Monday, April 15, 2024


Howdy, Handsome DogGs & Pretty DogGesses!
It's time for Round #8 of Battle Of The Bands' Battle Of The Booze.
This time we have two classic singers - one male and one female - going up against each other. The hooch (a.k.a. "evidence") in the song is champagne (a.k.a. "bubbly"). The male singer is Frank Sinatra; the female singer is Shirley Bassey. BUT!...
...a thing I find particularly interesting in this match-up is the fact that behind both singers is the SAME orchestra and conductor. Have you ever heard of Nelson Riddle and The Nelson Riddle Orchestra? Yeah, of course you has, you marvelously musically edgeukated friends o' mine!
I also find it ultra-interesting how the same orchestra operating under the same conductor sounds so completely different in both versions of the same classic song! Listen and you'll see what I means:
I Get A Kick Out Of You
by Frank Sinatra (& The Nelson Riddle Orchestra)

I Get A Kick Out Of You
by Shirley Bassey (& The Nelson Riddle Orchestra)

In ye olde comment section, please vote for which recording you liked better betwixt these two, and then please visit the other wonderful BOTBers and also drop your two cents in their comment sections.
* See the BOTBer links over there --->
I plan to return here on or about April 22nd with my own vote (*if I can figure it out*) and the Final Tally of this BOTB installment. Until then... get a goot juan!
~ Stephen-Boy


  1. Mr Stephen -

    I'm going to cast my vote for Nelson Riddle...

    And Frank Sinatra.

    While Shirley Bassey is a dramatic singer, Frankie boy is a smooth crooner.

    Stop on over to my place and vote in the latest Call Me battle.


    1. MMQE ~

      You were smart to cast your vote for the winner of this Battle! Nelson Riddle will *definitely* win. He might also lose... unless he ties with... Nelson Riddle.

      Shirley asked me to tell you this: "Thank you for liking me, even though you didn't vote for me. Some people hate me, while they don't vote for me." (Well, at least that's what it sounded like she said. The connection was bad, and we were both saying, "Can you hear me NOW?")

      ~ D-FensDogG

  2. My mother had a few albums with Nelson Riddle's orchestra playing on them including some of Frank's. I listened to those Sinatra albums often in my adolescent years.

    Since I'm partial to Sinatra and Bassey's bongos bummed me out (and I mean the drums), I'm casting my vote for Sinatra.

    I'll be sitting out the midmonth Battle since I'm trying to keep up with A to Z. But I'll be back in May!


    1. BOIDMAN ~

      My Ma LOVED Sinatra, and both of the Sinatra CDs I currently own were gifted to me by her. My Pa liked Sinatra too, but he was more of a Nat King Cole guy.

      Ma moved up in 2005, and if I don't vote for Sinatra in this Battle, I know she will come back and haunt me. Which, honestly, doesn't seem like such a bad thing.

      Thanks for showing up to vote, even though you don't have a Battle of your own running in this round! I appreciate your BOTB loyalty, Brother!

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. Stephen -
    You are not sure how you are voting, but... that's you. There was no question in my mind about this battle for me. My dad didn't like Bassey, my mom didn't like Bassey, and I didn't like Bassey and I still don't. Shirley should have changed her name to "Brassey," because her tone is jarring and awful. That unforgettably jarring tone is why - no doubt - they picked her to sing "Goldfinger." (followed by blaring horns "wah-WAAAH-wah.")

    Sinatra usually wins the battles he is in. This song is one of his best. Smooth and cool. Frankie, baby.

    Sixgun McItchyfinger

    1. Sixgun Mc ~

      Actually, I stand corrected. I did not know how I was voting. That was until you and Arlee Bird both voted for Sinatra. At that point, I knew I had to vote for Shirley (my Ma's name) or risk starting McArmageddon! Every time all three of us vote alike (which is an exceedingly rare occurrence), I feel the earth move under my feet; I feel the sky come tumblin' down.

      I knew that Ms. "Brassey" sang 'Goldfinger', but I don't remember how it goes. I'll have to check that out when I get done here. The James Bond stuffs has never appealed to me, so I've not seen a single Bond movie. I'm more of a Maxwell Smart kinda guy.

      I really, Really, REALLY appreciate your ongoing BOTB support. (As Nappy would say...) "You alright, Sixgun."

      ~ Dr. DogG

      Oops! I forgot to mention (although I'm sure I've mentioned it in the past) that my all-time favorite performance by Frank Sinatra was when he sang 'Witchcraft' in 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit'. Frank never looked and sounded better! :^D

      ~ D'DogG

  4. Of course I have heard of Nelson Riddle and his orchestra. They were huge in the day and played for all the greats. You can tell how versatile they are just from these 2. I am giving my vote to Shirley because I love her voice and I like the calypso beat Riddle created for this famous piece of music. I'm not a big Sinatra fan either..I know, sacrilege, but, I don't care:)). I bet Nelson did another version of this son with Judy Garland because he was with her a lot.

    1. BIRGIT ~

      I thanks ya for coming along and breaking up this popular Bassey-bashing.

      I've always counted you amongst the elect group known as the "BOTB Shutout Busters". (The other members of that group are John Holton and Mike. I may be in the group too, but I've never really counted how many times I've busted up a BOTB shutout. I'm sure there's been at least a few over the last 10+ years.)

      You've got me curious, so now I've got to check on that, too:

      1) Listen to the 'Goldfinger' theme song.
      2) Check to see if Nelson Riddle backed Judy Garland in a rendition of 'I Get A Kick Out Of You'. (I hope so, because if that's true, I've already got in mind a terrific match-up I can do in the future!)

      Birgit, thanks again for being a longtime loyal BOTB "boter".

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. This song always makes me smile - no matter who sings it ;-) I didn't mind the bongos, it went well with Bassey's mood. But I like Sinatra's version best ;-)

    1. Howdy, dIEDRE! ~

      >>... "I didn't mind the bongos, it went well with Bassey's mood."

      Bassey's bongos were far more appealing than Frank's bongos! Of course, that's merely my own "confident heterosexual" opinion. ;^D

      Frank's boys told me to tell you, "Thanks. We'll do you a favor too, sometime."

      FRANKly, I've never liked the mafia but...
      they "sure can cook!"

      *Remember that line. You'll need it later when you see 'Monte Walsh' for the first time. ;^)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  6. I always say that no one does the standards like Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald. Now if you had those two competing in this battle, I'd be totally lost... but you didn't. Shirley Bassey is a fine singer and her version of this song is excellent, but Frank's is sublime. Give my vote to Frank and a big kiss to Dame Shirley.

    1. SIR JOHN ~

      It's funny you mentioned Ella Fitzgerald because my initial plan for this Battle was indeed to put Frankie baby against Ella. However, I knew from the get-go that, using this song, no matter WHO I put against him, Frank had the victory in the bag. All of the style and phrasing that Frank is famous for can be found in this one song, and no one could best him in a contest over 'I Get A Kick Out Of You'. It would be akin to someone beating Bobby Darin in a BOTB installment over the song 'Mack The Knife'.

      So after repeatedly listening to Frank's and Ella's recordings back-to-back I came to realize that Ella's rendition was simply too sedate compared to Frankie baby's. I felt that what I really needed was another version that really had some "Pop!", or a real "Kick" to it. And then when I realized that Nelson Riddle's boys were the backing musicians for both Frank and Shirley, and how radically different they sounded in both recordings, I swapped out Ella for Shirley. (I probably contemplate all the nuances of my BOTB contests to a greater degree than I really ought.)

      At any rate, Frank was going to win this no matter what, so I decided to run with the Nelson Riddle connection for the interest factor and the more "bubbly" approach in Shirley's rendition.

      Thanks for bringing an 80-proof bottle of sumpin' for my punch bowl, Brother.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  7. So, you considered the Ella Fitzgerald version, but you didn't even consider the best version of all time?

    What the hell is that shit? Kidding aside, this was a great battle. I like both of these, and I chalk that up to Nelson Riddle more than anything, because what fantastic arrangements, though different they may be. Frank's is the classic, the original that everyone thinks of when they think of this song, and I tried not to let that familiarity sway me too hard. Either way, I like Shirley's voice, and I love that flavorful percussion. Shirley's bongos won me over, and I guess the song is good, too. Give my bote to her.

    1. Beer Brother is RIGHT! That IS the best version! That is one movie that I will stop and watch all the way through every time I see it playing... which isn't very much any more. I guess the morons think it is racist.

      Also, after reading your comment and others above, apparently I am alone is disliking Brassy Bassey.

      Sixgun McItchyfinger

    2. JULIO 6-B ~

      That's hilarious, McBrother! I'm ashamed that it didn't even dawn in my headbone that the greatest version of 'I Get A Kick Out Of You' was unquestionably performed by Sheriff Bart & His Chain Gang O' Color!

      And I gotta say, that FULL scene, including the part where Slim Pickens rides up and shouts at those "Kansas City faggots" is probably the funniest part of what is probably the funniest movie ever made!

      Poor Shirley is getting her bASSey kicked here, so she sho'-nuff appreciates your participation in this BOTB installment.

      Mang, now I'm thinkin' that it's near time to see 'Blazing Saddles' again sometime before Uncle Scam shuts the power down and starts serving us bugs for breakfast, lunch & dinner.

      That was a great bottle of "evidence" you brought for this punch bowl, my friend!

      ~ Dr. DogG

    3. SIXGUN ~

      I can scarcely believe it took a fellow from Gen M to remind us old fogeys that the best version of the song comes from a movie that had us laughing our heads off in 1974. (I even own the movie on DVD and still forgotted!)

      Yes, you seem to be alone in your extreme antipathy toward Shirley. However, I thanks ya for teaching me how to pronounce her name in a way that I will never again forget. I'd always forget if it's Bassey, like the bass instrument, or Bassey, like "brassy". I'll never get it wrong again, I can assure you of that. Thanks!

      ~ Dr. DogG (like "Trog")

    4. Count Basie or classy lassie?
      Classy Lassie or Mr. Bascom?
      Mr. Bascom or Rin Tin Tin?
      The Tin Man or Cowardly Lion?
      Cowardly Lion or Toto?
      Toto or Rosanna?
      Rosanna or Africa?
      Africa or Asia?
      Asia or Toto?

      ~ D-FensDogG

  8. My vote goes to Frank hands down! I gave Shirley whirl but her vocals didn't do it for me and the bongos didn't suit the song in my opinion. I love her Bond theme songs, though. Interesting battle. No need to rush over to my place. I don't have a mid-month BOTB. :)

    1. CAThy, It's That YOU!

      My friend, thank you for coming by with a vote for Frankie baby! He loves the attention, don'tcha know!

      I shirley hope you'll be rejoining us BOTBers on May 1st. If not, I'll need a note from your guardian. ;^D

      ~ D-FensDogG


    I totally dug the bongos on Shirley's version, but Frank's smooth dulcet tones hooked me.


    1. ED ~

      Thanks for coming by with your two cents for the BOTB kitty!

      Shirley unquestionably has the best bongos! If this were a Bongos Battle, Shirley would beat Frankie baby in a shutout. :^D

      ~ Dr. D-FensDogG

  10. Interesting battle, Stephen, and you can't go wrong with Nelson Riddle! He even worked with Linda Ronstadt. ☺ I'm going to side with Birgit on this one, and vote for Shirley. I really like the arrangement and her distinctive vocals. Frank never did much for me in that regard, although there's no denying his talent.


      I thanks ya for coming by and pouring a Manhattan into the BOTB punch bowl. (Fun Fact: Incidentally, I have another 'Manhattan' planned for a future BOTB's Battle Of The Booze installment. 88 kudos to you if you can guess what the song will be!)

      Frankie baby is going to win this contest (the Mob will see to that!) but at least brassy Bassey is making her presence known in the ring.

      ~ Stephen T. McManhattan

  11. Al Bondigas here. This was actually a pretty tough battle for me. I've heard the Sinatra version before, and I believe I may have heard the Shirley Bassey version as well. I kind of went back and forth with my rulin' and finally decided to make the rulin' fer Bassey. I have to admit, for someone who doesn't like Frank Sinatra, I did enjoy this song. I'll give the credit to the Nelson Riddle Orchestra. Anyway, rulin' fer Bassey. That's it, that's muh rulin'!!!

    1. JUDGE AL ~

      Shirley and her bongos thank you fer yer rulin'. It helped to keep her nearly abreast of Frankie baby's vote total.

      It was a foregone conclusion that the Italian bloke would win this Battle, but I'm pleased as spiked punch that Shirley was able to give him a run for his money.

      ~ D-FensDogG


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