Wednesday, June 8, 2022




First of all, a big ol' "THANK YOU!" to everyone who contributed to my most recent Battle Of The Bands (BOTB) installment. I sincerely appreciate your time and input.


The contest took place [Link> HERE and it was Dogg versus Doggette (or, Eddie & The Hot Rods versus Elizabeth McQueen & The Firebrands). Eddie's rendition of the song 'All I Need Is Money' was the original and Elizabeth's was the cover version.


I have always dug the original and I like Elizabeth's cover nearly as much. For me, it's kind of a 55% to 45% preference for Eddie's Hot Rods. Why? Well, musically, I really like what Elizabeth did with the tune; but lyrically, the song works better coming from a man. Plus, I gotta side with that super revved-up, pedal-to-the-metal "toxic masculinity". This is a song full of attitude, and I like hearing it roar down the road at "130 miles an hour while the singer smiles at the camera with a toothpick in his mouth". (130 Kudo Points if you caught that reference without having to search for it online.)


My vote notwithstanding, Elizabeth and her Firebrands beat Eddie and his Hot Rods with their own song, but it was pert-dern close:



Eddie & The Hot Rods = 5 votes 

Elizabeth McQueen & The Firebrands = 7 votes


My thanks again to all y'all for stopping by here and making this BOTB installment a success.


I hope to see y'all here again for my next Battle on July 1st. We will be in the heart of Summer then, so I have something appropriately Beachy planned for that contest.


Love to all. Bless And Be Blessed!!


~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. Another contest where my vote sided with the majority. I did pretty well in this round of Battles. We both had close ones and that's the way it should be with good Battles.

    Nice outcome.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. LEE ~

      >>... "my vote sided with the majority"

      That actually happened to me a couple times, also, in 2018.
      As I understand it, later this year, Pfizer is going to be releasing a vaccine to prevent that from occurring.

      ~ Stephen
      DogGtor of Alcohology &
      King of Inebriation Nation

    2. Hopefully they will start bottling these vaccines & mixing them with my favorite alcohols.

      I've been wondering whether these results posts are even worth doing. I hardly ever get any comments on them & not that many hits on those posts.

    3. LEE ~

      I don't think too many voters really care much about which contestant wins, and so there's not much interest in the Results posts.

      And I actually understand that because, truthfully, I myself rarely care which artists win. To me, the fun is in trying to put together a very competitive Battle, and then interacting with friends in the comment sections. The BOTB installments are almost just a means by which we can all stay connected and have some fun.

      I'll always publish a Results post, just to bring some closure to the contest. But it doesn't bum me out at all when the Results posts go rather unnoticed. I figure, there'll be more interaction again in about 3 weeks.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    4. I almost never return to comment on the results, although I always read both of your posts about them. I just don't typically have much to say. "Ah, yes. That song DID indeed win." Or, "THAT crappy version won? Why, I oughta sock you right in the schnoz!"

      On another completely unrelated note that nobody will be interested in but you two... and even that may be a stretch: I went to see Robert Cray tonight for my first concert in a LONG time. It was excellent... way better than I was expecting. He is a good blues man, the band is tight, and they have a lot of fun onstage. I may go see John Bonamassa in a month, too.


    5. McSIXGUN ~

      Phunny, while reading your comment I was listening to a B.B. King song ('Nightlife') on this streaming Jazz radio program that broadcasts from Reno on Saturday mornings.

      Yeah, I don't think there's a whole lotta stuffs to say in a BOTB Results post. All the action is understandably in the original Battle post. Once upon a time ago, I made the mistake of including too much info and Fun Facts in my BOTB Results posts. But after awhile, realizing that few folks return to see the Results, I figured that anything I really wanted to say had better be in the Battle post.

      The last concert I ever saw was Rickie Lee Jones in Phoenix, Airheadzona, April 18, 2014. I seriously doubt I'll ever attend a non-free concert again. Just like I seriously doubt I'll ever take another trip that keeps me away from home longer than 3 or 4 days. I've changed.

      Thanks for taking a moment to check in, and I hope to see ya back on July 1st. I'll be featuring a song and a group that I'm sure you'll abbalouly love... since I do. And you know how your musical tastes mimic my own. ;^)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  2. Hey Stephen,

    I thought for sure the original would win even though I pitched my vote for the chicks and winner in this BOTB. This was a close race and very interesting that the cover artist bet the original. Great battle showdown. I'll see you on July 1st, my friend. Have a bandtastic week!!

    1. HiYa, CAThy!

      When I constructed this match-up, I had a sense that the cover artist, Elizabeth McQueen & The Firebrands, would beat the Eddie & The Hot Rods original. Primarily, because I thought Eddie would be too fast and rambunctious (male toxicity) for the majority of my readers. However, I did think it would be a pretty close Battle, which it did indeed turn out to be.

      The only real surprise for me was that a couple of voters whom I thought WOULD be voting for Eddie went for Elizabeth instead. (One can just never know all these things for sure.) But after 8+ years, I feel like I've developed a pretty accurate sense of how to create a competitive contest, and more times than not, I can predict the winner in advance, despite having no psychic ability. ;-)

      ~ D-FensDogG


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