheduled for October 1st. 


Me in downtown Los Angeles (circa 1982 or '83), photo by Pooh:



~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. Hey there Stephen!

    This ought to be a good battle. Looking forward to the next round and then the championship. Of course, I will be devastated if my selection doesn't make it through. I may need to find me a fainting couch to reside on until the devastation passes.

    Before I cast my vote, I wanted to tell you that you were in my thoughts as that fire creeps closer and closer to ya. You boys stay safe, you hear me?!?

    Okay.. No worries here about my vote. I would NEVAH EVAH cast a vote for Gag Me or Mads or even Swifty. *well, maybe Mads, if the situation was right.. but that's not the case today!

    Both of these songs are favorites, but one is a little further up the list for me. I remember when the song came out, and I instantly dug it. Have always had a soft spot in my cold heart for this one.

    Don't get me wrong, the other one is good, but just not 'good enough' when placed next to the other.

    Alright, I suppose I should cast my vote now.
    That's right, I'm voting for... David Essex

    Rock on bro...


    1. MMQE ~

      Congratulations on being the first to draw blood here!

      >>... I may need to find me a fainting couch to reside on until the devastation passes.

      Wild Turkey 101 is a good medication for devastation!

      Thanks for thinking of me during this terrible wildfire situation. We are OK, but I feel very bad for all the people who have lost their homes and businesses and been displaced by this catastrophe which "The Powers That Be" deliberately let get out of control. As is usually the case, there's more going on here than meets the eye!

      I'll keep on Rockin' On, my friend!

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  2. Stephen,

    It's good to have you back with BOTB. You won't believe this but I haven't seen a James Dean film. I guess I need to change this and try to find East of Eden since that title I've heard of for a long time. I recall that he was killed in an auto accident and that he was young but 24? WOW, that's really young! I have a picture of my daddy when he was a teen. He reminds me a little of James Dean the way he styled his hair wearing jeans, t-shirt, and a jacket. My daddy was born in 1938. At the time of Dean's death, Daddy would've been 17. I have to ask Daddy about that picture to see if he was a James Dean fan or he just wanted to look like him to get the girls. :)

    Now for your battle. I'm going with DAVID ESSEX "Rock On" because I just loved that song when it came out. Although American Pie came out a few years prior, I don't remember it from the 70s. It wasn't until much, much later that I heard it. I'm thinking it was either at the end of the 70s or early 80s as that's when I recall hearing about American Graffiti. Get this, it wasn't until recent years that we saw the movie. Yeah, we're slow, right? Great battle, my friend! You'll find my showdown pinned to the top of my home page. Have a good day and rock on!

    Nobody Does It Better BOTB Showdown

    1. CAThy! ~

      >>... You won't believe this but I haven't seen a James Dean film.

      Whoa! That's kind of un-American, m'dear! Why, in some Communist countries, that alone would be enough to put you in charge of the nation! ;^)

      'Rebel Without A Cause' is Dean's most famous / most popular movie, and although I think it's very good, my favorite of his big three has always been 'East Of Eden'.

      >>... I have a picture of my daddy when he was a teen. He reminds me a little of James Dean the way he styled his hair wearing jeans, t-shirt, and a jacket. My daddy was born in 1938. At the time of Dean's death, Daddy would've been 17. I have to ask Daddy about that picture to see if he was a James Dean fan or he just wanted to look like him to get the girls. :)

      My guess is that the answer you'll get is: "Both."

      >>... American Graffiti ... it wasn't until recent years that we saw the movie.

      I just watched it again for the Somethingth time a few nights ago. That's one I watch at least once a year and NEVER get tired of. It's one of a small handful of movies I can think of which I am perpetually in the right mood for.

      Rock On!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. This is an easy one: I utterly despise "American Pie" because it was played and analyzed to death whern it was released. Give my viote to "Rock On".

    1. JOHN ~

      I'm not convinced that TOO POPULAR is a legitimate reason to "utterly despise" a great song, but I don't judge here, I just count votes.

      (The judging happens at
      'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'. ;^)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  4. Howdy, Stephen T!

    Wait, you were on the set of MASH?

    Cool idea for an extended battle ;-) Way to keep us coming back for more. I almost voted for American Pie - just because. Besides, David Essex did not ring a bell till the first few thumps. Then I thought "Oh, heck yeah!" My vote goes to "Rock On" please. But, you know what else happened in 1974? French acrobat Phillipe Petit walked across a high wire slung between the Twin Towers. Curious are the things - and people - that personify the American spirit. James Dean is certainly on that list. Can't wait to see how this battle unfolds!

    1. Howdy, dIEDRE! ~

      >>...Wait, you were on the set of MASH?

      For years, it was my home away from home. That seems like another lifetime ago to me now. I'll share some photos in a future installment of this series.

      I'm pleased as spiked punch that you dig this Battle idea. I'm also looking forward to seeing how this series plays out. I think Round 2 will be particularly interesting (and close?) 'American Pie' has clearly already been eliminated from this competition, which surprises me, as I figured it was probably the favorite to win it all. BOTB -- the mystery continues!

      ~ Stephen
      Loyal American Underground

  5. I like both songs, but someone has to breakup the shutout American Pie gets my vote

    1. MIKE ~

      Thanks for knocking out this shutout! I'm quite surprised by how 'Rock On' is rolling all over 'American Pie' and making pudding out of it.

      I really dig BOTH of these songs, also. Kind of shaking my head at how one-sided this first Round in the series has turned out.

      ~ Stephen
      Loyal American Underground

  6. I vote for American Pie as I just love that song. James Dean s iconic and had a powerful gift. I always thought, had he lived, he would have been great as Don Corleone in The Godfather. He died way too young. When I saw him in East of Eden he blew my socks off especially the scene where he shows his dad the money he earned and his dad rebuffing him.

    You suffered too many deaths of great friends in your younger days. Can I say, your picture makes me think you were a bit angry, a bit lost..trying to find yourself but in a rebel kind of way😁. I try to find you when I watch MASH.

    1. BIRGIT ~

      Two votes in a row for 'American Pie' -- alright!!

      James Dean had a strong desire to become a director, and I think he had all the skills and imagination necessary to become one of the very greatest of all time... had he lived.

      >>... When I saw him in East of Eden he blew my socks off especially the scene where he shows his dad the money he earned and his dad rebuffing him.

      Supposedly, in the screenplay, after his dad rejected the gift, Cal Trask was just supposed to turn and walk out of the house. Well... you've watched that scene. What Dean did instead was spectacular, and caught Raymond Massey completely off-guard. He didn't know how to react, so he just kept shouting "Cal!" Amazing scene, from beginning to end!!

      >>... You suffered too many deaths of great friends in your younger days.

      Don't I know it. And I didn't even mention my friend Ty Heath, who committed suicide in 1976. I'm really looking forward to that day when [Link> "God will wipe away every tear..."

      >>... Can I say, your picture makes me think you were a bit angry, a bit lost..trying to find yourself but in a rebel kind of way

      You've heard of "resting bitch face", right? Well, I think I always had a "resting intense face". In fact, my old friend Pooh still calls me "Mr. Intense" (or "Mr. I") to this day.

      In a future blog bit in this series, I'll show some pics of me in MASH scenes from episodes you may remember.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy 'STUFFS'

  7. Well, well, well! Imagine my surprise to find you've come back to the Blogosphere, Steven. And sharing more of your fabulous memoirs, too. I was away for quite some time and have also returned.

    James Dean is an icon, for sure. What a tragedy his life was cut short so abruptly! Your battle is a difficult one, as I love both songs. That said, Rock On resonates just a tad more, so please give my vote to David Essex.


      I didn't realize you had returned to the blogosphere, also. I'll stop by as soon as I can catch my breath with everything I got going on right now.

      Thanks for the kind words! I remember you saying a few times in years past that you thought I outta write a memoir.

      >>... Your battle is a difficult one, as I love both songs. That said, Rock On resonates just a tad more, so please give my vote to David Essex.

      I hope you can come by for Round 2 because I'd be interested to see how you vote in that one. I've got the real "Rockers" going against each other in Round 2, and I know how you like to... 'Rock On!' :-D

      (Too bad Steppenwolf didn't mention James Dean in a song. Least, not that I'm aware of.)

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Sure, I'll be back for Round 2, now that I know you're doing BOTB again. 😃 My blog is going in a different direction, so I'm not a contributing member, but I will always cast a vote. Looking forward to the rockers' battle! 🤘 (Even without Steppenwolf.)


      I sincerely appreciate your continued support of BOTB, and if you ever decide to rejoin (the few of us remaining), just say the word and links to your blog will go up faster than inflation!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  8. I love that you're doing a tournament of James Dean songs. I can't wait to see what round 2 brings. Round 1 was pretty easy for me. I've never been a big fan of American Pie, so give my bote to David Essex. That's the first time I've ever heard that tune, and I enjoyed it. American Pie isn't bad, but let's just say I did not sit through the entire 9 minutes.

    Ain't nobody got time for dat.

    Also, while I'm looking forward to more stories from your acting career, I'm hoping none of them are as 'oof' as your barber shop encounter. I know you don't look quite like your headshots anymore, but I wouldn't be THAT bewildered at hearing that's a younger you. Oof.

    Needless to say, I've never been on that side of an 'oof', but I do remember the time I went on a date with a girl, my age, who I think went tanning too much, and did not age well because of that. You know, that 20-something leathery look (it was a blind date, don't judge). Well, at one point the server exclaimed for everyone to hear that it was so sweet of me to take my mom out to lunch. I had the unfortunate job of correcting her. The server was mortified, the girl was mortified, and I don't think the girl said but two words after that. And then I never saw her again (a mutual choice, I assure you). I wonder if she still looks like a leather handbag.


    1. JULIO ~

      I love that YOU love that I'm doing a tournament of James Dean songs!

      Round 2 will rock harder than Round 1 did, and you may find it more difficult to decide between the two competitors. Both are quite good, IMO. (But then I feel the same way about these slower tunes in Round 1.)

      >>... give my bote to David Essex. That's the first time I've ever heard that tune, and I enjoyed it.

      It was a huge hit in its day -- #5 on Billboard. I was hearing and really digging that song daily, years and years before I even knew who James Dean was!

      >>... Ain't nobody got time for dat.

      Maybe not, but... [Link> "IT'S STILL REAL TO ME, DAMN IT!

      >>... Also, while I'm looking forward to more stories from your acting career, I'm hoping none of them are as 'oof' as your barber shop encounter.

      That smokin'-hot woman found out. That story was from about 1997, which was 24 years ago. What had happened to me has since happened to her, also. Now she knows! Karma, baby, karma!!

      >>... Well, at one point the server exclaimed for everyone to hear that it was so sweet of me to take my mom out to lunch.


      Reminds me of the time a guy showed me a picture of his girlfriend and I stupidly, thoughtlessly asked him if she were pregnant. (Of course, you know she wasn't!) SMH! Life is messy as hell and - UHP!... WE'RE ALL IDIOTS at one time or another.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  9. Yo S Man,

    Aha, now I know where you got the penchant for "top # movies" lists from.

    And good battle and concept. I like this quote too from your link: “He had the greatest power of concentration I have ever encountered. He prepared himself so well in advance for any scene he was playing, that the lines were not simply something he had memorized — they were actually a very real part of him.” — Jim Backus.

    I'm tempted to vote for Phyllis Diller so she doesn't get shut out. I know the Taylor Swift song "Style." It's a good thing she and Dean never dated -- she's not the most discrete - so she didn't do a song about how he broke her heart and it's all his fault because it's always the men's fault. She has more red flags than a Chinese parade. Loud nuclear reactor alarm sound: Run!

    "Rock On" is covered by Toni Basil (of "Hey Mickey" fame) in 1982: It's the epitome of why you stopped listening to top 40, with its tinny synths and drum machine and a singer more suited for video than audio. Essex's version is great. Amped up here, American Pie gets my vote because it's faster, busier, has a lot more going on... so much so James Dean's name almost gets lost in the shuffle. (Cool video too - I forgot the lady spelled Helter Skelter "Healter Skelter" on the fridge. I can't be too judgmental, because she probably never saw the word before and only heard it. Of all the iconic images, the youtuber chose James Dean's picture for the thumbnail). American Pie may be a precursor to Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start The Fire's" bombastic yet literal cliff notes for the MTV generation.. which also references James Dean.

    If you missed it back in the day, The Gap had an ad: https://twitter.com/GapInc/status/327852866687614976

    "'Cause he never goes out of style, he never goes out of syle."

    Cheers Bro,

    G Dogg

    1. SIR G-DOGG ~

      >>... Aha, now I know where you got the penchant for "top # movies" lists from.

      I know you're old enough to "reweeber" when people said that a person could tell a lot about another person by which Beatle they chose as their favorite.

      Well, I think WAY MORE'N THAT, I can tell WAY MORE'N THAT about a person by which 25 MOVIES they list as their very favorites. Gimme a person's seriously well-thought-out 'TOP 25 FAVORITE MOVIES OF ALL TIME' list, and I will tell you more about that person than even he or she knows about their personality and character!!

      I'm glad you dig this Battle concept! It's actually been on my paper BOTB list for (literally) years!

      >>... I like this quote too from your link: “He had the greatest power of concentration I have ever encountered. He prepared himself so well in advance for any scene he was playing, that the lines were not simply something he had memorized — they were actually a very real part of him.” — Jim Backus.

      Sadly, most people today just think of James Dean as a 1950s icon and a symbol of Old School 'Americana'. But, in truth, he was AN ASTONISHINGLY GOD-GIFTED PERFORMER! No one knows this any better than does a professionally trained actor, but nevertheless, even a normal, sensitive person can discern it. Dean did NOT become an American icon due solely to looks and style (unlike Marilyn Monroe, who had NOTHING except looks and style going for her).

      >>... I'm tempted to vote for Phyllis Diller so she doesn't get shut out.

      I love ya, man! ("John Wayne! John Wayne!!)

      As I'm sure you must know, it was YOU and Sheboyganboy Six whom I had in mind when I conceived of that "couple of shameless ... Phyllis Diller ... Punks" bit.

      >>... Taylor Swift -- She has more red flags than a Chinese parade.

      Oh, man... don't EVER leave me!
      (And I mean that STRICTLY as a "CONFIDENT HETEROSEXUAL!!! See the movie: 'Rustler's Rhapsody'.)
      I've read that line 3 or 4 times now, and I've *literally* laughed-out-loud every single time!! (If you hadn't posted it first, Sheboyganboy Six probably WOULD have.)

      >>... "Rock On" is covered by Toni Basil (of "Hey Mickey" fame) in 1982: It's the epitome of why you stopped listening to top 40, with its tinny synths and drum machine and a singer more suited for video than audio.

      I'd never heard that it existed until now. Of course, I checked it out at ScrewYouTube, and it's EVERYTHING you said it was. (A perfect example of why I deserted Top 40 Pop in the mid-'80s and went to Blues & Jazz instead.) That was truly awful! One can only wonder what (or who) Toni did to get where she did.

      >>... "'Cause he never goes out of style, he never goes out of syle."

      Right On! ("Jimmy Dean -- JAMES DEAN!!".) As long as the 'American Spirit' exists, so will the memory of James Dean. He was WAY MORE "AMERICAN" than was the proto-Commie Abraham Lincoln.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  10. [*The following comment is being posted by me on behalf of my buddy, Mister #6, who was having the traditional trouble with the BS (BlogSpot) system.*]

    As Recording Secretary of the Shameless Punks Society, I have been asked to cast a vote in this “contest.” Your voting rules do not appeal to the SPS, as we do not recognize stinking rules. Except if you require we wear a mask or get a shot… then all our counterculture rage goes away and we follow authority. Anyways, I was tempted to vote for either Taylor Swift or The Goo Goo Dolls or especially The Killers just to prove how punkish we is. If I wanted to make President of SPS next election I would do it. Perhaps I am just not shameless enough, I don’t know.

    So in your little contest I am going with American Pie. As often as we’ve all heard it, it is still a better song than Rock On. Bring on the Eagles, however. (Next time, as Prima says. Hey… he didn’t mention James Dean at all, did he?)

    If you could go back to 1978 and try acting all over again, would you? Maybe talk to some different people or do things a little differently and end up as Radar or even Hot Lips Houlihan?

    I would try a do over, just like Jake Epping in 11/22/63. I’d get it right the next time! Heck James Dean did it all over a second time and instead of acting he ended up making sausages!

    Sheboyganboy Sixgun McTrask


      >>... As Recording Secretary of the Shameless Punks Society...

      HA! I loves it!!

      You knew perfectly well that you were one of the "couple" of "shameless punks" I was referring to in my blog bit.

      You "protly" also knew that G-DogG was the "other" shameless punk I had in mind when I typed that bit. You two have been two of my three most faithful blog followers. And what's mind-blowing to me is that ALL THREE of you most-faithful blog followers have also had the absolute worst taste in music! Of all four of us, why is it that I'm the only one with good musical taste? When it comes to music, you, Lee and G-DogG wouldn't know a baked bean from Martin Sheen. (And neither would HE!) But we *MUST* have some sort O' soul connection that goes a-way, Way, WAY back -- much further than last week.
      (Kiddin'! Kiddin'! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and great music is in the ear of the compact disc holder.)

      >>... So in your little contest I am going with American Pie. As often as we’ve all heard it, it is still a better song than Rock On. Bring on the Eagles, however.

      The Eagles be comin' in Round 2. And, according to Brother Nappy (who has been given some 'advance secret information'), the artist who beats The Eagles in Round 2 is probably going to also kick Essex's butt in Round 3. Hmmm.... He could might maybe possibly be right. (I'll axe my "Magic 8-Ball" -- only he... she... "they / them" really know.)

      >>... If you could go back to 1978 and try acting all over again, would you? Maybe talk to some different people or do things a little differently and end up as Radar or even Hot Lips Houlihan ... Heck James Dean did it all over a second time and instead of acting he ended up making sausages!

      That's actually a "fantabulous" Q that only someone of your I.Q.-level would even consider asking!!

      First I want to say that, regardless of what might be posted on the lying "AlGoreNet", Gary Burghoff ('Radar O'Reilly') was a terrific guy and my favorite "star" on M*A*S*H. [Fun Fact: He was also the ONLY performer who appeared in BOTH the movie and the TV series of M*A*S*H.]

      Burghoff was (IMO) the most down-to-earth person in the all-star cast of M*A*S*H. He actually told me that he thought I was an "artistic genius". And then he put his money where his mouth was, by asking me to draw something for him (a gigantic human eye), which he would (and DID) pay me $100.

      >>... If you could go back to 1978 and try acting all over again, would you?

      TRUTHFULLY? No. Not at all!!

      UHP!... I WAS AN IDIOT!!... back in the late 1970s and early '80s. I had NO IDEA what I was trying to infiltrate. I thank GOD that He prevented me from "making it big in Hollyweird". Oh, I had a ton of God-given acting ability (GiR!) - and professional acting classes only served to sharpen the talent God had given me at birth (acting, writing, drawing - it's ALL from the same Source). However, we are only just now entering into the time period which God dictated that I should be present for.

      I am confident that EVERYTHING has turned out according to God's Will, and that in the next 8 years, it will become apparent to myself and others WHY God has placed me here at this particular time in history. And a career in Hollyweird would have probably screwed up the cosmic design.

      (I'll bet you could go for a Bee Gees song - or Mozart song - right about now, eh? ;^)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  11. OF COURSE I know that I am a shameless punk. And I knew G-Dogg was one too. Now, Lee is also shameless... though he is not a punk. And Nappy is a punk, but not shameless. ("Guard! Put this man in cell number one and give him a drink! What” do you drink? I don’t care!”)

    I KNEW you would not want to go back, and I KNEW the reason you would give. Can't say I blame ya. Who would want to go back knowing what was coming?!?! And my 11/23/63 reference was a joke. Epping failed too! But you know: had you infiltrated the Hollyped community, you would not have succumbed. You would have fought it! “Never breathe and immoral atmosphere except in attempt to purify it.” You might have saved some people! But, things ended up as they should, I am sure.

    Finally, you got sumpin’ agin MOZART???? and yeah… I COULD go for some Mozart right about now! Wrote his first symphony at age 5, and only got better from there! You should have picked Green Day or Angels and Airwaves to insult me with. At least you’d have given the comment some credibility!


      PS - I liked G-Dogg’s little joke, whacking you with a Taylor Swift lyric at the end of his comment: "'Cause he never goes out of style, he never goes out of syle.”

    2. McSIXPACK BOY ~

      >>... "Guard! Put this man in cell number one and give him a drink! "What do you drink? I don’t care!”)

      Damn! That was HILARIOUS!!

      I only ever saw that movie once, in a theatre when it came out. Now I'm gonna have to see that again. I don't remember much of anything about that movie (and that was even before I contracted bourbonitis!) But that scene was a blast!

      I'll have to also check out '11/23/63', as I'd never even heard of it before your mention. I'm not much of a SciFi fan, but I *LOVE* Time Travel stories. Plus, Nappy and I do have Hulu, so maybe we can get it.

      You're right! If I went back, as the (Maverick) Christian I am today, and knowing what I know today, I would fight the system and expose it. I'd probably wind up, eventually, as an Arkancide statistic.

      And if I went back knowing what I know today but NOT as a Christian of any kind, there would be dead bodies EVERYWHERE. You wouldn't be able to get a decent picture of the Chinese Theatre without corpses in the way. It'd be "Wickian". I'd stack up as many as possible at the corner of Hollwood & Vine and start selling post cards of it, and maps to the homes of dead stars. ;^D

      No, I mentioned Mozart just because I knew you really love that stuffs. Green Day I try never to think about. Put them in a room with Taylor Swift and you'd have a collective I.Q. that still doesn't reach room temperature level. (I'm pretty sure Swift is really just a mechanized blow-up doll.)

      And, SAY!... for some reason all this reminds me to axe ya...

      Did you ever determine what that instrument is in The Beach Boys' 'LET'S GO AWAY FOR AWHILE' that instantly sends me back to my boyhood in 1966 Orange County? C'mon, McFriend, I was counting on you!

      ~ D-FensDogG

    3. Hey Dudes,

      "I'm pretty sure Swift is really just a mechanized blow-up doll."

      Ahahahaha. Selena Gomez (Swift's buddy) in her prime was better looking than Swift in her prime, so I'll have to find a way to wedge her into posts in the future. What is prime? Well, according to a study: Men in their 20s prefer women in their early 20s. Men in their 30s, 40s, 50s... prefer women in their early 20s. That's science.

      And that's similar to what I've long thought. That because of advances in health and nutrition, women get better looking with each new generation. So indeed, women who are 23 generally look better than women who are 48 who in turn look better than women who are 73.


      Here's Gomez at age 24. Just imagine how she looked in her prime early 20s :)


    4. Doctor G-DogG ~

      >>... Men in their 20s prefer women in their early 20s. Men in their 30s, 40s, 50s... prefer women in their early 20s. That's science.

      That most certainly *IS* "science". Unlike the idea that paper masks prevent the spread of viruses such as covid-666 (aka "the flu").

      You are one of the preeminent doctors of philosophy, biology, physiology, and alcohology in our time!

      >>... women get better looking with each new generation. So indeed, women who are 23 generally look better than women who are 48 who in turn look better than women who are 73.

      You always HAVE been one of the most cutting-edge thinkers I've ever known! The world may never actually catch up to your insight, and it's one of the reason's I've always eagerly anticipated your BOTB participation!

      >>... Here's Gomez at age 24. ...

      I'll have to give "The Wizard Producers Behind The Curtain" credit for ingenuity and economy! Why go to the extra expense of building another mechanized blow-up doll, when you can just change the wig and call it by a different name? Who'd be the wiser, anyhow? Who knew that Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez is really Taylor Gomez? (Or is it Selena Swift?)

      ~ D-FensDogG

    5. ****** SHEBOYGANBOY SIX ****** Sez:

      G-DogggggGGGy is right: mens or all ages are attracted to womens (I'll vary the number slightly) 19-23 of age. BUT, only to "look at," etc., NOT to converse with. Also, there are some older women that somehow manage to continue looking great WAY longer than in years past. I don't know what has changed. Must be the new hair coloring line by Dorian Gray.

      McCarthy, you is right: G-Dogg is one of the preeminent thinkers of our time, famous for his sage nuggets: "one foot cannot stand on two boats," and "a hair on the head is worth two or more on the brush," and "there is many a true word spoken through false teeth."

      A final note: G-Dogg's choice of reading material about dirty old men is (again) empirical evidence that he is indeed SHAMELESS. And telling us about it only adds to the fact that he has no shame.

      Sheboyganboy VI

    6. Thanks Sheboyganboy VI, I hold my Shameless banner high and proud.

      In addition to Dorian Gray hair coloring (lol), four words: Butt Lifting Yoga Pants.

      Back in the day, there were well-into-their-30's+ beauties like Angie Dickinson, Dyan Cannon, Ursula Andress.. who mastered the words of the ancient sages: Until you master your beauty, beauty will be your master. When you take care of your outside, what is inside will care for you. Eyebrows should be sisters, not twins: Question not the sage on asymmetry, for when you question the sage, you are only sage at asking questions. When you can balance tablets on your head and turn, your look will be balanced and heads will turn.

      G Dogg

    7. >>... Must be the new hair coloring line by Dorian Gray.

      GOL! That was a Wilde line!

      SBB-6 ~
      It's apparent to me that you were dipping into 'THE BEST OF DOCTOR G-DOGG'. I actually own Volumes 1-5. I've never been able to find a copy of that elusive 6th volume. It's like trying to find a Honus Wagner, 1909-1911 ATC T206 baseball card!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Stephen T. McCarthy 'STUFFS'

    8. HA! You found me out. Only steal from the best! Those wise gems were from "The Best of G-Dogg, from his 'Wisdom of the Ages'" presentation. Another Wisdom of the Ages bit included: "water can both sustain and engulf a ship." Great stuffs!

  12. Al Bondigas here. Very tough to make a rulin' here, but, as much as I like and appreciate both songs, I gotsta rule fer "American Pie". Yes, it does go on way too long, and you know I don't have the longest attention span in the world. So... hmmm, where was I? Help me out here. uhhh.... Oh yeah, as long as it is, I still enjoy the lyrics as well as all of the imagery it creates in the mind. Even this partially functioning mind. "Rock on" is a great song, what with the rebellious factor going on, but I must make muh rulin' fer "American Pie". That's it, that's muh rulin'. Oh, by the way, how come, according to Sheboyganboy VI I get to be a "punk" but not "shameless"? I think if anyone has earned both descriptions it's me. Get on this!! I want answers.

    1. JUDGE AL ~

      Had you not boted for 'American Pie', I would have insisted that the aliens return you to our planet and take back the "pod person" doing the poor imitation of my Brother.

      >>... Oh, by the way, how come, according to Sheboyganboy VI I get to be a "punk" but not "shameless"? I think if anyone has earned both descriptions it's me. Get on this!! I want answers.

      I went to the most reliable source I know of for answers to the most difficult questions in life, and below is the result I got. I trust it will satisfy your curiosity and outrage:

      Q: Why did Sheboyganboy VI label Judge Al Bondigas a "punk" but deny him the additional honor of "shameless"?

      A: "Signs Point To Yes"

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Judge Al (aka "Nappy" -

      I'm sorry you took offense and felt shame at being called shameless. But right there is the empirical evidence that you are NOT shameless! Had you not cared at what I said, you would have proven me wrong and would have earned the moniker "shameless punk." Maybe you have some stories from the past to share that prove the shameless quality, some things that would mitigate this recent lapse?

    3. Well, I've given it a lot of thought and I got nothin. The truth is, I guess I just wanted to fit in with the cool kids for once. Enjoy your shamelessness. Don't worry about me. I'll be just fine.

  13. And Stephen,

    A very good battle. Both songs I can remember hearing when growing up, or better said, when I failed to grow up. I have to go with Don McClean and American Pie due to its deeper meaning and better song writing. What with American Pie being about a litany of idols and famous people and Rock On using a brief passing mention of James Dean. McClean seems to say that Bob Dylan stole James Dean's Jacket and then goes on to say the 60's rock ruined Rock n Roll. Good Battle, I tell ya! Good Battle indeed. Be well!

    1. ...AND POOH...
      Yer damn right it was a goot Battle! It wasn't particularly close, but the songs were goot ones-uh.

      Bob Dylan *DID* steal James Dean's jacket. But then I stole it from Dylan, just to teach him a thing about karma (...and because I wanted it). Then Kristy McNichol stole the jacket from me, and the last I saw of it, it was on some fruit loop named Bieber... or was his name Eminem? Maybe Bono-head. I've kinda forgotten... (thank God!!)

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation


    If you are interested in seeing the final vote tally for this 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' installment and my closing thoughts on it, you can put the following URL into your browser:


    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'


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