Sunday, January 8, 2023


A hearty & sincere 'Thank You' to everyone of youz who participated in my 'Margarita Day' Battle Of The Bands installment. I hope your 2023 is off to a good start!
The Battle took place HERE and it was in essence the second installment of 'The $ilver Dollar $aloon $ong Challenge'. Dr. John & his song 'Right Place, Wrong Time' was defending it's #1 position against a young underdog named Jonny Lang & his song 'Rack 'Em Up'. Most people seemed to really dig both songs, so I feel the Battle was actually closer than the vote tally indicates.
Like most of the BOTB "boters", I really liked both songs, but I have to toss my two cents The Good Doctor's way. That song is just too funkin' funky! As a matter of fact, glancing at the upcoming challengers, I think there's a possibility that Dr. John could run the table in this contest.
Doctor John = 9 votes
Jonny Lang = 4 votes

For you who boted for Jonny Lang, be consoled by the fact that the kid is going to get a rematch against The Doctor. Because it just so happens that I've heard one other Jonny Lang song at The $ilver Dollar $aloon in Virginia City, Nevada, and I think it's worthy of a shot at the title. So, I AM planning a Dr. John / Jonny Lang rematch in the future. But I think in my February 1st Battle, I'll first give another artist a shot to take down The Doc.
Thanks again, all y'all, for participating! And I hope to see ya back here again on or about February 1st.
DogGtor of Alcohology &
King of Inebriation Nation


  1. Great battle results, McStephen!

    Looking forward to your upcoming battles (They are always pretty decent, but this seems to be a popular one)

    One of the year down, and all is well...


    1. MMQE ~

      I've got what I think are some pretty good Battles lined up for 2023 (and, yes, one of them will include Tiny Tim!) Normally, I go into a new year without any clear BOTB direction in mind, but this year, I've already got two-thirds of my Battles mentally prepared in advance.

      That leaves one-third of the time for me to play with, to move in the direction the spirit points me toward. As an old, former Method actor (and a lover of Jazz music), I always need some elbow room to spontaneously improvise in. ;^D

      ~ D-FensDogG

  2. Hey Stephen,

    It's me, Cathy! Thanks for taking the time to report the outcome in your first battle of 2023. I was pretty certain I was about the only person who either didn't remember or hadn't heard of Johnny Lang. I'm quite curious about the rematch comin' up in the near future. I'm sure when it does, I'll be like..."Didn't Stephen already to do this once?" Have a funtastic week, my friend!

    1. Hey, CAThy, it IS that you!!! :oD

      Don't feel bad about memory lapses. They happen to all of us of "a certain age".

      A couple nights ago, I was watching an old Pink Panther movie with Judge Al Bondigas. And when the Egyptian assassin appeared on the screen, I said, "Hey, that's Omar Sharif!" And then I almost fell out of my chair when I realized that I had instantly remembered his name correctly.

      The only thing worse than getting old is... is... uh... hmmmm... No, I guess that's the worst thing there is. ;-)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. Engaging battle, Stephen T! Way to blast into a brand new year ;-) Looking forward...

    1. Thank you, dIEDRE!

      And I also want to thank you for noticing and commenting on my new BOTB header. I'm glad you like it, too.

      The guitar was given to me by my Grandpa when I was a kid. (He was such a fantastic Grandpa!) Do you remember the music group England Dan & John Ford Coley? One of those two guys tried to buy the guitar from me once, but I was having none of it.

      The red boxing gloves belonged to my Brother, Judge Al, but he was throwing them away because of one of the seams on the side had split open. (My Brother is the one old guy that you REALLY don't want to mess with!!)

      So, I got the idea to use the guitar and boxing gloves in a photo for my 'Fight Song' BOTB installment last year. And I liked the picture so much that I decided it would be perfect to use as a new BOTB header beginning in 2023.

      The original BOTB header was a photo I had taken from the "head-cutting" guitar duel scene in the movie 'Crossroads'. (If you've never watched that movie, I strongly recommend doing so!) I thought it was thematically spot-on. But I like this new header with my Grandpa's guitar & my Brother's old boxing gloves even better!

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Now I like the new header even more. Gotta love that kind history ;-) "Thematically spot-on" is right.
      Not sure if I've seen Crossroads, but January paperwork dictates at least a couple of movies to offset the taps on my 10-key, so I'll check it out. Dan and John? About the only guys (besides Chris Cross) I know can guide a heart to the moon and back just by singing about it :-)


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