Wednesday, March 1, 2023


I am pleased as spiked punch to announce that Debbie D'Doglady has rejoined our 'Battle Of The Bands' family! (Debbie, 'Why You Been Gone So Long?') You'll find her brand new BOTB blog located HERE and also in my sidebar list of participants. Y'all please BE SURE to visit her BOTB installment and add her to your own list of BOTB family members!
Because I don't want everyone getting sick 'n' tired of hearing Dr. John's song 'Right Place, Wrong Time', I've decided to temporarily put my $ilver Dollar $aloon $ong Challenge on pause for this month and next month. But, God willing, it will return to this site on May 1st.
Right now, I want to show a little love to a musical genre that doesn't get enough attention at 'Battle Of The Bands'. No, I DON'T mean RAP. I said "musical" genre. I'm talking about Country-Western music.
Alright, let's get on it. Let's get ON this thing!
First up is Lisa. No, wait. She's not Lisa, her name is Jessi - Jessi Colter. Also known as Mrs. Waylon Jennings. Take it away, Julie-- er, I mean, Jessi!
Why You Been Gone So Long - Jessi Colter

Next up for your consideration is Tony Rice. That's MISTER Tony Rice, to you!
Why You Been Gone So Long - Tony Rice

Please vote for your preferred version of this song in the comment section, and then put yer two cents into the BOTB installments of all the other BOTBers. Thanks!
I will return here on or about March 8th to cast my own BOTB "bote" and learn y'all who won.
Much Love & Smiley Faces!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. Thanks very much for that warm welcome back, Stephen! ☺ The muse took me elsewhere over the years, but I really missed BOTB and had fun designing the new site for it.

    Sounds like you're in a good mood! Love and Smiley Faces? ☺☺☺

    As for your battle, I have to be honest and disclose that Country Western is not among my favourite genres. That said, I preferred Jessie Colter's sound - not as twangy.

    1. DEBBIE ~

      >>... Sounds like you're in a good mood! Love and Smiley Faces?

      Oh, no, not even in the slightest.
      You remember that old saying, "Fake it 'til you make it"?

      Jessi has that "Outlaw" Country sound going for her, which to my ears is almost as much early Rock 'N' Roll (or Rockabilly) as it is Country. Tony Rice is downright Bluegrassy, so I get why you favored Waylon's Widow.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  2. Good-morning Stephen,

    Ain't it just great Debbie is back? I'm giving my vote to Mister Tony Rice. His cover sounded happier which set my body in motion. :) Well, my battle is up Beatles Greatest Hits BOTB series with Love Me Do. Hope over when you can, my friend!

    1. CAThy! ~

      I dun had a feeling you might be a Tony Rice voter because I remembered that you almost always prefer the male singers to the female singers.

      Yeah, Debbie always did some interesting BOTB match-ups and it's great to have her back with us.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Thanks Cathy and Stephen! ♥

  3. Hey There Stephen!

    What a lovely welcome back battle for Ms Debbie D!
    I've learned that pausing a series every few months helps keep the interest flowing (At least that's what I tell myself) My next pause is my April battle and it's a good one fo'sho! Once you see the title of the battle, I know you're gonna want to send all your peeps over to check it out. Can't say too much more about it right now without giving away all my secrets, so just plan on being there! It's one you definitely don't want to miss.

  4. WTH!
    Google went and published my comment before I was ready! Grrrrr
    I better cast my vote now before it tries it again.
    My vote is for Mrs Jennings.

    1. MMQE ~

      >>... "plan on being there! It's one you definitely don't want to miss."

      No, uh-won't!
      Wild Horses couldn't drag me to it.

      Tiny Tim? Wait... did you say... "Tiny Tim"? Yeah, Tiny Tim could drag me over there.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. Ughh country but it's not tConway Twitty country or Minnie Pearl country. I'm not into what? You don't like Rap? Why not? It's so sweet and uplifting and...ok, I can't go on because I'm not into rap crap either. There might be a couple of songs I don’t mind but blechhh. Once I was at a stop light and a dumb ass had his boom box playing so loud with that crap. So I turned up my classical music which just so happened to ve playing the 1812 Overture with cannons and all. He looked at me and I looked at him as I was rocking out to this tune. He didn't know what to think as I laid on the rubber and drove away. vote go to Jennings because I liked her voice more and tge song seemed to suit her and she knew how to sing it.

    1. Great story about rap crap vs the 1812 Overture, Birgit. You won! ☺

    2. BIRGIT ~

      Yer dern betcha I'll take the 1812 Overture over Rap Crap any day! (You were doing 'Battle Of The Bands' on the roadway!)

      Thanks for stopping by with two cents for the (spiked) punch bowl! This has turned into an extremely competitive match-up.

      ~ D'DogG

  6. Howdy, Stephen T.!
    You sure have a way with words. And a spring in your step too (weather notwithstanding) if you're venturing into cowboy country. Don't worry, no harm will come to you;-)
    My vote goes to Ms. Waylon!

    1. Howdy, dIEDRE ~

      >>... You sure have a way with words.

      What "way" is that? "WRONG WAY: Do Not Enter!"? ;-)

      Sheriff John and Roy Rogers made me "cowboy" all the way back when I was still spillin' muh milk.

      Ms. Waylon appreciates your support, Cowgirl!

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Ha! No, I just liked your clever contender introductions.

    3. :^D Thanks, dIEDRE. I had a rare window of 10-minutes sobriety and I seized the moment!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  7. Tony Rice is a truly talented guy, but so is Jesse Coulter. Between the two I've gotta cast my vote for Jesse. She puts a nicer sounding spin to my ears.



      What with the FIDDLE and the Bluegrass pickin', I figured that if Tony Rice got only ONE vote in this Battle, that vote would come from YOU! That'll learn me not to ASSume again.

      (Who are you REALLY? And what have you done with Lee?! You ain't foolin' no one.)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  8. Tony Rice caught me right away with some incredible guitar work. He gets my vote!


      Yeah, I had you pegged as a Tony Rice "bote".

      ~ D'DogG

  9. Jessi Colter's version was nice, but Tony Rice's version won me over with that whimsical bluegrass charm that makes me want to grab the nearest jug of moonshine (with a comical 'XXX' painted on the side) and swing a pretty gal 'round and 'round until she's sick. They like that, right? The gals? Probably not. Oh well, their loss. Either way, my bote's for Tony.

    1. SIXBEEE! ~

      Thanks for dropping your two cents into the moonshine jug!

      I've never really been sure 'What Women Want'. I mean, yeah, sure, they want diamonds -- we ALL know that. But otherwise... you got me. Most of the women I've known have told me they [Link> "want to be alone".

      ~ D-FensDogG

  10. And Stephen,
    What no Dr. John? Just when I thought I had you in a pattern. But no, but no, but no. Not my favorite song. I remember Jessi Colter being easy on the eyes. Not so easy on the ears in my opinion. My vote goes with Jerry Rice, nothing could be finer than to be a Forty-Niner going for the gold in the Super Bowl... I mean Tony Rice just a little smoother and easier on the ears.

    1. ...AND, POOH, THAT'S NOT ALL!...
      You know better'n to ever think you've got me locked into a pattern! Mavericks are hard to pin down, punk. "We do what we WANT!!!"

      I sincerely thank you for your continued support of BOTB. But... mentioning that football team, and the city it is associated with, has gotten people banned from this blog before. Proceed cautiously, my friend. ;^D

      ~ D-FensDogG
      ("Los Doyers!")

  11. While Coulter does a good job and I like it, Tony Rice is right up my bluegrass alley! GREAT stuff(s)! Terrible that he passed unexpectedly in 2020, way too early. Not sick, just gone. I wonder why? I'm baffled! Baffled, I tell you.

    Keep up the country songs for a while. They will probably have a good voice, a real melody, and no autotune.

    Sixgun McItchy

    1. McSIXGUNBOY ~

      Hey, I'm glad you enjoyed this Battle so much, and thanks for dropping yer two cents into the kitty. Kitty sez: "Meow!"

      Oh, dear, Tony Rice [Link> DIED SUDDENLY? I knew that he recently died, but I did NOT know that he... [Link> DIED SUDDENLY, without any warning. What a shame! Dying Suddenly has become the 21st Century's biggest fad. It's like what the Hula Hoop was to the 1950s... but even more dangerous.

      Well, "We tried to tell them, didn't we, Andy?"
      "We sure did, Mayor."

      I've got something already planned for April 1st. It won't be Country, but it WILL be Western. It's one I've been wanting to do for quite awhile, and April Fools' Day seems appropriate.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  12. Yo S-Man,

    Good battle. I was leaning toward Jessi Coulter because she looks like prime time Linda Ronstadt. And the song sealed the deal - gets my vote. Great voice. Mr. Tony Rice's is pretty good. If I was driving down a lonesome Texas highway on my way to San Antonio to shoot a big guy or break a whiskey bottle over his head to get my lady back, I wouldn't change the channel.

    P.S. Waylon Jennings did a rebuttal song to Colter's version with "It's Carry On Only And You're Too Much Luggage".. but they ultimately worked everything out.

    G Dogg

    1. G-DogG in the hoooooouwse!

      'Why You Been Gone So Long', DogG? I was starting to worry. Thought maybe you took the jab-a-roo and I started google searching "G-DogG Obituary" but to my great relief, din't nut'n come up.

      Watchoo drinkyn these days, my DogG? I've been itching to revisit the past and get me a "short dog", but they don't sell Thunderbird anywhere in this town. (No Colt 45 malt liquor, neither. What the-- ?!) Guess I'm due for a drive to Reno. They have all that good ol' stuff in Reno, and all this month it's BOGO on Mad Dog 20/20 at Reggie's Hooch Emporium! And while I'm in Reno, I might as well shoot a man, just to watch 'im die, eh?

      Yeah, Linda Ronstadt... I never really liked her music all that much, but there was that one album cover... And I know that YOU know perfectly well which one I'm referring to. Don't even pretend like you don't, punk!

      I'm not gonna lie, either. I'll be honest and admit that I did google 'It's Carry On Only And You're Too Much Luggage' to see if there was such a Waylon song that I somehow missed. I know he'd-a never written a song like that about Jessi, BUT he had a wild sense of humor, and that title sounds like something he *COULD* have written about *SOMEONE* (just not Jessi).

      Thanks for dropping your two cents into the bottle of Night Train. (Honestly, I always liked it better'n Thunderbird, because I had goot taste and always preferred fine red wine to fine white wine. I think it was because of that bit o' Mohawk Indian I've got in my blood.)

      ~ Vine Scully

    2. Al Bondigas here. Well done Stephen T. Two very good versions here. I'm gonna have to make a rulin' fer Jessi Colter on this one. There's sumpin in her voice that tends to get to me. There's a certain forlorn quality to it. Not overtly forlorn, but maybe threelorn. Hmm, I'll have to deliberate on this here quality thang. Anyway, rulin' fer Colter. That's it!! That's muh rulin'!!

    3. JUDGE AL ~

      >>... Not overtly forlorn, but maybe threelorn.

      Like, not a secondary class, but more like a thirdary class?

      Thanks for coming by and putting your two drops of punch into the bowl of 190-proof Everclear. I felt like it could use some mellowing and just a touch of fruity flavor. You dun goot.

      ~ D-FensDogG


    If you are interested in seeing the final vote tally for this 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS' installment and my closing thoughts on it, you can put the following URL into your browser:

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'


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