Sunday, January 1, 2023


First of all...
"A Tradition Since 1986, Except For 1994." 
No, the sign isn't just a joke. See the fella at the left side of the bar in this next photo!...
I wasn't really sure which direction I wanted to go in with my 'Battle Of The Bands'. But then on December 20th, my Brother and I visited Virginia City. I took a couple of "dog" pictures which reappeared in my mind while I was trying to go to sleep a few nights later, and my BOTB direction became clear...
Recently, our BOTB friends Cathy & Mary have been doing BOTB Song Challenges ('James Bond songs' & 'Phone Number songs', respectively). I was reminded of my BOTB contest of Feb. 1, 2022, HERE.
In that blog bit, I wrote this:
Virginia City, Nevada, is my favorite place whole the world, and it's only a 30-minute drive up the mountain from where I live.
Today, there are about 14 saloons in V.C. All but two are mostly too touristy for my tastes. The two I really like are local hangouts, The Corner Bar & The Silver Dollar Saloon. Because of the music they play, my favorite is the latter.
As luck would have it, I've kept a list of some songs I've heard played in 'The $ilver Dollar $aloon' in Virginia City. And I thought: Why not create a 'Song Challenge', pitting these songs I've heard at the $ilver Dollar $aloon against each other?
And because I couldn't come up with a good reason NOT to do this,... I'm doing it. This will probably take me through at least June of 2023.
On Feb. 1, 2022, I put Dr. John's song 'Right Place, Wrong Time' against The Average White Band's song 'Pick Up The Pieces' (both songs I'd heard being played at The $ilver Dollar $aloon), and Dr. John won 11 to 4. So, this means that Dr. John's 'Right Place, Wrong Time' is currently the reigning champion in 'The $ilver Dollar $aloon Song Challenge'.
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing! 
Let's move on to 2023's first challenger:
On Sunday, December 8, 2019, Stephanie (the owner of 'The Silver Dollar Saloon'), introduced me to a young, White, Blues music prodigy named Jonny Lang. See which song you like better, Dr. John's 'Right Place, Wrong Time' or Jonny Lang's 'Rack 'Em Up'.
Link for sound adjustment:
RACK 'EM UP -- Jonny Lang
Link for sound adjustment:
Please check out the other BOTB participants' blogs 
(over there somewheres --->)
I will be back to announce the winner of this $ilver Dollar $aloon $ong Challenge on or about January 8th.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
DogGtor of Alcohology &
King of Inebriation Nation


  1. Happy New Year Stephen T!

    It's always fun to take trips down memory lane. I do recall your posts about Virginia City. Did you know there is a place in Montana also called Virginia City that is also a step back in time? How fun would it be to do a Virginia City Road Trip to visit all the Virginia City s in the US?

    I'm also liking the idea of your ongoing battle!

    As much as I like, nay... Adore Dr John... I'm going to have to cast my vote for Jonny Lang. He got me toe tapping and going on this cold wintery morning.

    Hope this New Year brings you much love and prosperity!


    1. MMQE ~

      I did know about Virginia City in Montana. I haven't been there, but in my twenties and thirties I would have enjoyed that road trip idear: Virginia City, Nevada, to Virginia City, Montana. Why didn't you give me this idear decades ago?! On a 1988 road trip, I was only 90-something miles away from V.C., but I was in a hurry to get to Butte (the posse was closing in fast!)

      Nowadays, I don't like to be gone from my homestead for longer than 3 days, 4 at most.

      My friend, Pooh, and I did do a road trip in 1986 from the Devil's Tower in Wyoming to the Bucket Of Blood Saloon in Virginia City, NV. Today, we're still telling the stories that we're able to remember from that trip. (The ones we can't remember are probably best forgotten, anyhows.)

      Thanks for the good 2023 wishes, my friend. Right back atcha!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  2. I would definitely love going to that saloon. Tell me, what is pasted on the ceiling? It looks like cigarette butts but it can't be that. I see the bras but those white things leave me wondering. :) I am giving my vote to Dr. John. I just love this song and his interpretation which gets me wanting to dance.

    1. BIRGIT ~

      Thanks for coming by to spike my BOTB punchbowl; and a Happy New Year to ya!

      >>... what is pasted on the ceiling?

      That question is a goot juan! Yeah, it's hard to tell in that photo, but the Saloon is covered with dollar bills. People write their names and the date, or draw pictures, on dollar bills and staple them against the walls. There's got to be thousands of dollars tacked to the walls of The Silver Dollar Saloon.

      And what you're seeing on the ceiling are more dollar bills that have been marked and tacked overhead. I *HAVE* been in the Saloon at times when customers have posted personalized dollar bills on walls, but I have never yet seen one put on the ceiling. Somewhere around that Saloon there must be one helluva tall ladder!

      No, I've never posted a dollar of my own at The Silver Dollar. (I just read your mind there.) I simply can't see putting one-fifth of a glass of Single Barrel Jack Daniel's on a wall. :^D

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. ADDENDUM:


      I just learnt sumpin' new. No ladders need apply! Here's a short video showing how they get those dollars on the ceiling:

      [Link> Silver Dollar Saloon in Virginia City, Nevada

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. Happy New Year, Stephen T.!
    I love what you’ve done to the place ;-)
    I well remember the blogs and the saloon you mention. That steep stairwell terrifies me every time. The Silver Dollar Saloon seems like a fun place. There were (are?) a couple of cool “Silver” places here in the Old Pueblo once upon a time ago; The Silver Room, and the Silver Saddle. Both had the requisite really cold beer, the Saddle had excellent food, but the Room had occasional live bands, the best tunes – and a huge dance floor! Good times.
    I like your idea for upcoming song challenges. How clever that you’ve been taking notes of songs you’ve heard.
    I’ve always loved live bands, probably because my dad always somehow played in one. So I was all in to giving Jonny Lang an ear. I wasn’t disappointed. In fact, I was impressed! Oh, I still like Dr. John just fine, but Jonny gets my vote this time ;-)

    1. Howdy, dIEDRE, my Arizona pal!

      >>... I love what you’ve done to the place ;-)

      Ha!-Ha! Why, thank ya! I think I missed my calling. I shoulda become an interior decorator. (Are "Confident Heterosexual" males allowed to do that work?)

      >>...That steep stairwell terrifies me every time.

      Every time I approach The Silver Dollar Saloon, the stairwell says to me, "You didn't bring that dIEDRE with you, did you?!"

      Apparently, you terrify the stairwell, too. I think it's a Mutual Terrified Society.

      As a person interesed in Old West history, I've visited (or at least passed through) many ghost and semi-ghost towns. And it's funny how often one finds a "Silver Dollar Saloon". I wish I had a silver dollar for every Silver Dollar Saloon I've seen. (But, no mistake about it, the one in V.C., NV. is #1 for me.)

      >>...and a huge dance floor! Good times.

      I'll bet you could cut a rug!
      Me, I dance with "the White man's overbite". (See: 'When Harry Met Sally')

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Ha! I hate it when my fingers can’t keep up with my thoughts. The sentence should have read: “The picture of that steep stairwell…” Sorry about that. Can’t say as I’ve ever even passed through your area. Looks nice. Except for the snow…
      Anyway, nice banner!

    3. Yeah, the snow is a pain-in-the-butt! I am *NOT* a fan of White Christmases.

      The weather is the only real drawback to living here. The Winters are too cold and the Summers are too hot. But the 3 weeks of Spring and 3 weeks of Autumn are gorgeous!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  4. I never get tired of seeing the Silver Dollar Saloon. I also still love that picture of the dog just hanging out at the bar. Mine are far too little, too spastic, and too stupid to join me like that. Plus, I feel like if a grown man brings his toy poodle into a bar, he's apt to leave with a punch in the mouth.

    As for the battle, I was hooked on that Dr. John song the moment I hit play, and didn't think Jonny would hold a candle. To my surprise he did, far more than expected, though it wasn't quite enough to snatch the win away from the good doctor. Give my bote to Dr. John, and tell ol' Jonny he and his music are welcome to play at my local dive bar any time.

    ~Chief J S-A

    1. Hail to you, Chief Julio -
      Your poodle comment made me laugh aloud, and reminded me of a story from my cousin. He is an expert killer of birds via the shotgun, and he teaches classes training people to shoot and dogs to retrieve. One time, first day of class, he was outside by his car smoking before class. An attendee came up - not knowing he was the instructor - and saw his poodle. He belly laughed and said: "You gonna try and train Fifi here to fetch? Har har." And went inside. My cousin's poodle is, in fact, named Fifi, and she is one of the best hunting and retrieving dogs in the Northwest. The guy had total egg on his face, but the story backs up your comment: poodle owners "don't get no respect... no respect at all."

    2. JULIO (Down By The Trainyard) ~

      >>... if a grown man brings his toy poodle into a bar, he's apt to leave with a punch in the mouth.

      To quote a little boy whose train at Knott's Berry Farm had just been robbed by an outlaw: "I'll punch him in the nose!!"

      Thanks for coming by to help me get my 2023 BOTB installments off to a good start!

      "The Good Doctor" appreciates your support. It's looking like he may survive this Battle to fight another day. (Let's just hope he doesn't run into that little boy at Knott's Berry Farm!)

      ~ D-FensDogG

    3. My first comment got eaten by rabid poodles, so let's see if this works the second time around.

      That's a hilarious story, Sixgun. I had no idea poodles could be hunting dogs. Then again, most people didn't know that my poodle was (and still is) a certified service dog. He was used to bring comfort to sick and dying patients at the hospital. He even got a picture in the local paper because of it. I guess being a fat little blob that doesn't squirm too much when people pet you is a highly desirable quality.

      (No, those poodles still don't get no respect from me, no respect at all)

  5. This is a VERY tough battle. I am a big fan of Dr. John, but this young punk Jonny (with no H) has great chops. Love his song. Generally I like blues as a genre better than funk, but Dr. John is SOOOOO funky, the funk is overwhelming. Heck, Parliament would even vote Dr. John as the funkiest of mutha funkers. Because of the EXTREME groove of the doctor, I am going to give my vote to him by the mere thickness of the ivory on his piano keys.

    Hey BTW, have you met a guy named Hippy Joe at the Silver Dollar Saloon?

    Sixgun McItchyfinger


      >>... this young punk Jonny (with no H) has great chops.

      When he was born, his mother said, "Get the H outta here!"
      (Full Disclosure: I stole that joke from the old 'Tony Orlando & Dawn' TV variety show. Are you old enough to remember that one?)

      >>... Heck, Parliament would even vote Dr. John as the funkiest of mutha funkers.

      We don't use that expletive here. I replace it with "Scatman Crothers!" (But that's a story for another blog bit, at another time, in a galaxy far, far away.)

      As always, I sincerely appreciate you stopping by with pennies for the kitty. (Miss Kitty appreciates it, too. Although I think she'd prefer a saucer of milk.)

      >>... Hey BTW, have you met a guy named Hippy Joe at the Silver Dollar Saloon?

      OK, you really had me going with that one. I'd never heard the expression before, and for a brief moment I thought maybe you actually knew some character who claimed to have been a regular at The Silver Dollar Saloon. But in googlin' it, I found the following definition at Urban Dictionary:

      Hippie Joe
      Hardcore drinker and partier and pain in the ass.

      The answer is no. I've never run into a Hippie Joe at The $ilver Dollar $aloon. (Which probably means that *I* am the Hippie Joe there.)

      Everybody has been really cool at the $.D.$. and I've met some goot punks there. One time, a guy and I sitting next to each other at the bar started watching on his cell phone the movie 'ON ANY SUNDAY' (he was a fan of off-road stuffs). We saw about half of it before I decided it was time for me to mosey on down the wooden sidewalk.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Hmmm. I wasn't trying to trick you. I thought he was one of the real bartenders:


    3. Oh, interesting, McSIXGUN!

      I do believe I may have seen that guy in town, but not at the Silver Dollar Saloon, to the best of my recollection.

      At first, I didn't even think that photo was from the Silver Dollar, but studying it more closely I recognized a photograph and a mirror on the wall in another one of Alisha's photos.

      This one was taken in March of 2012, apparently BEFORE the whole "put a dollar bill in ever space on the every wall" idea became a *thing*.

      If you look behind the bartender, you can see just 3 dollar bills tacked up to the wall above the coffee maker. Maybe that was the start of the dollar bill fad there(?)

      There were several consecutive years where I wasn't able to get up to Virginia City very often, and 2012 was right in that pocket of years. So, Hippy Joe was probably tending bar at the Silver Dollar while I was getting drunk elsewhere.

      Do you know this guy? Or, how did you come across that photo?

      ~ D-FensDogG

    4. Nope, I don't know the guy, I've never been to the Silver Dollar, and I'm not even sure I've ever been to Virginia City, Nevada. I MAY have been... about 50-60 years ago. No, I just often follow up on whatever you is bloggin' about. Even though I am a teetotaler, I think the Silver Dollar Saloon seems like a very interesting place and I just was doing an image search on it. The image of Hippy Joe came up, and I had no idea that there was also a moniker "hippy joe" that meant anything. I thought maybe this guy served you drinks on occasion!


    5. McSixgun ~

      Wow! I didn't think anybody ever paid that much attention to anything I ever said or posted. :^D

      I learned within the last year or so that at one time - long, long ago - the Silver Dollar Saloon was actually a movie theatre. Even with my imagination it's hard to picture that little hole in the wall down that steep flight of stairs being (I'd have to guess) the world's smallest movie theatre. But they uncovered some old spotlights from that time and now have them displayed in the saloon.

      Yeah, everything about Virginia City fascinates me. The town was nearly completely dead until the popular Bonanza TV series, which often mentioned it, renewed the public's interest in the town. It was gradually reborn as an Old West tourist destination.

      Today, there are still references to that rebirth, in the form of The Ponderosa Saloon, the Bonanza Saloon, and a variety of Bonanza-related souvenirs available in C Street shops.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    6. ADDENDUM:

      I have long suspected that I lived a previous incarnation in Virginia City, in the 1800s. This would partially account for my obsession with the place.

      I think it's even within the realm of possibility that I may have stumbled upon my own gravesite in the cemetery. But that's a story for another place and time, in a galaxy far, far away.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  6. Dr John gets my vote, but Jonny Lang is good!

    1. Thanks, MIKE.
      Nice to see you back again, alive & kickin'.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  7. Something about Jonny Lang sent me back to Biddy Mulligan's on the Far North Side of Chicago, sitting at the bar with a pitcher of Old Chicago Dark and a pack of Kool Super Longs... no question, Jonny Lang by a country mile...


      Although I've never been to Biddy Mulligan's, and never had a pitcher of Old Chicago Dark, nor smoked Kool Super Longs, I know EXACTLY what you are expressing.

      It's got a classic Blues sound that would lend the proper atmosphere to so many similar places. For me, the first one that came to mind is the defunct 'Jolly Jack's' in Dogtown, just two blocks stumbling distance from the house I lived in (partied in) for a few years in the early '80s. 'Jolly Jack's' was the bar that the boys and I would drink and play pool in while trying to figure out where we were going to go drinking. ;^D Oh, man, those were the days... and nights.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  8. Hands down Dr. John wins my vote in this round. This song was the right song for my December. What a month it has been! I'm still in recovery. Damn! I even missed my Battle this time. But I was thinking about it. Just too tired and busy to do anything.

    At least I've made it today to do some voting.

    Happy New Year to all!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. LEE ~

      I appreciate you coming by to bote, even though you weren't able to get a Battle of your own posted this time.

      Methinks this has been an interesting Battle. It seems the majority of voters think it's a tight race, even though they slightly prefer one song to the other.

      But then we have John saying, "no question, Jonny Lang by a country mile...", while you say, "Hands down Dr. John wins my vote".

      It's this kind of stuffs that keeps BOTB interesting to me. It's fascinating to me how different people hear and respond differently to different music. I've always said that music is the most Spiritual of the arts because it's the one that is hardest for individuals to explain their visceral reactions to it.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  9. And Stephen,
    Happy New Year, Happy Margarita Day, and Happy 6 Days after Judge Al Day! Tell Judge Al Goober said hey. Rack em Up sounds like the type of song that we may have played often at Jolly Jacks. Heck we might have worn it out. Hey isn't the Silver Dollar the place I lost money at playing black jack? But you see it's all a bit foggy to me as my wing man was nursing a bad hangover in the hotel and I may have imbibed a bit too much with no one to talk any sense to me. But then again that did't do any good in Reno any way, any how.

    You know, I heard of another bar in Virginia City: The Bucket of Blood. We should go there some time.

    Back to the battle at hand not to mention the battles with the bottles lost. Close call but I'm a go with Dr. John on this one.


    1. ...And, POOH, That's Not All!...

      Happy New Life to you!
      (Don't you ever get tired of having "a Christmas morning" on Christmas mornings?)

      >>... Rack em Up sounds like the type of song that we may have played often at Jolly Jacks.

      Yeah, fer sure. JJ's was the first place I thought of while listening to this song. I think I'm gonna post a picture of JJ's in the January 8th blog bit where I announce the winner of this Battle.

      It also reminds me of the time a guy who thought he was a pool hustler tried to take my Pa at a bar in Prescott, Airheadzona. That didn't go well for the stranger, and his girlfriend got mad at him because he kept losing their money. Ha!-Ha! (No great story EVER started with a glass of milk.)

      How come it's always "Eight ball in the corner pocket"?
      If I were a good enough pool player, I'd always make it "Eight ball in the side pocket", just to be a rebel.

      >>... Hey isn't the Silver Dollar the place I lost money at playing black jack? But you see it's all a bit foggy to me as my wing man was nursing a bad hangover in the hotel..."

      Yeah, your wingman was down for the count that day. (Even the hair of the dog wouldn't stay put.) Worst hangover I ever had in my entire drinking career. Which is saying a helluva lot when one considers the hangovers I had on Catalina Island; coming home from Vegas with Twinkie; at Kelbo's; in that Mexican jail... and so on and so forth!

      Today there are no table games in V.C., only slots and other video gaming devices. Since I wasn't with you, I can't zactly say where you lost money playing black jack. But my best guess would be The Delta Saloon, which was the most extensive gambling spot in town. And it was directly across the street from the Bucket Of Blood Saloon (a.k.a. "The 86er"). You probably lost money at the Delta's black jack table and then stumbled across the street to drown your sorrows at the B.O.B. Saloon.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  10. Happy New Year! Oops I mean Happy Margarita Day, my friend! :) My vote goes to Dr John! I love that who vibe of his song. The other fella I don't remember nor do I recall his song. I guess it flew over my head like many of the songs out of the late 9s did. This is going to be a fun series. I'll be looking forward to your next installment. Here's hoping 2023 is good to you!

    1. CAThy! It's That You!

      And a Happy Shirley Temple Day to you, muh frien'!

      The Jonny Lang song wasn't a hit; and helck, I had to descend into the depths of the Silver Dollar Saloon to learn about the bloke, muhse'f. So, your memory is fine. I'd bet a silver dollar that *THIS* was the first time you ever heard of Jonny Lang & this song.

      Dr. John appreciated your "bote", and as a token of gratitude, he'll write you a prescription for the "medicine" of yer cherce. (I wish I could get in on that deal. ;-)

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Yeah, it's me...Cathy! :) I'm happy to know that my memory is okay...well, sorta anyhow. Maybe Dr. John can write me a script for something to improve my memory. :D

  11. Yo S-Man,

    You can't see it in the picture but the dog has a pack of smokes rolled in his left sleeve.  

    Right Place, Wrong Time sounds like it could soundtrack a 70s movie.  I can hear it from outside the bar slumped against the wall as Baretta pulls up at an angle, taking up a lane of traffic for no good reason.  He grabs me by the collar and shakes, "Where'd you get the stuff!"  I was so relaxed because of the heroin - horse, h, smack, carne - I just nodded out.  He must have thought I OD'd because Teddy "Bear" Rayjay the bar owner later said he walked in and had a few beers nonchalant.  Baretta is sexist because if men were hookers, he'd shout, "We're losing her!" before carrying her to his car and couch, smoked and ran his hand through his hair in concern as she got cleaned up.  Becoming so invested in her health, his beef against Kingpin Clarence Washington III becomes personal!   

    "Man, Clarence, don't worry about no two-bit cop."

    "He don't play!"  

    Dr. John's song is good, when the organ comes in goes to a great, lush full level.

    Definitely a vote for Jonny Lang who surprised me.  In the first verse, I'm thinking, okay, when's he gonna pick it up. Worth the wait (~ 30 seconds)/payoff, the song is fantastic, instant timeless classic (obviously one of the rare "remembered where you were the first time you heard it" songs), 10/10.  

    Happy New Year, hope you're off to another great start, surely are, alive in Willoughby.  

    G Dogg

    1. G DOGG in the hou-owww-se!

      >>... You can't see it in the picture but the dog has a pack of smokes rolled in his left sleeve.

      And he's got a tattoo on his arm that says "Baby". He got another one that just say "Hey!"

      "That's right, Kingpin - THIS TIME IT'S PERSONAL!!!" Don't do the crime if you can't... if you can't... uhm... if you can't name that tune!

      You got Tony B. all figgered out -- the punk!

      As for me and my house, we... liked him best in the early days, when he was still cross-dressing and showing up anywhere and everywhere, like, as a gardener, a washerwoman, a hobo down on 'The Nickel'. Then Tony decided that wasn't cool no more and he just wanted to be a tough pirate with a parrot on his shoulder. (Me, I'm a coward with a chip on my shoulder!)

      >>... Happy New Year, hope you're off to another great start, surely are, alive in Willoughby.

      Thanks, DogG! Livin' & lovin' the mobile home park life... except when it's buried in 3 feets of snow and my Internet goes out. How they 'spect anyone to survive when the Internet goes out?! What is this, a turd-world country or sumpin'?!!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  12. Al Bondigas here. Great idea you done did came up with here. I think I was with you when you made these selections. Am I right, or was it the dog? Hey, I don't recall that mutt every buying a round, do you? I bartended for a short while as you know, and there were always a few free loaders hanging around hoping someone would buy them a drink. Man, I hated that job. Same drunks sitting at the same stool, drinking the same drink, telling the same stories every night. Anyway, I'm rulin' fer Dr. John. Both songs are good but, Dr. John's is gooder. Rulin' fer the Doc. That's it, that's muh rulin'.


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