Tuesday, November 30, 2021




Yes, it's time once again for Battle Of The Bands (BOTB).


A MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all my friends (DogGs & DogGettes).


BOTB has been a "thing" for over 8 years now (this is my 160th Battle), and during that time I have used many different kinds of Christmas songs during the Holiday season. Today's tune is actually NOT a Christmas song, but rather a New Year's Eve song.


I've had 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING NEW YEAR'S EVE?' on my 'Songs To BOTB Someday' list for many years, and 2021 is finally the year.


Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!...


Please pick your favorite between the two following recordings and then vote (bote) for it in the comment section. I will return here on the 8th or 9th of December with my own bote and will announce the winner. Until then, my friends, have yourself a humdinger of a little Christmas!



What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? -- Ella Fitzgerald




What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? -- Karen Carpenter



~ Stephen T. McCarthy



  1. Stephen,

    You put together two amazing female vocalists but I was fairly sure I'd go with Ella and I was right. As good as Karen Carpenter is, she doesn't convy the warmth that Ella captures.
    I'm giving my vote to Ella Fitzgerald.
    Whenever you get a chance, swing over to cast your vote in my BOTB, my friend. Have a joyful Christmas season!

    1. HiYa, CAThy! It's That You!!

      I'm pleased as spiked Egg Nogg that you dug the match-up! This is one of those where I very strongly feel the BOTB boter can't go wrong. In other words, a Win!-Win!

      Yak later, muh Frien'.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  2. Both versions are quite good. I like the lush instrumentation of the Carpenter version, but the old school sound of Ella's version is outstanding as well. So I'm going to judge according to the vocal most preferred by me. Normally I'm all in for Karen's beautiful voice, but on this match-up I'm going to have to lean toward Ella. Her version evokes memories and coolness.

    My vote goes to Ella Fitzgerald.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. BOIDMAN ~

      >>... Both versions are quite good.

      But ain't dat da twoof?!

      Ella 2, Karen 0

      So far, the Battle is going as expected.

      Git a Cool Yule, Bird!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. May you and your family have a Happy Christmas season, Stephen, and all the best for the coming year! Both women have lovely voices, but for me, Ella's version has more pizzazz. Please give my vote to Ella.


      Thanks for stopping by with two pennies for my BOTB kitty, and for the goot wishes.

      May you be rockin' in the New Year with good health, energy to burn, and deep sleep full of interesting dreams!

      Ella 3, Karen 0

      ~ D-FensDogG

  4. This is one tough battle and I hate to say I like over the other but I will. I love Ella and her experience of life shines through when she sings this song but my vote goes to Karen. She is youthful in the way she approaches the song but there is a haunted quality to her voice almost like she is asking us what it will bring so my vote goes to Karen.

    1. BIRGIT ~

      As always, I appreciate your ongoing BOTB participation. I don't think I've ever mentioned this before, but I think of you as one of 'The Three Shutout Breakers'. There are three of you regular voters (you, Mike & John) who can often be counted on to break up a BOTB shutout by disputing the view of the majority.

      >>... there is a haunted quality to her voice

      I know exactly what you are referring to...
      As I once wrote in a review of a Bobby Darin album:

      There is a certain quality in Darin's voice that can be discerned on his ballads. It's an innate melancholia that can't be taught, nor faked. I have found this in the voices of only two other singers: the Jazz vocalist Astrud Gilberto, and Karen Carpenter - who had it in spades!

      In fact, Karen had it so much so that it sometimes bled through even on her uptempo numbers like TOP OF THE WORLD and SING. It's a kind of faint whisper of an intense inner aloneness, or a vague remembrance of something; a wistful yearning for what has passed and can't be retrieved -- like a dream of something that glowed golden way back when, in the recesses of the mind.

      In Brazil, they would refer to it as "saudade", but I call it "goldenshadow".

      Ella 3, Karen 1

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. Howdy, Stephen T!

    160 battles? That's a whole lot of melodies.
    I see you've skipped Christmas this time. You're not alone, I mentioned the puzzling trend on my website blog.
    No matter, though. I've never even heard this New Years song, but I really like it. More so by Ella. Just can't help it. She is, after all the "First Lady of Song" ;-) A vote for Ms. Fitzgerald, please.
    Have a fantastic holiday season!

    1. Howdy, dIEDRE! ~

      >>... 160 battles? That's a whole lot of melodies.

      There were a few stinkers in there, and more ties than I can stand. But overall, it's been fun stuffs -- good music with good peoples (you obviously included!)

      As soon as I get caught up on responding to comments, I'll getmuhazz over to your site and see what you've noticed about a general lack of Christmas spirit.

      Yeah, this song, despite being pert-dern old, is still relatively obscure. That's a bit "puzzling", too.

      Thanks for your two cents, my friend! It is very truly appreciated!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  6. Yo S-Man,

    I think Ella does the phrasing like a Sinatra would, meaning now, in hindsight, in this caa-aase a bit too overt or obvious or practiced or even not feeling it but focused more on technique. I say in hindsight because if it wasn't for The Carpenters (is there a religious connotation to there name? lol) Don't answer that question lest I be beaten to a pulp with your religious acumen.

    I thought for sure seeing their names, upfront, before listening, I would vote for Ella. (Even thinking Karen Carpenter is perhaps your favorite vocalist or female vocalist*). So The Carpenters' song kicks in and the first 12 seconds of instrumentation are so saccharine I thought "Okay, Ella gets the vote" however as soon as Karen's voice started it was a no-brainer and the Carpenters get my vote. You may be thinking "If it was a no brainer I wouldn't have pitted the songs against each other." After my imbibing so much through the decades, I still have enough, plenty of brain cells to accurately hear and vote for The Carpenters.

    How good is The Carpenters song? If Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez did a video of the song (men are visual creatures) I'd still vote for the Carpenters.

    G Dogg

    1. McG DogG ~

      A big glass of brandy & egg nog to ya, Brother! (Or, just an ice cold PBR or Mickey's Big Mouth, if you prefer.)

      Very cool, interesting comment.

      Ha! Well, Karen Carpenter WAS a Christian. But I don't think anyone conspired beforehand to plant the "Carpenter" surname on her. (Then again, God can do *anything*, and he most definitely has a sense o' humor.)

      >>... Even thinking Karen Carpenter is perhaps your favorite vocalist or female vocalist*.

      You, sir, are correct! Generally, I prefer male vocalists to female vocalists, BUT!... #1 on my all-time list is a female (K. Carpenter). What she really wanted to do was drum - she was a Jazzy drummer at heart - but God gave her that voice, and her brother and his musician friends wouldn't let her hide it behind a drum kit.

      >>... After my imbibing so much through the decades, I still have enough, plenty of brain cells to accurately hear and vote for The Carpenters.

      Our friend, the Secretary of The Shameless Punks Society, thinks otherwise. Methinks hethinks you drank your brain to death. And if you did, let's drink to *that*. CHEERS!!

      >>... How good is The Carpenters song? If Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez did a video of the song (men are visual creatures) I'd still vote for the Carpenters.

      To quote Rocket J. Squirrel: "Hokey-Smoke!"

      I know how you... uh... "feel" about Taylor Gomez and Selena Swift, so I know what a bold statement that is! And in fact, my mind is almost kinda-sorta blown by it. It almost feels like a Christmas present you gave to me, after I gave one to you, apparently.

      Ella 4, Karen 2

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Aha, when I made the comment I forgot that Karen's natural name was Carpenter. I graduated to Taylor Gomez and Selena Swift from the 90's of Britney Simpson and Jessica Spears :)

  7. Daggummit, McCarthy! This battle right here is a tough one.

    Ella's voice speaks of years of musical wisdom and experience, and I had almost convinced myself I was going to give her my vote.

    But then... I listened to the Carpenters.

    Karen's voice makes this tune feel like the Holiday Season. All warm and fuzzy and full of good cheer.

    And now I have to decide which one I like the best? I thought we were friends, McCarthy! A friend doesn't make one choose one over the other - not when it comes to choosing between 2 powerhouse vocals.

    Now, I'm forced to select the vocalist that evoked the most emotion in me while listening. And that vote will be going to...

    Karen Carpenter

    Have a great holiday, McCarthy! Hope all is well at your home.


    1. MMQE ~

      >>... And now I have to decide which one I like the best? I thought we were friends, McCarthy! A friend doesn't make one choose one over the other - not when it comes to choosing between 2 powerhouse vocals.

      Well, my friend, lemme tell you how this installment of 'Battle Of The Bands' came to be...

      Once upon a time - about 8 years ago - inspired by FarAwayEyes' one-off music challenge, I decided to make BOTB a regular feature of my blogging. At that time, I began keeping a list (and checking it twice) of songs I wanted to someday use in a BOTB contest.

      'CARPENTERS: Christmas Collection', a 2-disc set, was amongst the first compact discs I ever purchased in the late 1980s. I really loved Karen Carpenters' 'What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?', and it was one of the earlier songs I wrote on my 'Songs To BOTB Someday' list, 8 years back.

      Fast-Forward to 2021: I've finally decided to use this song, instead of a traditional Christmas song in December. But what recording should I use against it? I didn't know any other recordings of the song. So I went to the website SecondHandSongs.com and entered the title. The first return I got was Nancy Wilson. I listened to it and thought: It's good. But I think Karen would win this Battle too easily.

      The second recording I listened to was this version by Ella Fitzgerald, and I thought: It's great. And I think Ella will beat Karen easily, but I'm gonna use it anyway. Both recordings are terrific, and why not use the two best renditions I've heard and let the chips fall where they may?

      And so that's the real story of how the Grinch found the true meaning of Christmas-- er... I mean, that's the true story of how Ebenezer Scrooge saved Christma-- uhm... what I mean to say is: That's the really true story of how this BOTB installment came to exist. In a way, it was 8 years and 10 minutes in the making.

      May you have a Merry Merry and a Happy Happy, my friend!

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  8. Mostly I want to do a psychological analysis of you for pitting these two artists against each other. Mccarthy, MCCarthy, MCCARTHY!! This sort of battle (seems, at least) is aimed at showing how Karen is underappreciated next to the big names of song.

    I know you have been toting up who'll vote for whom prior to the battle. I know you. You will vote for Karen Carpenter AGAIN. Good. And you know me. I will vote for whomever is singing against her, unless it is Johnny Mathis or Willie Nelson, in which case it is a complete toss up (literally, as in cookies.)

    Ella has SUCH a better voice than Karen's slow and deep vibrato. Sigh. Even if Karen did an unrated trio with Robin Thicke and Pharrell, I would still vote for almost anyone else. Just my opinion, of course. I am sure KC will blow Ella away and I will look like a curmudgeonly old fool... the Mr. McGoo of voice.

    Sixgun McIchtyscratchy

    1. Haha! I think Kirbydogg might be closer. So, does that mean you are Toasterdogg? Or Blankydogg?


      >>... 1) Mostly I want to do a psychological analysis of you for pitting these two artists against each other...
      2) I know you have been toting up who'll vote for whom prior to the battle.
      3) I know you.

      1) Good luck with that.
      2) Honestly, no. But I did have an idea who would win... in a landslide (see link below).
      3) I feel for ya! Helck, even I don't know me very well, and what I DO know about me is what leads me to seek comfort in the arms of "Old Harper, hard stuff" (to quote Toad from 'American Graffiti').

      Click [Link> HERE.

      Er-- no. Not that. I meant, [Link> THIS.

      No, that's not right either.
      Third time's a charm?...

      Try [Link> ME.

      Perhaps the psychoanalysis would be best left to [Link> these experts. GOL!

      >>... Even if Karen did an unrated trio with Robin Thicke and Pharrell...

      Who dey?

      >>... I am sure KC will blow Ella away and I will look like a curmudgeonly old fool... the Mr. McGoo of voice.

      Before one can claim to be a rebel (or even a "Mr. McGoo of voice"), one needs to first "do the math" and make sure they aren't siding with the majority. I did the math and PRIOR to your vote, Ella was beating Karen 4-3 (and now 5-3, after your bote). I will admit that Karen is making this much more of a genuine "battle" against Ella than I had anticipated, but I have little doubt that Ella will be the winner when the final tally is done.

      If you're gonna swim against the stream big time, I think you'll need to find a different BOTB installment in which to do it.

      Ella 5, Karen 3

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

    3. I sit corrected.
      Love your first link.
      Like your second link.
      Viewed "the evidence" from your 3rd link

      Thicke and Farrell did a song called "blurred lines" a few years ago that was quite popular. The unrated version on YT had a very topless model dancing around in it. Recent pop is not your thang, I know. I thought you might be interested enough in the reference to look it up. Guess not!

      And obviously I was not claiming to be a "rebel." I was skeptical that my favorite would win. I have thought that Karen usually wins the numerous battles in which she is featured. I HAD done the math but figured that the many "Karens" out there would swoop in and vote for themselves. It looking now that I am more the "Mr. Magoo" of predicting,,, worse than The Amazing Sixwell.

    4. Emily Ratajkowski.. truly just because of her Blurred Lines video, British tabloid website Daily Mail (their political, relatively right wing articles are quite good) is still featured.. for no real reason except just posting her recent pictures.


      >>... I sit corrected.

      No, by gobs! In this courtroom thou shalt STAND corrected! Where do you think you are? This is NOT Judge Al's shameless sham of a courtroom! We follow the long-established rules here.
      (~ Book of Eddie Cutt 3:16 ...also 7-11, 7-Up, 9-11, and Motel 6)

      >>... I thought you might be interested enough in the reference to look it up.

      Wrong again, Fishface! (As me dear ol' Ma woulda told ya.)

      Next time, don't you think y'otter (*) think twice before thinking ya "know" me?

      [* "y'otter" is a registered trademark of this courthouse. Don't go using it without express written permission, lessen you get dragged into this courtroom for a second time.]

      Now go and [Link> sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.

      >>... I am more the "Mr. Magoo" of predicting,,, worse than The Amazing Sixwell.

      I'm not sure. It's a close call.
      I'll go and ask the Magic 8 Ball. ;-D

      This comment has been brought to you by Maple Syrple; GiR Products, Inc.; and The Subterranean Homesick Blues Realty Company.

      [* Please Note: No hallucinogenic drugs were harmed in the making of this comment.]

      ~ Stephen
      Loyal American Underground

    6. G Dogg: Emily R. is an airhead, but was and is hotter than a biscuit. StMcC: it is worth looking up the Blurred Lines video, IMO. So Stephen, my comment about the trio with Karen was vulgar and in poor taste. But, what else it new?

      How about I LAY corrected, Cap'n? "But ah can’t control the weather, Captain.”
      “Why YOU!...” [*POW!*BIFF!*BAM!*]


      The good ol' days!
      Sheboyganboy 6

    7. Aha, both S-Man and Sheboyganboy 6, I was thinking about y'all while watching this... at 2:10 at the very least is beautiful, the wolves' beauty mixed with potential violence. I'm tempted to try and run through them like Earl Campbell. Somehow the crashing and running over wolves would be more exciting than an Eric Dickerson trying to run past them.

    8. I'm a little disappointed, G DogG.

      I went to that video expecting to see highlights from Earl Campbell's career; NOT images of the inflatable doll I used to have sex with in the 1970s. [;^D

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

    9. S-Man, I've persisted and persisted and third time isn't a charm for you giving it up for T-Swizzle, lol. Earl Campbell link below. On a side note or main note, my dad lived in Houston in the late 70's and 80's so perhaps I have a bias... although from an objective distance, there isn't an RB quite like Campbell.
      Bonus my 2nd fave:
      70s I think your thinking about Barbie Benton or just plain Barbie :)


      >>... So Stephen, my comment about the trio with Karen was vulgar and in poor taste. But, what else is new?

      Don't be bragging about it. That's what we all do here. You ain't all dat special, you shameless punk!

      I wrote this: "Next time, don't you think y'otter (*) think twice before thinking ya "know" me?"
      And you DIDN'T respond with this: "There'll be no next time."

      SMH! SMH!
      I think you need a stronger brand o' coffee.

      >>... "How about I LAY corrected, Cap'n? "But ah can’t control the weather, Captain.”
      “Why YOU!...” [*POW!*BIFF!*BAM!*]"

      Man, how the helck did you come up with that URL? Had you saved that somewhere in a file? Or did you just do a word search on my blog?

      Those really WERE the good ol' days! I read the whole blog bit and felt ashamed by how much my writing style has deteriorated. I was kinda clever back then!

      I checked out the video, and I have a...
      QUESTION: Wasn't there a time when self-described "Feminists" were offended by how men saw them as sex objects, and they weren't praised instead for their minds and stuffs like that?

      So, today, the self-described "Feminists" are prancing around with their bumpy bits exposed for everyone to see?

      The Answer to this Question is the same Answer for everything we're seeing today...
      ANSWER: The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

      "By Law", the world is coming to an end.

      See ya in Injun Joe's Cave. You bring some water and I'll bring some beans.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    11. Great stuffs, McG DogG!

      (Barbie, Barbie Benton, T-Swizzle... to me, plastic is plastic. Plus, I'm a dark brown hair & dark brown eyes kinda guy. I must have driven hundreds of miles through the jungle of Los Angeles looking for a blow-up doll with my preferred color of hair & eyes. They just didn't make 'em, damn it! ...But hopefully Santa's gonna bring me a robot for Christmas. ;-)

      As you know, "Zonk!" was my guy. I still haven't figured out if Larry Csonka was the White Earl Campbell, or Earl Campbell was the Black Larry Csonka. However, both were FANtastic.

      Some people have argued that it just isn't Christmas until Linus walks to center stage and says, "Lights, please", in the animated special 'A Charlie Brown Christmas'.

      Personally, I feel it just isn't Christmas until you've seen Earl Campbell run his helmet dead-center through the chest of that Rams linebacker, or until you've seen Larry "Zonka!" literally knock out that Buffalo defensive back with a right cross.


      NOW it's officially Christmas, Brother DogG! :^D

      ~ D-FensDogG

    12. LOL one of my sisters has brown hair and brown eyes. The other two have brown hair. Thus, it follows I gravitate toward blondes: That's science and anthropology and my inherent, unconscious (although I can write about it) human nature to best perpetuate the species.

      Also of course the Viking countries have the best looking women because when the fellas pillaged and plundered... they only brought back the best looking women. That's science and history. And somewhat debated among scientists because your Ukraines and Russias have a good blend of Asia and European genes (blonde hair and small Asian facial features) and - while crafty as the Dickens, they put effort into their looks which shows and often pays off whether Westerners like it or not. And in Russia, so many guys died in the 20th century that the women far out-number men thus the men had their choice of the best looking women with which to procreate. Biology, math.

      Csonka is relatively small yet powerful "af" as youth say. When sometimes it takes three guys to tackle him - crikey. I would try to get in Csonka's head like "Bring it Little Man." With one test, I would know for sure I wouldn't want to be in front of him. I see the Bills guy getting laid out near the sideline, I think John Riggins had the similar rep - sort of, except he just seemed to run down the middle each time. And, rewinding, how did Ken Stabler reek of hard liquor in the huddle (seriously that's what his teammates have said) and win a Super Bowl. Man, things have gone downhill since then. (Side note in the Campbell video, he and Jack Tatum literally knocked heads - I know that you -paraphrasing- called him a criminal/headhunter but then Houston Oilers' coach Bum Phillips got Tatum signed for his team because he never saw Campbell rocked so hard. Was it to prevent Campbell from getting hit so hard again or to hit other players that hard or both? No one dares ask awkward questions as only the shadow knows.

      And I'd post a video of a fave of mine - Neon Deion Prime Time Sanders but am prescient to think you hate his arrogance.
      And I only know one way I could stop Csonka or Campbell.. or, let's face it, any NFL running back: By slicing the back of their hamstring..

    13. >> I wrote this: "Next time, don't you think y'otter (*) think twice before thinking ya "know" me?"
      And you DIDN'T respond with this: "There'll be no next time."

      SMH! SMH!
      I think you need a stronger brand o' coffee.<<

      UHP! I'm an idiot! How did I miss that? Well, maybe NEXT TIME.

      >>... "How about I LAY corrected, Cap'n? "But ah can’t control the weather, Captain.”
      “Why YOU!...” [*POW!*BIFF!*BAM!*]"

      Man, how the helck did you come up with that URL? Had you saved that somewhere in a file? Or did you just do a word search on my blog?

      I remembered sumpin about it and looked it up. And now I'm wondering if you have "the Bad Penny" or if I do? If me, it must be back at my old digs that I rarely visit anymore. I'll hunt around for it next time I'm out because I've got something I want to send to you and I CANNOT use a new box!

      >>Those really WERE the good ol' days! I read the whole blog bit and felt ashamed by how much my writing style has deteriorated. I was kinda clever back then!<<

      You were clever. I used to be too. But dey is sucking the humor right out of me. I feel like a blunt force object... a broadsword where I used to be a foil.

      >>I checked out the video, and I have a...
      QUESTION: Wasn't there a time when self-described "Feminists" were offended by how men saw them as sex objects, and they weren't praised instead for their minds and stuffs like that?

      >>So, today, the self-described "Feminists" are prancing around with their bumpy bits exposed for everyone to see?<<

      Yeah, you have the answer right as usual. But that was one of the pretty decent Emily's, eh, wot?

      >>See ya in Injun Joe's Cave. You bring some water and I'll bring some beans.<<

      I'll bring some other necessary supplies, also.
      >>*Wink!-Wink! Nudge!-Nudge!*<<


    14. G DogG ~

      >>... one of my sisters has brown hair and brown eyes. The other two have brown hair. Thus, it follows I gravitate toward blondes

      HA! My sister has blue eyes and dirty blonde hair... so maybe you're right - maybe that's all there is to it:

      Show me a picture of your sister and I'll show you a picture of the type of females you will NOT be naturally attracted to.

      Mystery solved!

      ~ D-FensDogG

    15. SBB6 ~

      >>... UHP! I'm an idiot! How did I miss that? Well, maybe NEXT TIME.

      I won't say it, but... you KNOW what ahm thinkin'.

      The Bad Penny is in your possession... somewheres. Unless it up and took a trip of its own accord.

      >>... I'll bring some other necessary supplies, also.
      >>*Wink!-Wink! Nudge!-Nudge!*<<

      [Link> OK, Lampy! And maybe you could also scrounge up some womens to go with that bourbon. ;-)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  9. Wow, you've been in 160 battles? It doesn't show on your face at all. Must be all of the soy lecithin.

    I guess I'm gonna go with the (so far) majority bote, because I did enjoy Karen's version, but Ella has that classic warmth that just does it for me every time. Give my bote to her, and my apologies to Karen for treating her like a total Karen.

    1. Brother Beer Boy Bryan Bodyguard Betty ~

      >>... Wow, you've been in 160 battles? It doesn't show on your face at all. Must be all of the soy lecithin.

      No, actually, I have a personal policy of fighting women ONLY.

      Yeah, that newfound negative nickname "Karen" - I despise it and never use it. How the hell did that come about? Did one Karen in one place act like an overwrought idiot and somehow everyone started to latch on to that slur and made it as popular as "Let's Go, Brandon"?

      It is not only illogical and stupid, but it is completely unfair to all of the wonderful Karens in the world (and even all of the wonderful Karens who are no longer in the world - like Karen Carpenter).

      And the very next person who calls me a Karen, "I'll punch 'em in the nose!" ;^)

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

  10. And Stephen...
    Good Battle and a tough choice to boot. I had a crush on Karen Carpenter when I was a wee lad. But since it was unrequited, I'm going to go with Ella! May you have a Christmas Morning on Christmas Morning!

    1. ...AND POO-OOO-OH, THAT'S NOT ALL!...

      I thanks ya for stopping by and dropping two slugs into the BOTB kitty!

      I actually *still* have a bit of a crush on Karen. She's probably much thinner now than I would like, however. (Very Black Comedy there! Sorry.)

      Have you seen the picture of her on the cover of The Carpenters' 'HORIZON' album?! Every time I look at it, I feel like I should then go say a hundred "Our Fathers" and "Hail Marys". Except, of course, I'm not Catholic, so they wouldn't do me any good any way. (Well, actually, the "Our Fathers" would. ...I guess I better get crackin' on that. 100 'Our Fathers' - there goes most of my day!)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  11. Stephen, Happy 160th Battle! And Bryan’s right, you haven’t aged a bit! Though I’ve always liked The Carpenters and can’t get through more than a few bars of “Close To You” without bursting into tears, Ella gets my vote. This takes me back to the first time I was in love on New Year’s Eve. Thanks for such a lovely nostalgic BOTB, Stephen! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Take care, my friend!


    1. GEM JULIE ~

      >>... Bryan’s right, you haven’t aged a bit!

      YEP! I'm just as immature as I ever was... and proud of it! :^D

      Psst! His given name was Betty, but we're all supposed to call him "Bryan" now.

      (HA!-HA! I just made myself literally laugh-out-loud with that. ...I'm gonna have to make sure that Bett-- er... uhm... "Bryan" sees that. *Wink!-Wink! Nudge!-Nudge!*)

      Fun Fact: The Betty bit actually comes from the Paul Simon song 'You Can Call Me Al'. Paul Simon is "his" favorite music artist.

      Gem Julie, thanks so much for stopping by with two cents for the kitty. And thanks for the lovely wishes. Always happy to see you here!
      (*I really needed you to show up for my last Battle, where I desperately waited for just one more vote to appear from someone - anyone - but... alas... I'd never hold it agin ya. I'm always pleased as spiked egg nog to git what I git.*)

      Seriously 'n' Sincerely now... the best to you and yours, also, during this Holiday season! Blessings, Peace, and Good Health throughout 2022!!

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy STUFFS'

  12. Tough Battle, I will go with Karen on this.

  13. With all due respect to Ella, I have to go with Karen this time. I like the accompaniment on hers with the strings and all, and her voice had that quality of making you feel that she was singing right to you. What an angelic voice she had...

    1. Thanks, JOHN!
      I could have easily imagined you voting either way on this Battle, but I completely understand what you mean about Karen's voice seeming personally directed at each individual listener.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'Stephen T. McCarthy STUFFS'

  14. You've chosen a great match-up with this battle Stephen. Two wonderful voices for sure. Personally I think Karen Carpenter may have had the most beautiful, melodious and dulcet voice of any female singer ever. Ella Fitzgerald has an awesome voice as well and her voice seems perfect for this song, however I'm gonna have to rule fer Karen. Very tough rulin to make and I deliberated in my chamber for quite some time, but that's it. That's muh rulin'.

    1. JUDGE AL ~

      Thanks for the rulin'.
      Yeah, I think BOTH of these recordings are fabulous and the tight Battle results make complete sense to me, even though I did anticipate a possible blowout in Ella's favor.

      It's been said hundreds of times, but it's worth repeating yet again: In Battle Of The Bands, the ONLY thing you can be completely certain about is that there is NOTHING you can be completely certain about.

      ~ D-FensDogG


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