Wednesday, August 7, 2024


My last Battle Of The Bands contest took place HERE, and it was between 'Chug-A-Lug' by Roger Miller and 'Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat' by Bob Dylan. 
It was a big blowout (someone brought a cat to a dogfight), but I thank ALL of you for Visiting, Listening & Voting.
Although I was awakened, raised & liberated by Roger Miller, my own vote went to Bob Dylan. No one could pack more serious meaning into a seemingly silly & superficial song than Mr. Zimmerman could. 
Regardless... the end result was pert-dern lopsided:
Roger Miller = (cranked up to...
11 votes
Bob Dylan = 3 votes 
The last time I saw something that lopsided, it was me on a bicycle, riding home after a day & night at Rail City Casino. (I lost my money, my cowboy hat, and my self-respect!!) 
Please return for my August 15th Battle Of The Bands installment. We are going to take a one-Battle break from the booze (a.k.a. hooch & evidence), because I have something very, Very, VERY special planned. Bear in mind that I very, Very, VERY rarely describe something as very, Very, VERY special, so that goes to show you how very, Very, VERY special this next BOTB installment is going to be. (If you only knew... how much my heart hurts while I type this silliness! 'Wild Thing' knows, but none of the rest of you do... yet.) 
~ Stephen T. McCarthy 


  1. I'm surprised the results were so lopsided! Not sure why your heart hurts, Stephen, but I will be sure to check out your mid-month battle, seeing as it's very, very special.


      Every time I think I've got BOTB figgered out pert-goot, something happens that reminds me yet again that...

      UHP! I'M AN IDIOT!
      (That's an old League expression.)

      I really thought Dylan would win this Battle with a fair amount of ease & room to spare. I knew with 422.83% certainty that my Brother would "rule" for Roger, so I wasn't worried about a possible shutout.

      NEVER could I have imagined Dylan getting beaten in a blowout of this magnitude!

      >>... "seeing as it's very, very special."

      Correction Please:
      It will be very, Very VERY special.
      (I don't mean to harp on genuinely insignificant details but... it's lower case, upper case, and then full caps. I actually learned that technique from my ol' pal the ~Flyin' Aardvark~ many years yonder from here. She's smarter'n the average bear, and also smarter'n the non-flyin' aardvarks.)

      Rock On, Sister!!

      ~ Stephen-Boy

    2. Noted: very, Very VERY special. ☺ And Happy Birthday! (I saw that on diedre's blog).

    3. Thank you, DEBBIE!

      It was a nice, quiet day & I was in bed by 5:30, like a good, old man should be. :^D (It sure ain't like it used to be!)

      ~ Ol' D-FensDogG

  2. You still brought light to a couple of Very entertaining singer/songwriters. Good One ;-)
    So, you've got something very, Very VERY special AND painful in mind? A new gold tooth? Be safe out there ;-)

    1. Glad you liked it, dIEDRE!

      A new gold tooth?
      I don't even have an old gold tooth.

      Writing this comment from my phone while waiting for Tom Petty to take the stage. (He's now 8 minutes late, and counting...)

      ~ D-FensDogG

  3. I'm on the right side in your battle. I think Roger Miller won out because everyone just knows this song the best. Thanks for sharing how this boozy battle went down, my friend!

    1. CAThy, thank you for coming by to check on things. And, yes, the Familiarity Factor is often a massive element in BOTB outcomes. Although the competitor was Bob Dylan, this wasn't one of his more famous songs. And the truth is, I really had no idea so many folks were aware of this Roger Miller song. I mistakenly thought it was more obscure than it apparently is.

      ~ D-FensDogG


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